5 Signs Your Business Is Suffering Because You Haven't Documented Your Business Processes



Introduction to one aspect of The Lightning Method, a methodology for documenting your business' processes, lightning fast.

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Michael ‘MC’ Carter, Director, Practice Paradox™

5 Signs Your Business is Suffering Because You Haven’t Effectively Documented Your Business Processes

Visual Procedures

Today’s webinar is covering one aspect of

the Visual Procedurescomponent of

The Lightning Method

Greg DeVore, CEO, Blue Mango Learning Systems

5 Signs Your Business is Suffering Because You Haven’t Effectively Documented Your Business Processes

5 Signs Your Business is Suffering Because You Haven’t Documented Your Business Processes

POLL #1Your level of process documentation is ...

• Done - and we're referring to it regularly• Done - but we rarely if ever refer to it• Not Done - we never seem to get around to it• Not Done - we know we need it but don't

know where to start• Don't  know why we would even need process


• You are losing productivity

• You are losing focus

• You can’t move forward because you continually have to keep going back

• You are decreasing the number hours you have to spend in billable activities

Why this mattersor Why your business is losing money because you haven’t documented your processes.

1. New hires need a lot of help

2. You are constantly re-learning the same things

3. Everyone does the same thing differently

4. One person knows everything

5. No one can get to the answers

The 5 Signs


New hires need extreme hand holding


Repeated re-learning of tasks


Everyone does the same thing differently


One person knows everything


No one can get to the answers

POLL #2Which of 'The 5 Signs' is causing your business the most pain?

• Done - and we're referring to it regularly• Done - but we rarely if ever refer to it• Not Done - we never seem to get around to it• Not Done - we know we need it but don't

know where to start• Don't  know why we would even need

process documentation




How to fix it


New hires need extreme hand holding

Provide self guided training for their 5 most common tasks.


Repeated re-learning of tasks

Capture the process for frequent and infrequent tasks


Everyone does the same thing differently

• Establish a standard operating procedure

• Help everyone follow it

• Optimize it


One person knows everything

• Do a brain dump

• Turn this person into a knowledge curator instead of knowledge storage shed


No one can get to the answers

• Don’t document in Word files

• Don’t hide things on someone’s computer

• Do make your processes visual

• Do store all of your knowledge in a central repository

POLL #3What percentage of your business processes are done on computer?

• 100%• 80% or more• 60% or more• 40% or more• Less than 40%

1.5 Day Masterclass27-28 April, Sunshine CoastEarly Bird $1,350 incl. GSTEarly Bird Expires 30 March$1,500 incl. GST Normal Price

For more information:practiceparadox.com.au/lightningRequest event brochure in on-screen survey at end of the webinar

For more information: practiceparadox.com.au/lightningRequest brochure in on-screen survey at end of the webinar

Greg DeVore, CEO, Blue Mango Learning Systems


Michael ‘MC’ Carter, Director, Practice Paradox™