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1. In this image it connotes a half red and half black rose, it looks very old and weathered, almost like its about to die from a very long life. This denotes the meaning behind love and romance as its a rose, and some parts are red, however the black suggests something dull in its life. To me this image encodes that a relationship has died out, the red shows all the good memories and adventures, but the black shows the tragic part of the story, the dull surrounds its light and takes over it, winning the battle. The way the rose curls inwards, almost like an embrace shows that the relationship will always be held on to and will never forgotten even though it was a tough time. This decodes that somebody died, with the red and black mixed shows that the rose isn't just an ordinary flower, the person behind it was unique and will always be remembered.

2. This image connotes a very long road with shattered and broken glass up close. This denotes the meaning behind someone leaving the mess behind, waiting for somebody else to pick it up. However to me this encodes the meaning behind scars and how someone's life may have been tragic in the past, but they leave all the bad memories behind and start a new life on a new road, its all about having a clean slate and becoming a better person. This decodes that someone has broken something and possibly vandalised somebody's property.

3. This image connotes somebody's shoe being left in the middle of the road, with a figure like shadow reflecting onto the ground. This denotes the meaning behind shadows and solving mysteries. To me, this encodes the moon and how when the clock strikes 12 everything becomes uncertain. The way you can only see the body in the shadow suggests the person only comes out when no one can see him, when its dark and no one is around. This decodes an image of a ghost and how he is looking over the person with the shoes, almost like a guardian angel.

4. This image connotes a girl crossing her fingers behind her back, this denotes that she is either making a promise or wanting to break one. This encodes the meaning behind fingers and by using them you could be changing someone's life for the better or worse. To me this suggests the girl is praying for something magical to happen to her life, however this decodes that she may be hiding a lie, and not being fully honest to someone else, when to me she is just hoping for the better.

5. This image connotes a broken and sad face hiding behind a mask that appears to be very happy. This denotes that she is hiding something and not being herself around others, she is hiding things and keeping stuff locked up. This encodes the meaning behind death and how the girl is trying to get over something that happened in her life, however she cant quite fully get over it so she feels the need to hide behind someone she isn't, she's not only being dishonest to others but herself also. This denotes the meaning behind emotion and how someone has two completely different personalities, the girl in the image cant quite find herself.
