4th Grade Indian Project Ezekiel



Maidu Indians

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  • 1. Ezekiel Delagarza

2. The Maidu lived in the Sierra Nevada. The climate was warm there. There were rivers and hills. 3. They made earth covered roundhouse. The roundhouse was made of bark brush and dirt. 4. They ate acorns and fish. They got there food from trees and from rivers. 5. They had twine, acorns, valleys, foothills and fish. They used twine for baskets. They ate fish and acorns. The valleys and foothills for shelter. 6. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sal mon_chum_fish_oncorhynchus_keta.jpg http://thefolios.net/gerould/index.html http://www.ask.com/question/what-was- the-natural-resource-for-the-maidu-indians
