Nuances of wedding photography


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An expression called photography: nuances of wedding photography

   Photography is a medium of expressing human being’s passion for creativity. Humans have found various ways of travelling back in time, down the memory lane. Earlier it was solely expressed and preserved through the medium of painting or drawing but modern age relates to images, picture prints and photography. Over the past 200 years photography has evolved itself to a great extent. Photo+Graphy means ‘drawing with light’. True to its meaning, photography has enabled us to capture the points of ever moving time and preserve it so that one can peep back in time occasionally.

   In the present digital age, each person having a mobile phone wields a camera. Practically, every other person is found trying his or her hands in clicking. However, professional photography is an art in itself and formal training is required for those who have passion and creativity in this field. Ambition 4 Photography Academy is one such institution which mentors such passion for creativity by offering various courses in photography.

   As an outlet for creative impulse, photography today offers lucrative prospects for wannabe professionals and career photographers in various areas such as advertising, fashion, commercial, industrial, architectural, portrait, wedding, wildlife, news or journalism etc. There are immense job and career opportunities in these sectors. As they say a picture is more than a thousand words, printed images give life and expression to time, events, individuals, products, commodities or items in the most apt manner.

   Amongst the various forms of photography, wedding photography is one form which has gained popularity and demand across any country or culture, especially India. This form of photography has and is constantly evolving in creativity in order to match the expanding market demands. A wedding photographer’s efficiency is highlighted by the manner in which he can capture the diverse and best moments, atmosphere and emotions of the entire event. Wedding is an important rites-de-passage for an Indian man/woman and their families. In order to cherish this important event, a combination of portrait as well as candid form of photography has proved to be most suitable. Some couples plan to get portrait photography done either indoor in controlled environment like studio or their home or at various outdoor locations before (during engagement) or after wedding. Since each invited guest’s presence need to be acknowledged so people prefer formal, posed snap of the couple with guests. 

   However, wedding involves uninterrupted ceremonies and rituals too. Therefore, candid photography is resorted to capture the best and natural essence during an ongoing wedding or reception. Efficiency and creativity of the photographer is tested at such times when he can bring out the best expression and ethos of the events.

   Professional photographers come out with mind blowing results as they are trained to click by carefully planning, controlling and digitally processing, designing or manipulating light, lenses, angles, timing, background and other such factors which any layman may not be aware of. 

   A wedding photographer also needs to be aware of the cultural aspects and important rituals of the wedding assignment undertaken. If they miss out any aspect (for example, tying of ‘thali’ in a south Indian wedding) it will be considered unprofessionalism. So the photographer needs to learn to finish his homework when he embarks on any assignment.

Above all, a wedding   photographer should be prepared to handle unexpected situations like restrictions posed by some relatives on their space and movement; bringing out the best result even when the make-up is not to the desired level; any change in sequences of events; uncooperative subjects and so on.   

   Finally, when it comes to handing over the end product (the wedding album) it is the photographer's acumen which fills the customer's heart with pride and happiness. The wedding album speaks volumes about the photographer's creativity. He uses his imagination and experience to sort through the shots, manipulate them using the best technology available and present them in a sequence so as to tell a beautiful story of the most memorable occasion of a person's life. At Ambition 4 Photography professionals are mentored and trained to excel so that they can deliver their best and make such eventful occasion worth cherishing.