Get your bums on the Saddle




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  • All about getting yourBumsOnTheSaddleGo-by-bike Logo from the awesome 1-world-2-wheels initiative
  • Chandru
  • Does this apply to you ?Maybe Not ! Think again.
  • The World isGETTING FAT
  • TrafficCONGESTIONIn 2003, traffic congestion delayedpeople 7 billion hours worldwideand wasted Five Billion gallons of fuel.
  • ENVIRONMENTVehicles contribute to an estimated60-70% of urban air pollution.60% of the pollution created by caremissions happens in the first fewminutes of operation.
  • Congestion Trap
  • What solution willaddress these problems?The bicycle is a simple solution to some of the worlds most complicated problems
  • HOW THE BICYCLESOLVES THE PROBLEMHealth IssuesBicycling Burns 500-700 calories per hour.Driving a car burns 5-20.Environmental IssuesCars produce 60-70% of urban air pollution.Bicycles produce 0%.Congestion Issues50% of car trips taken are less than 2 miles long.
  • A bicycle ride to thisVenue (~15km)Saved about 150 bucks15-20 minutes fasterI did not pollute1 hr of cardio ~500 caloriesEnjoyed it too !
  • Healthy
  • How fast, how far ?Ravi 21km in 55minsRohan 11km in 25minsPramod 6km in 12minsSiva 4km in 15minsActual NumbersThe Bicycle is consistently the fastest means of transport
  • Safe?Stats show that cycling is safer thanwalking! Do you think its safe?
  • Community
  • Weekend RidesMonthly Races
  • Corporates
  • Government
  • Its time to get involved.HERES HOW1.Join a local bicycling club2.Get on a good bicycle3.Give short distances a shot4.Try riding to work over a weekend5.Get a riding buddy
  • Weigh less. Wait LessLess Waste. Less WaistSupport Global Cooling Cool slogans whacked from 1-world-2-wheels initiativeGet YourBumsOnTheSaddle
