Help save my marriage


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Help save my marriage

Nowadays, if we browse the relationship websites and the forums on the internet, you see a lot

of people posting messages that say ‘Help save my marriage’. It is quite arguable on

whether the internet is the right place to seek advice especially on life changing matters like

marriage, but there are some people out there who do help out a lot as far as advice is

concerned. In fact, a lot of marriage experts and counselors also spend a lot of time on the

internet trying to help others as a means of helping a social cause and also as a means of

building a strong following for themselves.

There are also various other avenues where people tend to seek help but most of the places are

within the circle of their close relations and friends as well. These are the people that they

generally trust and they generally go to whenever a problem arises in any sphere of their lives

and so it is only logical that they seek out the same people when it comes to saving their

marriage. For any help to save marriage, it is necessary that the counselor, whoever that might

be, first of all understands the seriousness of the situation and also understands the psychology

of all the people that are involved. Once this is done, it becomes easier to understand the root

cause of the problem.

It is also important that the counselor does not have any preconceived notions about the

person seeking help or their partner so that they can give advice in a free and fair manner. This

is very important as any kind of wrong advice could put in danger the whole institution of

marriage. Apart from seeking advice, it is important that both the partners involved in the

marriage make a sincere and serious attempt at repairing the damage. No amount of help

would be useful to save the marriage if the people involved are not interested in the solution.

In many cases, people tend to seek help to save the marriage only after it is too late and one or

both partners have drifted very far away from each other.

So before you seek help to save your marriage, discuss with your partner and make sure that

both want to save the marriage. If yes, then it adds much more fuel to your search for help to

save your marriage