Minimal art. Lecture


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MinimalizmОсновная единица

современного искусства — не идея, а анализ и

расширение ощущений.

Сьюзан Cонтаг

1950 1960 1970 1980

Donald Judd (1928-1994) 1967.


Sol LeWitt Pavadinimas: Du atviri kubai, 197260 x 305 x 233cm

3Donald Judd 1969


Donald Judd1967

Барбара Роуз «Искусство ABC».

Art in America, октябрь 1965

Это искусство отрицания и

отречения. Такой длительный аскетизм обычно свойственен

размышляющим или мистикам… Как и мистики,

эти художники в своих работах отрицают эго и

индивидуальность в попытке пробудить полугипнотическое

состояния чистого бессознательного.


Carl Andre 1976

Carl Andre 1978


Tony Smith


Sol LeWitt


Sol LeWitt 1967-71.

Sol LeWitt

9Robert Morris


Frank Stella

«What you see is what you see» звучит ставшая знаменитой тавтология, которой Стелла

11Eva Hesse, 1967


Dan Flavin


Daniel Buren


Wall Drawings: LeWitt creates instructions for lines and shapes to be painted directly on gallery walls. When an

exhibition ends, the wall drawing is painted over. The “work of art” consists of LeWitt’s written installation instruction and a

certificate of authenticity.


Richard Serra

Richard Serra


Richard Serra

Richard Serra 1971Walker Meno Centras, Mineapolis. 


The Lightning Field, 1977, by the American sculptor Walter De Maria, is a work of Land Art situated in a remote area of the high desert of southwestern New Mexico. It is comprised of 400 polished stainless steel poles installed in a grid array measuring one mile by one kilometer. A sculpture to be walked in as well as viewed, The Lightning Field is intended to be experienced over an extended period of time, and visitors are encouraged to spend as much time as possible in The Lightning Field alone, especially during sunset and sunrise. In order to provide this opportunity, Dia offers overnight visits for up to six people during the months of May through October.


The New York Earth Room by Walter De Maria 250 cubic yards of earth (197 cubic meters) 3,600 square feet of floor space (335 square meters) 22 inch depth of material (56 centimeters) Total weight

of sculpture: 280,000 lbs. (127,300 kilos) , is the third Earth Room sculpture executed by the artist, the first being in Munich, Germany in

1968. The second was installed at the Hessisches Landesmuseum in Darmstadt, Germany in 1974. The first two works no longer exist.


Walter De Maria

The Lightning Field, 1977. Isolated in and interacting

with the high desert of southwestern New Mexico,

the sculpture consists of 400 stainless steel poles situated in a rectangular

grid array one mile by one kilometer. A full experience

of The Lightning Field depends upon the

opportunity to view it alone or with a small group of people over an extended

period of time. Dia Center for the Arts, which commissioned and

maintains The Lightning Field, schedules overnight visits in advance, limiting

groups to six or fewer persons.


Robert Smithson. Spiral Jetty, 1970, black basalt rocks, earth and salt crystals, coil: 1,500 x 15 feet, stretching out counterclockwise into the translucent red water of Great Salt Lake, UT. As yet this has not been done. Spiral Jetty was acquired by Dia Center for the Arts as a gift from the artist's estate in 1999


ХРИСТО. ВОРОТА, 2005. Центральный парк, Нью Йорк.


Mur de Barils de PИtrole Le

Rideau de Ferrue Visconti, Parijs, 27 juni

1962foto: Jean-

Dominique Lajoux


ХРИСТО. ВОРОТА, 2005. Центральный парк, Нью Йорк.

24Christo and Jean-Claude. Paris, 1975 The Pont Neuf Wrapped

25Christo and Jean-Claude. Paris, 1975 The Pont Neuf Wrapped

26Running Fence, 1972-6 -- Christo



Концептуализм (от лат. conceptus – мысль, понятие)

• Джозеф Кошут. Искусство после философии (1969):

• «Основное значение концептуализма, как мне представляется, состоит в коренном переосмыслении того, каким образом функционирует произведение искусства – или, как функционирует сама культура: как может меняться смысл, даже если материал не меняется. …физическая оболочка должна быть разрушена, т.к. искусство – это сила идеи, а не материала».

29Joseph Kosuth, One & Three Chairs, 1965. sculptural installation. American.

30Joseph Kosuth, Art as Idea: Nothing, 1968

31Joseph Kosuth, Art as Idea: Nothing, 1968

Джозеф Кошут:

«двадцатый век принес с

собой то, что можно назвать

концом философии и

началом искусства.

Само искусство —

это философия, ставшая


32Four Colors Four Words (1966) by Joseph Kosuth