IS20G New York Chip King Day 2 Get Dailed In!


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  2. 2. AUDIO Your name?
  3. 3. The Attention to the Phone Call
  4. 4. Nearly 90% of our customers will start the journey on the internet and the phone to select their dealership.
  5. 5. They will View 7 Call 5 Visit only 2
  6. 6. AUDIO Busy Sales Manager
  7. 7. OUR FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARE DIRECTLY INFLUENCED BY OUR CALLERS JOURNEY Would you agree? The national average for marketing expense is $350.00 Virtually, all of that budget is spent to make the phone ring
  8. 8. Changed The Rules! 35 million people have smartphones, and that figure is expected to grow 40% to reach 192 million by 2016thats 60% of the country Customers google 7 dealerships but only visit 2 73% of mobile searches trigger additional action and conversation 55% of purchases related conversations occur within an hour of a mobile search Smartphones
  9. 9. 2MM Call Report Aggregate Data
  10. 10. 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 SALES CALLS BLENDED APPOINTMENTS 666,635 25% 31% 2MM Call Report Aggregate Data DID NOT REACH AGENT TOTAL CALLS 165,204 208,360
  11. 11. 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 1,000,000 FIXED OPS CALLS APPOINTMENTS 942,425 44% 20%DID NOT REACH AGENT TOTAL CALLS 410,009 185,248 2MM Call Report Aggregate Data
  12. 12. AUDIO Nobody working?
  13. 13. 23% of calls (371,775) Never got throughFixed Ops Variable Ops
  14. 14. 100% Result in an appointment ALL ATTEMPTED CALLS 25% 100% Result in an appointment CONNECTED CALLS 42% SALESCALLS
  15. 15. AUDIO BMW, black?
  16. 16. 100% Set an appointment CALLERS ASKING FOR FIXED OPS 44% 100% Connected calls asking for price/inventory or appt. CONNECTED CALLS 72% SERVICE CALLS
  17. 17. Selling bad vehicle AUDIO 8 minutes of hold time was taken out
  18. 18. AUTO GROUP CASE STUDY PHONE HANDLING TOTAL PERCENTAGE BEST OF THE BEST % Total Calls 8469 On Hold Hang-Up/Terminated Call 782 9% 3% Reached Voicemail Left Message 668 8% 5% Reached Voicemail No Message 1045 12% 2% Call Answered Agent Not Available 812 10% 7% Overall Intended Agent Not Reached/Incomplete Call 3307 39% 17%
  19. 19. Of Connected Calls LEAD MANAGEMENT PHONE SKILLS TOTAL PERCENTAGE BEST OF THE BEST % Agent Identified 4704 91% 98% Agent Not Identified 459 9% 2% Customer Information Obtained 2679 48% 63% Customer Information Not Obtained 2941 52% 36% Agent Set Appointment 2239 26% 35% Same Day Appointment Set 1350 60% 42%
  20. 20. Impact on Advertising Budget 39% of unanswered calls 61= {LOST}
  21. 21. Impact on Advertising Budget 52% of the connected calls 29= contact info was not earned, asked or received {LOST}
  22. 22. Appt. Set. Contact Info? AUDIO
  23. 23. You have always fixed what you have measured!
  24. 24. You have always fixed what you have measured!
  25. 25. The Callers Journey is so much more than a Sales and Service Appointment Opportunity!
  26. 26. Post-Sale TRAUMA Pre-Survey
  27. 27. No idea how to make a payment AUDIO
  28. 28. BBB Consumer Complaint AUDIO
  29. 29. Smartphones Changed The Rules
  30. 30. Excerpt From: Baer, Jay. Youtility Penguin Group, USA, 2013-06-02. iBooks Winning customers for life requires becoming a resource to consumers rather than simply selling to them Sixty percent of the decision is made before the prospect identifies himself. Sixty percent of the decision is made before a call, or an e-mail, or an entry into your lead tracking database. Customers are ninjas now. They are stealthily evaluating you right under your nose.
  31. 31. Employee Report Cards Hold Your Trainers Accountable For Improvement Sales Service Parts Receptionist
  32. 32. The informed callerdemands transparencyAUDIO
  33. 33. Full Name: Company: Job Title : Email: Chip King CallRevu LLC CEO & Founding Partner Contact Info
