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Accused: The 74 stone babysitter

Mise en scene

Food is in near enough every shot with Mayra which shows how severe her problem is.

The interviews with certain people are set in places which are those peoples regular enviroments i.e

• Judge in the courtroom• Doctor in hospital• Mayra in bed• Lawyer in office

Archive footage Many pictures of Mayra’s nephews and nieces were continually

shown throughout the documentary which reminded the audience what the focus of the documentary was.

Video footage of Mayra being transported to hospital were shown along with pictures of when she was younger and slim.

When the reconstruction of the murder was shown, the lighting went darker and had a brown tone to it.

When the police officer was telling news reporters about Mayra’s sentence the difference in time was shown by the video footage being quite jumpy and ‘old’ looking.

A news reporter was shown standing outside Mayra’s house after she had been sentenced.


Head and sholder shots were used when interviewing people which made it look professional.

Establishing shots were also used to show were Mayra lives in Mexico.


The names and job title of the people being interviewed were in a simple font and white.


When talking to Jamie or Mayra, mexican music was used where as in the court room, eerie quiet non-diagetic sound was used.

In the reconstruction, harsh piano non-diagetic sound was used to contrast and show the difference in time.


Beginning: Shown Mayra’s struggle with dealing with her weight and speaking to officers about her sentence.

Middle: Explaining what had happened to her nephew and then changing her statement when finding out her sister, the real murderer, was pregnant again.

End: is how her sister gets arrested and Mayra gets the treatment she needs to survive.
