12 SEO phrases every non-SEO understand


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12 SEO 12 SEO phrases phrases

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SEO has a language of its own. These languages or phrases may not be familiar for a non-SEO. Here we provide some SEO phrases and their explanations will present business leaders an improved perception of the very vital outline behind key SEO phrases, and assist them evaluate SEO agencies and campaigns more assertively.

Anchor Text.Anchor Text.

The anchor text is the text you click on in a hyperlink. Google looks for natural link text. Excess optimizing anchor text with keywords can have a negative impact on the website's visibility.

Black Hat SEO.Black Hat SEO.

Insistent SEO applied to influence organic rankings for immediate results are referred to as Black Hat. Using Black Hat techniques can result in relentless fine and should be avoided at all cost.

White Hat SEO.White Hat SEO.

White Hat SEO follows Google guidelines and other established best practices. Using White Hat SEO techniques is the best way to obtain results for SEO campaigns in the long term.

Content Marketing.Content Marketing.

Content marketing is an online advertising method where the content is used to impel leads and enhance branding. Developing high quality on-site and off-site content creates important SEO impact.


When a user clicks on a link in a search engine, or phones a company using information from a link, they are SEO conversions. Conversions are an effective metric for estimating SEO execution. Nevertheless, all conversions are not sales leads, so it is really important to authenticate sales leads as part of SEO implementation and assessment.


Directories are websites that show a listing of proposed or certified websites, normally within a specific position. Having a directory listing with a link can be very good or very bad for SEO, depending on the authority of the directory website in question.

Google Analytics.Google Analytics.

Google Analytics is a free service that offers extremely comprehensive details and figures about website operations and performances. Google Analytics offers important details for SEO, as well as sources of referring traffic and traffic and user behavior on individual website pages.

Google Webmaster Tools.Google Webmaster Tools.

Google Webmaster Tools is also a free service that permits webmasters to recognize and amend website issues that hinders SEO performance. Webmaster Tools is very useful for on-site optimization.

Internal Link.Internal Link.

Internal links are hyperlinks that connect to other pages within a website. A website’s internal linking system, if well build, assists Google resolve on the comparative significance of website pages and thus enhances search visibility.


Keywords are the terms and phrases search engine users uses on search engines. Deliberately important keywords are ones used by users searching for a company’s products and services.

Off-site Optimization.Off-site Optimization.

Off-site optimization is SEO efforts carried away from the website to enhance search visibility. Functions include off-site content marketing and directory listing/renewal. To be successful, all SEO campaigns should have a robust off-site component.

On-site Optimization.On-site Optimization.

On-site optimization is SEO work carried within the website to enhance organic search visibility. Functions include reviewing Google Webmaster Tools to correct errors and adding strategic website content. To be successful, all SEO campaigns should have a robust on-site component.

SEO services are very vital for making a stand in the internet for every business. Google frequently changes its algorithms to eliminate the spam sites and it's very difficult to keep up yourself to these Google updates and updating your website accordingly. Treuemax provide quality SEO services at an affordable price.

