6. What are Professionalism and Ethics in a Globalised World?, 12th Oct 2015


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What are Professionalism and Ethics in a Globalised World?

Dr. Kevin Kane

University of Salford

Definitions of a “Profession”

• Profess – To declare or admit openly – To declare in words or APPEARANCE

• Profession – An act of openly declaring or publicly claiming a belief,

faith, or opinion

What is a “Profession”? Employment requiring • special training of an advanced character • principally mental rather than manual or artistic labor

and skill for its successful prosecution by reference to a common body of knowledge

• having a code of ethics generally accepted as binding upon its members

• recognizing the obligation of public service and of the public interest

Kohler’s Dictionary for Accountants (6th ed. ), Prentice-Hall, 1983.

APM Framework of professional values


The APM Body of Knowledge defines the knowledge needed to manage any kind of project. It underpins many project

management standards and methods including the National Occupational Standards in Project Management.


The APM Competence Framework provides a guide to project management competences. It is part of your professional

toolkit; mapping levels of knowledge and experience to help you progress your skills and abilities.


APM qualifications take your career in new and exciting directions. They are recognised across the profession and

aligned with IPMA’s 4 level Certification Program.


Continuing Professional Development helps develop your project management practice. A targeted development plan

will enhance your project management career.


The APM Code of Professional Conduct outlines the ethical practice expected of a professional. Becoming an APM

member shows your commitment to the Code and sets you apart from others.

How professionals are defined.

The Code of Conduct

Standards of professional conduct

4.1.1 observe the various requirements of this code at all times; 4.1.2 act with integrity in relationships with other professionals, both within and outside the association, as well as with non-professionals and the wider public; 4.1.3 have due regard to public health, safety and the environment; and 4.1.4 ensure that they have knowledge and understanding of relevant legislation, regulations and standards and comply with such requirements.

Complaint form

What is a “Profession”? Employment requiring • special training of an advanced character • principally mental rather than manual or artistic labor

and skill for its successful prosecution by reference to a common body of knowledge

• having a code of ethics generally accepted as binding upon its members

• recognizing the obligation of public service and of the public interest

Kohler’s Dictionary for Accountants (6th ed. ), Prentice-Hall, 1983.

APM could be part of the solution?

UN Global Compact (2015) Over 8,000 firms participating in Global Compact 63% - Expect sustainability will transform their industry in 5 years 76% - Sustainability will drive new revenue opportunities 33% - Think that businesses are doing enough 84% - Businesses should lead solutions UN Principles in Responsible Management Education 600 Higher education institutes have joined (2015) 14 supporting organisations Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
