30 Minute Masterclass|How to simplify your life!



In this 30 Minute Masterclass, Marianne reveals why so many small business owners are frustrated by the lack of progress and growth in their business, and shares a 3 point strategy for achieving significantly better results and a clear pathway to your ideal future.

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#5 Simplify your life! How to create calm from the chaos, by having simple plans that inspire you,

keep you focused on Getting the Right Stuff Done, and move you towards your ideal future!

Marianne Page

The 30 Minute Masterclass Series

Does any of this sound familiar?• Life can be pretty chaotic - problems appear out of nowhere that you need to

fix and you lose whole days and often weeks, in reactive mode

• You have a mass of thoughts and ideas and you’re easily distracted by the shiny and new

• Overwhelm - a daily experience - you have so much on you just don’t know where to start

• You feel guilty nearly all the time, particularly about how much time you spend…or don’t, with your family and friends

• You wish for an easier life, but you can’t see it coming any time soon

• You’re working all the time and the strain on you and your relationships is beginning to show…it wouldn't be so bad if you were getting great results in the business

The Result• Frustration - not doing anything in your life brilliantly

• Low self-esteem

• Stress from the overwhelm

• Lots of wasted money…and time

• Strained relationships

• Not making as much money as you could be


Be honest… are you happy where you’re at right now?

The Solution?

Well it’s not

• Working even longer hours

• Getting divorced

• Buying another time management system

• Going on another course

• Expanding the list of gurus you subscribe to

The real problem?• Your business has taken over your life

• You have no plan

Random lists


• Every week revolves round other people’s priorities

• You don’t know how to plan effectively

…doing what you’ve always done and expecting different results!!

!You’re sabotaging yourself!

You’re affecting the quality your customers and clients are getting!You’re putting unnecessary strain on yourself and on your relationships!


Who is Marianne Page?

• Creator of Bright7 - simplify your business simplify your life

• Author of ‘Process to Profit’ - focus on developing simple systems to grow your business

• Award-winning people developer

• Helped 100s of small business owners & managers to simplify how they work, and how their business works

• Clients include solo business owners and those with small teams

The Real Solution

1. Get complete clarity around your Priorities

2. Create a long-term plan around them

3. Hire a mentor

1.Clear PrioritiesWhy!

• Create calm from the chaos

• Give you focus and meaning

• Simplify your business & your life

• Eliminate overwhelm

• Give you a fabulous future to work towards



Example - LeeBefore!

• Struggling to grow his business

• Worked all the time - watching tv, out to dinner, in bed, out with family

• Few remaining friends

• Strained relationship with partner

• Neither productive nor relaxed…ever

• Putting in time, but not seeing results


• Conscious of what’s important in his life…and focuses on it

• Clear boundaries

• Always ‘present’ in what he is doing

• Achieves more in less time

• Makes conscious decisions about where he will spend his time and money

• Achieves significantly better results in his business

Action for YOU

1. Take the time to get complete clarity around your what’s important to you in your life.

2. Work with someone who will challenge you & drive you to be clear & specific

3. Write your Priorities down - post them on your wall, on your phone, on your fridge…keep them with you at all times

2. Create a long-term planWhy?!

• Would you head off into the wilderness without a map?

• Brings your Priorities to life - makes them real

• Gives you a route to follow…a vision to work towards…immediate targets to achieve

• Creates milestones and opportunities to celebrate

• Maintains the momentum and upward trajectory of your business

The RealityMost people

• Don’t have a plan

• Spend their lives reacting…to problems, to the latest shiny object, to what other people are doing

• Over-complicate

• Believe they can create their own plan - to the shops vs through the Brazilian Rainforest

• Believe that mapping out their ideas = planning…and waste a LOT of time on this

• Don’t recognise that the level of thinking they’re at now will not take them to the next level in their business

Action for you1. Consider the existing plans you have

…do you have a plan?

…Is it built around what’s really important to you?

…how far ahead does it look?

…is it based on ideas and guesswork…or your priorities?

…do you follow it?

2. Consider how effective your plans have been in moving you towards your ideal future

3. Consider what you need to change to get different results

3. Hire a mentorWhy?!

• How many times would you have to get lost in the Himalayas…how much time and effort would you expend…before you hired a guide?

• When trying to lose weight, or get fit…how long have you continued to try and fail, before you’ve gone to a slimming club or hired a personal trainer?

• Who do you trust…your satnav…or your own instincts for where you’re going?

• Why did Andy Murray hire Ivan Lendl?

Would Luke Skywalker have known what to do with ‘the force’ without Yoda?

A mentor• Gets you from A to B faster

• Raises your game - they have expertise that is different to yours…and a different viewpoint

• Is objective…helps you see past the wallpaper of the way you do things

• Will challenge you, keep you focused, stop you getting distracted, stop you wasting money

• Will hold you accountable to targets and milestones

• Will push you to focus on your priorities and deliver results quicker

• Gives you simple, proven strategies and plans…that work

• Just like your swiss army knife and your book-keeper…they support you in an area of your business that is not your forte, or one of your core skills

Action for you

1. Find a mentor

2. Hire a mentor

3. Do what they say

Simplify your life• Get clear about what’s important to you in your life

…and ditch the rest

• Create a plan around your priorities - longer term (3 years), mid-term (1 year), short-term (Quarter), immediate (month, week, today)

• Find someone to help you do this - to make it easy for you, to keep you on track, to hold you accountable, to get you to the results you want faster

What next?Take up my offer to you…!

A FREE 40 minute ‘Planning Session”

• review your priorities

• get clarity about what’s really important to you…and why?

• understand what’s blocking you

• determine your best next steps

Only 5 slots available this week!

To grab one, e mail me at: marianne@bright7.co.uk

This is YOUR time. 2014 is YOUR year.!

Make every single day of it count!

See you next Wednesday at 2pm
