The Night Legacy: Spares Update




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Welcome to the Night Legacy spare update!

Before we get into the meat of Generation 2, I figure it would be a good time to see what the

spares have been up to!

Orion and Regulus moved into an apartment complex, not far from their childhood home.

Let’s start with Reg. The face impaling hair had to go.

But before he went to the mirror, he invited Remington over.

Much better! Reg came out to greet Remington, looking very handsome.

And immediately started to flirt.

“What can I say? I like him.”

And just like that, Regulus has his first kiss!

“Author, go away.”

Not a chance.

They really are sweet together. We’ll just forget that Remington has been the Night family’s

maid for ages and probably knew Reg when he was at least a toddler or kid. Yep. We’ll just

forget that. Aw.

Well! This can only lead to one thing!

Well, yes, that. But I had something else in mind...

“Will you marry me?”

“Oh, Reg, of course I will!”

Now, that’s more like it!

The wedding took place in their living room. The guest list comprised of Luna, Lila, and Jessica.

While Orion also wasn’t there, Celestia was noticeably absent.

Also, screw you, game, for limiting the amount of people I can invite to weddings! Orion only

lives a few doors down, for God’s sake!

The wedding went off without a hitch.

“Where do the flower petals come from?”

...I...I don’t know.

“All right, Reg!”

“That’s my boy!”

Really, Lila? You’re not gonna clap for your son?

“Maybe later.”

Suit yourself. Maybe you can rebuild the walls while you’re at it.

Good job, Lila!

“It was nothing.”

Anyway, cake time!

And Reg is neat. I’m not all that surprised.

“Move, you two! I want at that cake!”

“Almost done, Mom!”


Oh, Jess.

“Our first kiss was just yesterday! It was amazing!”

“Remy, they don’t need to hear this story.”

“Nonsense, son! Go on, Remington!”


“Oh, wait, that’s someone at the door! I’ll finish the story in a moment!”

“*sigh* Thank Plumbob.”

“I live next door, so can you please, for the love of Plumbob, keep the noise down!”

“Oh, sure! No problem!”

They proceeded to Smustle.

All night long.

“Excuse me! Miss Author? I think we have a problem!”

What’s that?

“I’m pretty sure I felt something.”

Oh, don’t worry. The only problem is your clothes.

There! Now, as soon as you have that baby, we can get you your old clothes back!


Wait a minute.

What is up with your eyes?

“Is that really important right now?!”

I guess not. You just look possessed.

Great help, by the way, guys.

“Why?! Why, Author, why?!”

Shut up, Reg.

Welcome, baby boy, Clark!

“Here, Reg. Hold this one.”

Wait. This one?

Welcome, other baby boy, Lex!

“Aw, aren’t they adorable?”

At least for now.

And here Clark is as a toddler. Still adorable. I think he got Jessica’s brown eyes.

And here’s Lex! I think he looks a lot like Reg. He’s also got the Night family eyes.

Fatherhood suits you, Reg.

“Thanks, Author!”

I didn’t get a good picture of them as kids, but don’t worry. They’ll turn up again.

“Could you please be quiet, Author? We’re trying to read.”

Oh! Sorry, Clark! I’ll leave you to it!

Let’s check on Luna!

After Luna moved into her new house (yep, she gets a house), she invited Meadow over.

“Meadow, will you marry me?”

“Oh my Plumbob, yes! Yes!”

“Oh, Luna, I love you!”

“I love you too, Meadow.”

Some neighbors came to welcome them. It looks like Irving, Romi and Count Alan’s servo,


Merry! How did you get out of the dungeon?!

“Hmph. You don’t have control over me outside of your lot. I can go wherever I want.”


“I heard that!”

Good. Merry White of Keika’s White Legacy, everyone!

Luna and Meadow pretty much ignored them.

Wedding time!

Hey, Lila! Hey, Reg! Long time, no see!

“Funny, Author.”

Love ya, Reg.



Oh, crap. Regulus, Celestia, and Barcelona, all at the same wedding?

