Megan Byrne - Media Music videos


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SYNOPSIS- Setting: ‘male dominated’

world, dark gloomy, isolated, industrial

- Character: female, 16-18, insignificant

- Mise-en-scene: gloomy lighting, dark, gritty

- Props: Something that shows the girl wants to achieve, e.g school books

- Themes: Society, feminism, patriarchy

- Inspiration: Peace – I’m a Girl

GENERAL PLOT:One female amongst a world of men (‘mans world’) whom underestimate her and take away her rights one by one, this ‘world’ will be extremely dark and gloomy, the girl finds herself isolated and feels as though there is nothing she can do. The girl however, fights through these struggles, despite the men that undermine her, and finds escapism through trying her best to achieve (e.g through schooling or a specific hobby), for this section the ‘world’ will gradually become more brighter and the music will become more upbeat/fast paced as she finds her escapism. This concept is a representation of women in countries that aren’t given the same rights as men, allowing the audience to open their eyes and realize how it would feel to be secluded from something simple in western society like schooling (e.g dark, lonely, no way out), perhaps to further this idea of placing yourself in the characters shoes we will use some dolly shots of a close up of the girls face, to show her wondering about this world alone.


IDEA 2: SYNOPSIS:- Setting: house party, forest,

teenage bedroom, warehouse, housing estate

- Character: group of teenagers, one single teenage boy/girl as main character, working class

- Mise-En-Scene: bright lighting, brightened colouring, intense camering/shots, fast paced

- Themes: drugs, teenagers, modern society

- Inspiration: Where’s your head at – Basment JaxxGENERAL PLOT:

A teenager who has ‘gone off the rails’ and has began hanging around with the wrong crowd. As the music video plays we see a once studious teen begin to experiment with drug use and excessive alcohol consumption. With the use of lighting and editing, the video will show the affects of drug use and the toll they take on the teenager, when they first begin to experiment with alcohol and drugs the lighting will be extremely bright and colorful, we will use the forest setting and editing effects to show how the drugs make the teen ‘feel’. However, towards the end of the video will we show the negative affects of drug use, the once bright and colourful world the teen saw will become dark and gloomy, the teen will become paranoid and almost loose their mind.

IDEA 3: SYNOPSIS:- Setting: school grounds,

classrooms etc, teens bedrooms

- Characters: teens that don’t fit in, don’t fit in with society's ‘norms’

- Mise-En-Scene: dark lighting (showing unhappiness), gritty looking school, florescent school lighting

- Props: School textbooks, pens etc, glasses on characters that are misfits

- Themes: Youth, society, bullying

- Inspiration: Taylor Swift - Mean

GENERAL PLOT:Shots of pupils that don’t fit in within a school because they don’t live up to their social expectations. The video will show their progression within school and the effects of bullies who single them out/underestimate them because of the fact that they are different, we will use dark gloomy lighting and editing effects to show them walking around the corridors looking almost lost, we will also include the effects of bullying outside of school (e.g cyber bullying). After every bullying incident within the music video there will be a short clip of the victim holding up a piece of paper that says ‘HUMAN’, showing to the audience that despite the bullying, they are staying strong and proving that we are all human beings – the ‘differences’ that single us out do not define who we are.
