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Рэчел Ви

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Viv•id – adjective producing powerful feelings and strong, clear images in the mind

London . Hong Kong . Melbourne London . Hong Kong . Melbourne


Rachel Wilkinson Digital Director Lover of all things techno-geekery Shopper Obsessive


The way we shop is changing rapidly…

Vivid Digital interprets Brand Insights, Shopper behaviour and technology

into effective Digital communication Online and offline


From London in the UK

Add British Flag here or combination of

British Highstreet image here?

Tesco, Harrods, John Lewis, Marks and Spencer

The Brits love Digital Shopping

British Online shoppers spent £68billion in 2011, 16% more than the year before. (IMRG Capgemini, Jan 2012)

E-commerce accounts for 17% of total retail sales in UK Retail and was worth £7.9Billion in December 2011 alone.

The UK is the biggest Online retailer in Europe, with 71% of Online sales come from the UK, Germany and France.

We are seasoned Multi Channel Shoppers, using Online, Mobile Phones, tablets and digital catalogues to purchase by.


The Brits love Digital Shopping


John Lewis, Is hailing its “long standing focus” on multi channel operations as the main factor in its strong performance in the first half of its financial year.

-  John Lewis were one for the first UK stores to offer a choice of how to shop: via a catalogue, online, in store, Click and Collect, mobile web, through Kiosks and iPads in store.

-  Online Retail sales now (Sep 2012) accounts for 24% of total John Lewis sales, whilst the Click and Collect service has grown 114 per cent.

-  The company actively focus on Facebook and Twitter to engage and respond to customers.

John Lewis – Department Store, UK


A true Multi- Channel Business:

-  27% of John Lewis customers research what they want in store and then purchase it online

-  Over 60% of customers research Online before going to the store

-  More than 20% of John Lewis customers buy online and collect in store

-  40% use their phones to interact with the brand when in the store

These multichannel shoppers:

- Spend 3.5 times more

-  Purchase across more categories

- Shop more frequently

- Are more loyal and have a higher retention rate

John Lewis – Department Store, UK

Optimising Digital in Multi-Channel Retailing

Optimising Digital in Multi-Channel Retailing

1. Introduction

2. The Multi Channel Shopper

3. Connecting with your Shoppers Digitally Cross Channel

4. Emerging Technologies

5. Digital Examples

6. Vivid Brand tips

2. The Multi Channel Shopper


“Vladimir’s Television is so much cooler and bigger than ours....”

The Man is dissatisfied:


“I need an entire room dedicated to a cinema system with surround sound…perhaps I should go to B&O....”

(What the Man really wants)

13 13

Hunting and Gathering begins:


Browse and Purchase Channels :

* * *

* *

Understand your Shopper

1. Choose your communicational Channels

2. Select Platforms to communicate

3. Consider your Shopper and their lifestyle

4. Think like your Shopper

5. Develop offline and online creative content & tools

Mr Vladimir Kaplinski, 36 Married Father of 2 Children Full time employment Socio Demographic B-C1 Owns an iPhone, Mac and iPad Drives a Landrover

> Busy > tired >time poor> technology lover

3. Connecting with your Shoppers Digitally across Multiple Channels


Understanding your target Shopper, his lifestyle and Shopping behaviour is paramount.

Use this information to select your channels and methods for communication.

Your Brand / Retailer & Products need to stand out in this journey.


Example: Coca- Cola

‘The Impossible, Made Possible’ Key Artwork



Example: Coca- Cola

Try out a beard Augmented Reality


Example: Coca- Cola

Shelf Talker POS in Convenience stores

((Targeting Teenage boys)


Example: Coca- Cola

Multi Pack Packaging for Grocery / Hyper Markets

(Targeting Mum)


Example: Coca- Cola

Convenience Store Counter Poster

Convenience Store Gondola End Display


Example: Coca- Cola

Experiential Sampling Real / Virtual Merchandising Girls


Example: Coca- Cola

Augmented Reality Activation for Can


Example: Coca- Cola

SWAT Team helpers at Supermarkets

Key Artwork

Example : Philips Shavers

In-store POS Unit

Example : Philips Shavers

In-store interactive and App download

Example : Philips Shavers

In-store interactive and App download

Example : Philips Shavers

In-store POS Unit

Example : Philips Shavers


Augmented Reality

‘ Try on a new Smile’ Digital Panels

- Smile - Try out a whiter smile - Recommended products - Share image / experience - Get free samples as a reward

Try out a beard Augmented Reality

Example : Philips Shavers

Press, digital activation, with QR code

Example : Philips Shavers


Example: Lynx

TVC Campaign: ‘Even Angels will fall’



Example: Lynx


Press Adverts


Example: Lynx

Augmented Reality Experiential




1. Follow the ‘big idea’ (Ad adjency / Creative) – but not necessarily ‘religiously’

2. Consider the messaging by stage / page / location

3. Clear Call to action / response on all messaging

4. Do not try to do too much with one piece of communication

5. Use Digital where relevant / helpful / you can add an ‘experience’

4. Emerging Technologies


Made up of singular or multiple LCD touchscreens, often with physical / static panels or product.