This will end well.

The wedding took place in the backyard. The guests (and random passerbys) took their seats for

the main event.

“Cel, you’re in my seat.”

“There are other seats, Orion.”

Reg, don’t you want to go see your sister get married?

“Can’t. Snacking.”

Oh, for the love of—This has to do with Celestia, doesn’t it?



Well, the idiot missed it. But Orion finally found his seat!

“Shut up, Author.”

And the rest of the guests loved it.

Luna moved on to the cake. No one but Barcelona seems to be paying attention. Celestia is idle

animating while Lila and Reg watch.

“Oh, Celestia.”

“Ugh, Celestia.”

*sigh* Another neat cake feeder. It makes sense, though. Luna has always been neat.

“So, Luna, have you gotten a job yet?”

“I’ve gotten a job in science.”

“Do you have to clock in?”

“Not really. I’m a test subject.”

“That sounds dangerous.”

Meanwhile, Meadow is talking to her new mother-in-law about public woohoo.

Oh, come on, Reg, really?

“It’s too hot outside.”

Have you two talked at all since the graduation party?

“Mm, cake.”


“I’m so happy for you, Luna.”

“Thanks, Cel. I appreciate it.”

“I hope you and Meadow are very happy together.”

“Thanks, Cel. I can’t wait for your wedding.”

We’re not out of sequence at all!

“I need to get going. Thanks for the invite, Luna.”

“Love you, Reg.”

“Yes, Luna, it was a lovely ceremony. Very lovely.”

“Thanks, Barcelona.”


“Something wrong, Reg?”

“Nothing, Goodnight.”

With the guests gone, the newlywed went upstairs for some quality time. I think we all know

what this will lead to.

I love pregnant sims and Meadow looks lovely as one.

Looking like scientist, Luna!

“Not quite yet, Author. But soon. Soon...”

Well, okay, then!

Before too long, it’s time for the baby to arrive. How’s it going, Meadow?


Everything seems to be normal!

“Here, Luna, hold this one.”

This one? Oh, come on, not again!

“Aw, look at him! I’m going to name him Dracula! Or Angel! Or—”

Yeah, about that. Celestia gets vampires.

“What?! But the night is my favorite time of day!”

Yeah, but Celestia’s heir.

“What do I get, then?”

My Little Pony.


Meet baby boy Shining Armor!

And baby girl Twilight Sparkle!

“Oh, she’s just so beautiful!”

See? Meadow doesn’t have a problem with the naming theme!

Before too long, it was time for the twins’ birthday!

“*grumble* I could have named them Dracula and Carmilla.”

I find it interesting that you’re madder about this than losing the heirship.

“They would have been cool names!”

Here’s Shining Armor!

And here’s Twilight Sparkle! I think they’re cuties!

“Stupid names.”

Give it a rest, Luna. You really should have seen this coming.

Flash forward! Here’s Shining Armor as a kid.

“Oh. Hi, Author.”

Hi, kiddo!

And here’s Twilight Sparkle!

“Hi, Author!”

Hi, Twilight!

Aren’t they adorable?

“Can we stop posing now?”

Just a second longer!

Meadow’s Lifetime Want requires three kids (though it’ll probably never happen), so on to kid

number 3!

And one slide later, here he is! Say hello to baby boy Spike!

“Spike is the name of a vampire. So, I get a vampire name.”

Actually, Spike is the baby dragon and the personal assistant of—

“I get a vampire name!”

Okay, okay! You get a vampire name! Sheesh. Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture of toddler

Spike, but he’s a clone of Shining Armor, but with green hair.

And what is Orion up to, you may ask?

He’s enjoying the bachelor life, going out on the town and being uncle to his siblings’ kids.

“Darn right.”

And that about wraps up the spare update! Next chapter will see the start of generation 3 in the

legacy household!

But before we go...

Here’s a glitch I got a picture of. I guess the game thought Meadow was Luna. Huh.

Well, see you next time for the next chapter of the Night Legacy! Thanks for reading!
