Car buying techniques to save money


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Car Buying Techniques To Save Money

The majority of car buyers want to save money when it comes to shopping for their


This article will explain how to save money when it comes to car shopping with the

following techniques: how to bargain for a reasonable price, trying more than one

dealership to negotiate and compare, and how to finance with your bank.

With our easy and simple car buying techniques, you should have no problem

walking out of the dealership with a cheaper than listed ad price.

The Car Buying Experience

Before you enter a dealership, do some research to get an idea of what vehicle will

work the best for you.

This step is very important because salesmen can easily trick you into buying a car that’s not suitable for your daily needs.

Once you have decided which vehicle will work best for you, list at least 5 different

dealerships with the same vehicle.

Once you arrive at the dealership,

approach a salesman directly

and ask if the vehicle is available.

Sometimes dealerships will be able to offer a better vehicle that has fewer miles and a

lower price.

If they do not have anything that interests you, then leave and don’t waste your time.

You always want to make sure and test drive the vehicle you are considering to purchase.

When you test drive the vehicle, inspect every detail.

You want to check for things like scratches or cigarette burn marks on the seats, and you will also want to open the hood so you can listen to the engine to detect any weird or

unreasonable noises.

Find any flaws with the vehicle can be used against the dealership to lower the price.

Car Buying Techqunies - Negotiating Prices and Compare Vehicles

Once everything is settled, in most cases

you can walk out with a car with the ad listed price and

tax included.

Do not listen when a salesman says they are loosing money on the deal, because at the

end of the sale, dealerships never lose money.

Once a price has been decided upon, have the dealership print out a walkout price with


Take this paper and approach to the next dealership.

Other dealership will usually price match, or try to work out a better deal with you.

Don’t be discouraged if the dealer turns down your offer.

Play the waiting game if you are not in a hurry to purchase a vehicle.

They will call back and try to make a better offer.

Before signing any kind of loan, always bring a pre-approved car loan from your own


Unless the dealership is offering you better rates, you should always finance through

your bank.

Be aware of signing anything if you decide to go with the dealership’s financing, because the dealership may not let you re-finance

later on.