This can be used in retail to:

- Enabling the shopper to browse virtual product.

- See product rendered in 3D, with additional interactive information/data displayed

- Shoppers can access social media channels to read real-time discussion concerning featured products

- Any store can stock Brands’ entire range.

- Gesture control adds an element of interaction.

Integrated Digital POS

Adidas Adiverse Wall


Integrated Digital POS



AR (Augmented Relality) is a live view of a real world environment, which is augmented with a layer of computer generated input such as sound and video, seen only when viewed through a device such as a smartphone or using a computer webcam.

This enables retailers to:

-  Add in-store interactivity

-  Provide additional product information

-  Deliver interactive animations

-  Showcase product in 3D

Augmented Reality

Lego AR Point of Sale


Augmented Reality



Bring product to life by projection animations, mapped precisely to a product, building or space.

This can be used in retail to:

- Create the WOW factor

- Highlight hero Product

- Launch Product

- Cause a buzz / PR

Auris Car 3D Mapping Projection

4D Projection Mapping

43 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iePEp096JeY&feature=related


80% of teens own a games console.

Gamification leverages the love of gaming by applying gaming principles to engage and market to consumers.

This can be used in retail to:

- Cause a buzz / PR

- Drive instant Reaction

- Engage customers

- Leverage an emotional response

McDonalds Billboard / Mobile Game




A two dimensional barcode containing data that allows a mobile device to redirect the user to content.

QR Code = Quick Response code

They can be used to:

-  Directly link to URLs and e-commerce sites.

- Trigger a download of an app

-  Function as a traditional barcode - i.e to put items in a basket (virtual or ‘real)

QR Codes

Tesco Virtual Store, Korea

47 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGaVFRzTTP4

Virtual QR Code Shopping


Layar is an AR mobile browser for smartphones. It allows users to see location specific ‘virtual layers’ of imagery /objects using a form of augmented reality.

The technology makes use of the following:


- Compass

- Built-in camera

- Accelerometer

- Geo-targeting

Virtual AR Shopping

Airwalk Pop Up Shop

49 http://vimeo.com/22753630

Virtual AR Shopping


Image recognition systems allow software to identify consumers, or gender, based on their facial features, or objects based on their attributes.

This allows Brands and Retailers to:

- Target Specific Genders.

-  Recognise specific customers.

-  Develop targeted gender specific marketing and promotions.

- Recognise images or products and be re- directed to further information digitally.

- Interact and engage with digital touchpoints, both in-and-out of store.

Image Recognition

Clear Channel - Plan UK Interactive Bus Stop

51 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f40vGY3BbVA

Image Recognition

5. Best Practice Examples


A showcase of technology at retail

-  Burberry’s flagship store merges digital interactivity into its iconic British Luxury label.

-  The store features a 22ft high screen at the centre of the atrium.

-  500 hidden speakers and a hydraulic stage beneath the screen are used to stage performances by Burberry endorsed bands and musicians.

-  The Stage hosted a catwalk event during London Fashion week for VIP customers

-  All staff are equipped with iPads, enabling them to show shoppers interactive information for every product via a series or applications.

Burberry – London Regent Street Flagship Store


Burberry – London Regent Street Flagship Store

RFID tags in Products “I’ll have this one thanks”’


Burberry – London Regent Street Flagship Store

RFID tags in Products are recognised by ‘sensor tables’

- The Digital screen will automatically load up catwalk images or manufacturing images of the product.

“It’s about more than shopping, we want to encourage exploring”

Christopher Bailey, Burberry Chief Creative Officer.


Burberry – London Regent Street Flagship Store

It’s Raining!!!

-  Burberry is perhaps best known for it’s famous Trench coats.

-  The Trench is celebrated on the top floor mezzanine in a wonderfully currated timeline of trench coats, since the brand began.

-  Every three hours or so, Shoppers are treated to sporadic weather ‘moments’ when digital rain showers, accompanied by sophisticated special effects, thunder and lighting, engulf the store and all the digital screens.

