Cars That Care Chapter 3: The Remedy for Emotional Drivers Is Understanding


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Driving behavior


Context Vehicleremedies

John accelerates aggressively to passvehicle in front of him

Vehicle is braking hard as it comes up on the car in front of it

John is drifting bothto the left and right in his lane

Trigger car to search for Behavioral Indicators:

– Vehicle asks John whether it can turn on adaptive cruise control and set to the speed limit

– Vehicle congratulates John on his promotion and asks if it can reserve a ride-share vehicle to take him to and from his party that evening

– Both brake and accelerator vibrate as John touches either of them

– Vehicle also informs John that he is entering an area with a higher than usual accident rate

– Car gives verbal warning to slow down and informs John he is driving unsafely

Driver behavior flags

Vehicle detects that it is being driven erratically and putting the occupants in potential danger

Vehicle sensors

Slammed car door hard

Music louder than usual

Driver alonein the car

IoT sensors

Increasing heart rate detected through wearable device


Speaking in the car is louderthan usual

Smiling capturedthrough driver cam

Laughter detected through audio analysis in car


Calendar entry on phone for a party this evening

Vehicle entering an area with a higher than normal accident rates

John tweeted withinthe last hour, that hewas promoted

John has made 4 phone calls in past ten minutes to different people sincehe began driving

Vehicle remedies:

Your car can understand your emotions and ensure you maintain control behind the wheel.

To learn more about how IBM and Watson can keep drivers safe:

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Your car can keep you safer if you let it get to know you.

Chapter 3: The Remedy
