Image ideas


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Image Ideas:

By Zak Labiad

What I think makes successful images in music magazines:

• Representation= how the person/object is seen, and how they are seen.

• Camera Angles= how the person/object are seen through the initial readers perspective.

• Mise-en-scene= how the person/object is seen through the medium of there posture, appearance, clothes, etc, conveying emotion, helping the reader to establish on whether we approve of them or not.

Image One:(Front Cover Image)

The special effects of bright flames of fire, combusting from the open mouthed cover artists convey a number of things; not only does the fire connote the genre of a heavy metal (of which is the music genre of the particular artist) , yet also illustrates the artists rebellious attitude and persona, as the flames are directed towards the reader as if he does not car eon offending the audience (the wide open mouth giving off the impression that he shouting, this being an aggressive and thus non caring typical ‘metal’ attitude) that again helps to establish that genre and the actual artists to readers. In the middle of the explosion is an actual band, posed together with what appears to be a set of guitars, subtly hinting that the band offers true music that comes from within the soul or deep inside them, which will appears to the reader, as well as gaining the attention at the abnormality that is the band playing music inside someone's mouth. Other things that help to establish the ‘rock n, roll’ attitude of the artists is his strong unbreakable stare towards the audience, as well as the long black hair, suggesting a non-caring attitude towards society's expectations on appearances. I really do like this image, as not only is it unusual but it at once gains the attention of the reader, from the close up shot of the face the special effects it immediately engages the reader, into wandering on what that image can be about, effectively and successfully doing its job in drawing the reader.

Image Two:(Supporting image)

The model leans against a brick wall, his arms crossed as he looks towards on side with a slight smile. Above him his a sub heading, that helps to encapsulate the article; as well as this the photo has been digitally changed to black and white. The use of the black and white photo immediately ignites the idea that the photo comes from an old era (as photos were black and white) yet as you delves and question deeper, the use of the photo being in black white does link with the past, yet also ties in with the thought of a journey and self discovery with that artist. This can be seen through the fact that he is leaning against a wall (a wall normally signifies a destination), as well as the fact that the artists is looking towards a direction, the same direction as the wall runs, again emphasising the idea of self discovery and destination, not too mention how young the artist is (the sunglasses hanging from his shirt typically highlighting this), revealing that the young artists might be trying to improve his work as well as to find himself along the way. This gives the artists a human element, rather than just an artist of which a magazine talks about. Readers will now be able to relate to this, of which they will feel more recognised with the artists.

Image Three:(Establishing Shot)

When taking photos in magazines, there either tow ways of which a shot can go. The director can either choose to focus on the model, with a simple, or even blank screen behind them. Or, in this case, the magazine will focus on not just the artist but also the setting, normally so as to convey a theme of mood of either the artists or the magazine itself. In the following case, the photo is of an abandoned warehouse. The connotations of a warehouse are not particularly positive, nor is the adverb ‘abandoned’. Yet because of the extravagant bright sunlight that dominates the setting, the reader could gain the interpretation (if featured in a music magazine) that a classic artist was now coming back into fame or popularity, or that an old album was being re-issued. Or more likely, this setting could be associated with the grumpy, ‘say-it-how-it-is’ artist, e.g. Jake Bugg.

Image Four:(establishing the model)

Helping to illuminate the model of the artist/artists helps to not only set the aurora of the artist, its genre, and the magazine, but also ties in deeply with the gratification theory, that justifies the reasons on why we, as audiences, actually like any form of media; to entertain, inform, to relate, and idolise with. The artist on a music magazine, represents all of these features towards a reader, and is the deciding point so as to whether the reader approves and buys the issue, of disapproves and ignores it.For example, we see the famous music couple John and Yoko, by looking at there close body posture, they are comfortably hugging as well as looking towards the camera and through towards the reader, as if to say that they are not ashamed of their relationship. Audiences can relate to this, as we all, in some way, have experienced a form of love , some might even idolise of such a close and warm relationship of what they have and read from within the article. John Lennon of course belongs to the legendary band ‘The Beatles’ there music both helped there listeners to not only entertain them, but to also reveal messages of love, relationship and comfort, of which can be taken as educating an audience; an in-depth article about John Lennon such as this, again hopes to achieve educating the readers, just as his music did to his listeners.

Image Five:(costume)

Of course there is now way that costumes in my magazine will be as stupendous as this, yet I have decided to have this image placed in the presentation, just so as highlight a few crucial points on when it does come down to costume.The costume should help to signify the person wearing it, there personality, as well as the mood of the article, it should almost have to represent their soul.

Most importantly it should be a clear representation as to there genre of music.

A costume is not just for ceasing nudity, but the costume is also important for it can reveal many things. For example in this photo we see a female in wearing a collage of fruits and flower; yet because these are typically feminine, as well as the fact of her being a girl, and the erotic pose that she teases towards the audience suggests a sensual, and even possibly crude article ahead.
