Driving Safely & Rain


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I remember the day I received my new car due to the large amount of rain that we

received that day.

I remember wanting to go driving so badly that day, but due to the rain that I shouldn’t.

I now realize that at the time I had made the correct decision.

However, as I have grown I have learned that people are forced to drive to work,

meetings, and other required events even if it is raining.

If that happens to be the case for you consider these suggestions in order to keep

yourself safe when driving in the rain.

Many newer autos now come equipped with front lights that remain on whenever we are


The concept here is to aid in making our cars simpler to see.

When it rains visibility is reduced, both our ability to observe others autos as well as the

capability of other motorist's to see our automobile.

Ensuring that our headlights are on while it is pouring down rain will help to improve visibility for each driver on the streets.

To drive safely when it is raining it is essential to be positive that both the

headlights and taillights of our cars are really in proper working order at all times.

When it rains the grease that is on the road is raised up and blended with water and this

mixture makes the highway slicker.

A slippery freeway offers less traction for all our automobiles.

This absence of traction may result in hydroplaning, a condition where our car tires

lose their degree of contact with the roadway.

To stay clear of the potential of hydroplaning, we should reduce our speed

as soon as the freeway is wet.

Furthermore, this mix of oil and water will make it more hazardous for drivers who

make sharp turns or who try to make rapid stops while driving in rain.

To drive safely when it is raining, we as drivers ought to think further ahead and plan

our turns and stops earlier.

Leaving added space between the vehicle ahead of us is surely a smart idea when the

street is wet.

Instead of using the 2-second following rule, drivers ought to increase that time-frame to

a 3-second or 4-second following rule instead.

Stopping distances grow on wet roads and providing more room between our car and

the one in front of us will give us an improved chance to take action in order to

stop without incident.

To be able to drive safely during the days that rain, keeping these tips in mind will help

to keep everybody safer as we drive down the road.
