Pitch PowerPoint - AMENDED


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Idea for the two minute opening• First we will be shown the hero of our story standing by a grave. As the police

detective kneels down near the grave, we are shown a flashback. The flashback shows the hero bursting through a door in his own house that leads to a small child's room, to which the hero's face is stricken by terror. As the camera pans around, we see a criminal with a gun to a small girls head. As the detective lunges forward, it flashes forward back into the present and we hear a loud gun shot. We then return to the present where the hero is shedding a tear at the graveside. Upon returning to the flashback, we see the little girl dead in the hero's arms with him crying over her. As the camera zooms out, the focus is changed from the corpse and the hero to a picture of the father and daughter in a picture frame. When we flash-forward, the hero gets a phone call saying that they have found “her” and that her has to go and arrest “her” now. As he pulls the phone from his pocket we can see a police detectives badge. The detective then runs from the grave to his car and pulls out his phone again and calls someone telling them to “get out the house, now”. The final shot will be of an older girl who looks like the detectives daughter fleeing from her room.

The overall vision for the thriller

• The entire plot for the thriller goes along the same lines as the opening. We find out that the girl is a convicted felon and that she has been on the run from the police for a number of weeks now. We also find out that the police detective has been assigned the job of arresting her. However, the problem comes when the police detective forms an emotional bond with the girl because of her likeness to his daughter. The police detective now has to work a double identity as he has to both arrest her and protect her.

Questionnaire resultsWe asked 10 people about what we should include in our film. These questions included things such as “What do you expect the hero to dress like?”. These are the results that followed. 5/10 people voted that our hero should be dressed in smart clothes. As a result of this we have decided to dress him in a suit without the jacket. We also decided to have him wear a long coat. We also asked if people would enjoy seeing a backstory for our hero. 7 people said it would be a good idea this is why we have included a flashback.

Types of clothes for the hero





Yes No0





Would you expect to see a backstory for our hero?

Locations we have decided to film in

One of our locations that we have decided to film in is Tettenhall graveyard (with permission). We have decided to film here because it seems quite a remote location and it would be easy to film as we need a grave for the opening. The next location is one of our team member’s offices. This is because we needed a office space that looked natural and like someone spends a lot of time in there. We needed a location like this for when the chief of police calls the detective and tells him that they found “her”. Finally, we have chosen to film the daughters murder at Lewis’ house, in his sisters room. This is because it will look natural and like a little girl actually lives there.

Costumes we have decided to use.• As mentioned before, we have chosen to dress our hero up in a

suit without the jacket on and a long coat on. This is because of our questionnaire results and what our target audience wants. However, when he is in the flash back, we see him wearing casual clothes. These things would be like T-Shirt and jeans.We have chosen to dress the daughter in cute innocent clothes as she is only a small girl. The older girl would be dressed in black clothes, maybe black jeans to make her look roguish and rebellious. The chief of police would be dressed in “stressed-formal” way. This means formal clothes but the top button of his shirt undone with his tie pulled down. This shows the audience that he is overworked and has spent a lot of time trying to track this girl down.

Themes that are communicated through our film.

Some of the themes that are conveyed through our film are as follows:• Violence• Crime• Identity• Mystery• Revenge

How the thriller film is suitable for the target audience

• Quite mature themes of guns and violence within a crime thriller theme.

• Might contain swearing depending on given rating.

• Doesn’t give away the entire plot but draws the audience into the film.

Genre conventions we will adhere to

• Theme of guns, violence and fighting.• The main focus of the opening is within a

flashback.• Ordinary man in a extraordinary situation.• Black and white• Emotional attachments leading to a theme of

revenge.• Double crossing.