“One guy just comes in, sits on the sofas with his book and waits for the rain. Then he goes.”

Danny, Sales Assistant at Burberry

57 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CokbQWI_15U&feature=player_embedded&list=PLY7E_CZZ_9_OsQALrEvFkPEfBY5IA6ByS

Burberry – London Regent Street Flagship Store


Nike Digital Pop Up store in Selfridges

- Times to coincide with the London 2012 Olympics

-  The space featured numerous digital panels displaying real-time coverage of Olympic events, interactive renderings of key Nike products and social media feeds.

-  By inviting consumers to discover the emotional and functional benefits of their products, Nike succeeded in creating a genuinely engaging, interactive shopping experience.

-  Nike installed demo areas where shoppers could compete each other in time-trials and jumping contests, with the results being posted to social media instantaneously.

Nike House of Innovation at Selfridges, London

59 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxdJgL9eugg

Nike House of Innovation at Selfridges, London

6. Vivid Brand Tips


My no1, most pointless and irrelevant Digital activation - ever!!!

-  Be consistent with your brand value and attributes and current campaigns

-  Pay as much attention to Digital activations as you would a TV ad

-  What is this doing for your brand?

-  What is this doing for my customer?

-  Will this drive brand love, or sales?

1. Do not Digitise for the sake of it

Walkers Augmented Reality App


Digital technology enables brands and retailers to increase levels of interactivity, engagement and entertainment.

Use Digital to:

> Amplify Communications > Inform > Engage > Compare > Brand Build > Rich Experience > Capture data > Convert sales > Wow factor > Cool Factor

- Simple is best

- Be clear about your communication principles

- Be coherent and consistent cross channel

-  Adapt messaging to channel execution

2. Digital Technology is an Enabler

Example of Home Finder app via QR code


Don’t try to recreate Retail in a day!

Test what works, or not, analyse data and watch customers User Experience and ability to navigate the Interface.

Document results and tweak and amend as suits.

- See what works for the business - See what works for customers - Be realistic - Retail space - Wifi / plug points - Budget - ROI

3. Baby Steps


Understand how Digital can be used to deliver IMPROVED communication for your Shoppers.


SHOPPER: - Think about their lifestyle - Kids?  - Busy Life? -  How and when do they shop? -  What websites do they visit? -  Analyse Online data -  What devices do they own? - What would HELP them ( to buy more / shop) - How can you capture customer data? - How can you convert sales?

TRADE: -  What would help trade sell more? -  How can you engage B2B customers? -  Loyalty and Incentives

4. Understand your Shopper

Example of Roc iPad App concept


Tesco are the biggest Online retailer in the UK.

Mobile Web apps help Shoppers Buy on the go.

> Scan barcode of empty packets > Search for Product > Re-order Favourites > Book delivery slots > Recipes

- Understand your customers shopping habits and behaviour.

- Use appropriate tools and interface for your Shoppers.

- Consider Path to purchase and tools that would be most effective

5. Choose your Digital tools

Tesco Mobile App Screenshot

66 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75jzLOdznyQ

6. Do the Unexpected


One brand, one shop, one image.

-  Integrate campaign cross channel

-  Use Digital execution to enhance your values

-  Be consistent with styling and execution

- Internal Training

7. Holistic approach

Philips Grooming Project


Make it easy for your customers to buy / find out more

-  Identify key decision moments

-  Interrupt the Shopper

-  Be disruptive

- Big buttons: Buy / Next / Find out More

Post purchase, make it easy for Shoppers to share their experience with friends.

8. Convert Browsers into Buyers

Dulux Paint Brand - Pop Up Banners


Sheep Dog pops up Price Promo and colours

A roller ‘paints’ the screen Links to Dulux Room Sets

8. Convert Browsers into Buyers in 3 clicks Online


-  Be Brave

-  Have fun

-  Great Creative

-  Great Content

-  Wow Factor

- Joined up execution

9. Have a clear vision

Evian Water ‘ Live Young’ Baby Campaign


X. Squeeze too much information in

X. Forget the call to action

X. Forget to inform all your channels of what you are doing

X. Don’t do it, if you can’t afford to do it properly

X. Think you need to know everything about digital – bring in the experts

X. Be scared to try! Give it a go

10. DON’T!

London . Hong Kong . Melbourne

Please note that all work in this presentation is copyrighted to Vivid Brand. We treat all our clients’ work as highly sensitive so please

do not share any further without contacting us.

Rachel Wilkinson

Thank you

+44 (0)20 7421 1750 rachel@vividbrand.com www.vividbrand.com