8Contacts SYDSTART Pitch 2012




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How Networking is being Revolutionized

8Contacts at SydStart 2012

Problem with Networking

not on - nor active - on social media platforms

social media is noisy for the corporate world

networking events are ineffective

direct personal connections get results

What is 8Contacts

If you find Social Media time consuming, create a shopping list

of your ideal contacts to be connected to directly on 8Contacts

How big is the market?

44 million people travel on business yearly

Massive Global Growth Virtual Staff

LinkedIn generated $522m in 2012

Who are our customers?

Business Development Managers

Small Businesses looking to expand overseas

Business Owners who don’t want staff

How we make money?

Premium Membership

15% Commission on Brand Ambassador

20% Commission on Networking Consultations

How The Site Works


Networking Consultation

Booking Page

Networking Consultation

Brand Ambassador

Create a “Shopping List” of your ideal contacts in cities around the world at
