Log book & evaluation sam watson


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OCR Media Studies – AS Level

Unit G321: Foundation Portfolio in Media

Preliminary Task, Log Book and Evaluation

Name: Samuel WatsonCandidate Number: 6765Center Name: St. Paul’s Catholic CollegeCenter Number: 64770

Set Brief - Print

Music Magazine – Production

Preliminary Task Progression, Log Book and Evaluation

Preliminary Task Progression– EvidenceFront CoverStep-by-step

This was my first attempt at making the front cover of my school magazine I used this as my template for future work

This was half way through the year when I almost finished my front cover but just needed a picture to complete it

This is the completed product of my school magazines front cover

This is the finished product of my school magazine it took me approximately 2 days to complete as my original Photoshop skills were not the greatest but have developed them a lot.

This was my first attempt at making the front cover of my music magazine I used this as my template for future work that used the same format

This was half way through the term when I almost finished my front cover but just needed a few cover lines to complete it.

This is the completed product for my music magazine

This is the finished product of my music magazine it took me approximately 4 days to complete as I kept changing my idea of what I wanted it to look like and what my genre was going to be but eventually I stuck at this.

Preliminary Task Progression– Evidencecontents pageStep-by-step

Preliminary Task Progression– EvidenceContents PageStep-by-step

This was my first idea for my school magazines contents page and I personally didn’t think it looked to bad so I decided to stick with it, to get to this stage it took me approximately 2 days as I had to create a new template for it.

This was a continued version of my first attempt it shows some progress but not that much as I had to focus on other magazines aswell, however I completed these few things quite quickly as I knew exactly what I wanted

This is the finished design for my school contents page. I feel like it has been a very successful project and am very happy with the result.

This is the finished product for my school magazine, it was a very successful project I my opinion and I'm very proud of what I created. It could probably use a few hours of just cleaning it up so that it looked he best it could but I think its quite well presented.

This was what I finally decided to use as my contents page template as I think this looks a lot better than anything I could come up with.

Continuing the theme from my starting point I have added a lot more detail to give it a lot more information and so it looks slightly more professional.

This is the final product for my music contents page, I feel that it has come out better than I expected and am very proud of the outcome.

So this is the final product that I could create for my music magazines contents page, I am very proud of the outcome as it came out better than I thought it would.

Section 1) – Log Book

Music Magazine – Genre researchVibe magazine was founded by Quincy jones, the magazine often relates to R&B, actors and other audiences. This magazine is based around R&B and Hip Hop. R&B originated from African music, blues and jazz. It began in the 1940s from African American music. The songs they produced were generally about aspirations, economics and sex.

Established Magazine for my Research

Mast head

Main picture




Target Audience – Katz, Maslow, Hartley and/or socio-economic needsthe target audience for vibe is young teenagers between 14-30 who enjoy the more up beat rapping music that vibe give information about. This links to Hartley as one of the aspects that the theory looks at is age.

What is the USP of this magazine? From my research I have found out that the unique selling point of vibe is the cover lines, I know this as they focus on making a lot of these to make their magazine more interesting for their readers.

Publisher researchThe publishers of vibe magazine are called spin media, they bought the magazine in 2013 for an unknown sum.

Now Quincy jones is the main publisher as he creates the magazine and all of the designs.

Conventions of a Music Magazine


Cover lines

Main image


Cover lines


Target Audience – Katz, Maslow, Hartley and/or socio-economic needsthe target audience for vibe is young teenagers between 14-30 who enjoy the more up beat rapping music that vibe give information about. This links to Hartley as one of the aspects that the theory looks at is age.

What is the USP of this magazine?found out that the unique selling point of vibe is the cover lines, I know this as they focus on making a lot of these to make their magazine more interesting for their readers.

Publisher research

The publishers of vibe magazine are called spin media, they bought the magazine in 2013 for an unknown sum.

Now Quincy jones is the main publisher as he creates the magazine and all of the designs.

For VIBE their target audience is teenagers and adults from the ages of 14-40 as that’s the poplar age of people to listen to Rap music.
