who involve in this trend of digital cinematography


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Who involve in this trend?

George Lucas

1999, He experimenting with a few footage of High-definition digital camera in “Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace”.

Later that year, he announce that he will filming the entire sequel on digital video.

Lucas says “ We had to talk Sony into it, [but] they built the cameras and they tried really hard to make this work; we also had to talk Panavision into committing a lot of money to build those lenses. Both companies really went out on a limb. This was a giant experiment for everybody, and nobody knew if it was going to work or if they were pouring money down a rat hole”

2002, the release of “Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the clones” using Sony HDW-F900

During the film being made, Lucas not actually shoot for full length of the film. He does it bit-by-bit process, he will shoot for 10days and stop.

Issues: Camera and lens still in Beta

2005, “Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the sith” was shot using more advanced Sony HDC-F950. the camera upgrade to be more high resolution and better color reproduction.

It using aspect ration 16:9 frame.

Robert Rodriguez

2001, “Once upon a time in Maxico” become the first well known movie shot in 24fps HD digital video, partially developed by GL using a Sony HDW-F900.

One of the first High-budget film shot in HD ($29 million)

Alexander Sokurov

2002, “Russian Ark” recorded in uncompressed HDV using a Sony HDW-F900,

All the footage uncompressed onto a hard disk which could hold 100 min of recording capability.

The documentary shot in single 99 min take (long Take).


After 10 year

Go-Pro, Smart Phone, digital Camera, and etc.

After 10 years of revolutionary of digital camera technology, we can see all the equipment become more easier to access and lighter than before.

This is part of video making but in the smaller scale, by sharing in the YouTube or others social media.

It become a new trend nowadays to make a video to earn money or just for fun.