5 W's of Meeting Management


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Strategies for making meetings shorter and more productive.THE 5 Ws of MEETING MANAGEMENT

Sharon F. DanzgerProductivity Consultant

1. WHO SHOULD MEET?Respect peoples time.More is not always better.If youre invited, decide if you really need to be there.The more people in the room, the longer the meeting. Decide on the key players and limit the meeting to the people that really matter.

2. WHAT TO DO?Send an agenda ahead of time.Assign timeframes to each agenda item to keep group on task.This also makes it easier for person running meeting to reign in someone going off track.Information needed to make decisions should be distributed in advance with the agenda.

3. WHERE TO MEET?Select convenient location.Consider a stand-up meeting.Sit down meetings are about a third longer than stand-up meetings.Hold a walking meeting? A favorite of Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and Mark Zuckerberg.Video conference?In a conference room is better than at a desk less temptation to multi-task.

4. WHY MEET?Give or get information .Sensitive in nature (restructuring, layoffs, etc.)Dont meet if an email would suffice for ordinary info.Discuss options and make decisions.BrainstormingBuild relationships.

5. WHEN TO MEET?Avoid creating a crisis by meeting too late.Respect participants time.Check availability of key players before scheduling.Start and end on time.

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