Winter Value Powerpoint




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What is value?

We aren’t talking about money- we’re talking about color!

What is value?

• Value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color.



Paint chips show a range of colors and values!


• When you add white to a color, it is called a “tint”.

+ = Tint!


• When you add black to a color, it is called a “shade”.

+ = Shade!

Show me a tint!

Show me a shade!

How did the artist do it?!

Tint or


How did the artist do it?!

Paint a white circle

How did the artist do it?!

Add a touch of blue paint to your white paint

How did the artist do it?!

And mix..

Add a touch of blue paint to your white paint

How did the artist do it?!

Paint a light blue

circle around your

white circle

How did the artist do it?!

Add a touch more blue paint to your light blue paint

How did the artist do it?!

And mix..

Add a touch more blue paint to your light blue paint

How did the artist do it?!

Paint another

slightly darker blue

circle around your

light blue circle

Repeat until your page is filled with concentric circles!

So how did the artist do it?!

By creating

tints of the

color blue!!

What is a silhouette?

• A silhouette is the image of a person, an object or scene represented as a solid shape of a single color, usually black, its edges matching the outline of the subject.

2D shape(circle)

3D form(sphere)
