Robots to interact with


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robots you can

interact with

The original goal of Aiko was to help our aging population do simple tasks like make tea and coffee, tell them the weather, read a magazine, or remind them to take their medication at the correct time. However, the possible applications have grown since. Some of her amazing abilities include reading in different languages, reaction to pain, and even walking.


The ALIZ-E Project is programmed to not only interact with people but remember who they are and information about them. Currently being used to comfort sick kids, the robot is intended for child-robot interaction, which is different than adult-robot interaction.


Olivia is a social robot from Singapore who loves to talk and can even gesture with her two white plastic arms. The researchers plan to use the robot as a receptionist to greet visitors, provide information, and even as a personal assistant and companion in people’s homes.


Who’s going to get the drinks? Wilma can do the job. Using another Friday afternoon at Gamma Two Robotics as an example, an engineer actually has this robot deliver a beer.


STAIR, the STanford AI Robot, can carry out a wide range of household tasks, They include picking up objects, responding to commands, preparing meals, and even unloading a dishwasher.



Please Note: the $1,499 price is for the (fully functional) head only.






