Analysis of business operation of fresh fruits in pakistan




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2. S.NO TABLE OF CONTENT Abstract 1 Analysis of business operation of fresh 2 3 4 5PAGE # 2 3-4Fruits in Pakistan Problems of fresh fruits sector in Pakistan 4-5 Better post harvest management is necessary 5-6 For fresh fruits and vegetables Guava production and value addition 6-7ABSTRACT: Fresh fruits sector is very important sector of Pakistan and it contributes for about 12% in national agricultural GDP, this short project based contain summarized information about business operation of fresh fruit sector and problems and importance of better post harvest management and guava production and its value addition.[Type text]Page 2 3. ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS OPERATION OF FRESH FRUITS IN PAKISTAN: Fresh fruit sector is very important sector of Pakistan and good revenue can be generated by investing small amount in this sector, before investing any amount in any sector it is necessary to analysis that particular sector from different angles in order to prevent business from losses and in order to do back up plan in case of sudden emergency or unexpected circumstances. An efficient marketing system is necessary for sustainable development of fresh fruit sector of Pakistan. There are so many factors which influence the efficiency of fresh fruit marketing including the rotting of fruits, seasonal viability, quality, price and location of farm and markets (wholesalers and retailers). Like many producers of fresh fruits specially banana avoid marketing to escape complications because of its perishable nature, sudden fluctuation in price list, the business of fresh fruits needs careful handling of fresh fruits, quick and timely transportation, sound and good packaging and completion of all operations from pre harvest to post harvest management on time in order to prevent business from losses. SWOT-ANALYSIS consists of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis of any sector, it is necessary to do such analysis in order to take steps for betterment of that particular sector and to analysis pre feasibility factors of business. If we put glance on our strengths of fresh fruits sector, following can be strengths of fresh fruits sector. Cheap labor is available in overall Pakistan for fresh fruit sector. Pakistan is blessed with fertile land. Suitable environment for fresh fruits cultivation in Pakistan is also available Different farmers, landowners, growers, producers of Pakistan are taking interest in fresh fruit sector for business operation. Availability of markets, local as well as international because of best geographical location of Pakistan. If we analysis weaknesses of our fresh fruits sectors, these weaknesses can be discussed as follow Lack of awareness about pre and post harvest management of fresh fruits. Lack of proper information about new technologies and usage of new technologies. Water shortage or improper irrigation to fresh fruits. Character of middlemen or contractors in fresh fruit sector of Pakistan specially banana. Improper transportation facilities of fresh fruits. [Type text]Page 3 4. Direct marketing problems. Bad infrastructure, Absence of cold storages. If we analysis opportunities for business of fresh fruits in Pakistan these opportunities are: Increasing demand of fresh fruits in local and in international markets. Introduction of new technologies and machineries such as WHT plant for fresh fruit sector in order to enhance export quality production of fresh fruits. New research and development on the basis of that research in this sector can be done in order to enhance and improve production of fresh fruits for local and international markets and to control diseases. Drip irrigation system and other new techniques of irrigation system in order to overcome water shortage can be introduced for fresh fruit sector. If we put a glance on threats for fresh fruits sector, we can easily analysis that threats to our fresh fruits sector are: Perishable products, because of ethylene production event after harvesting in climatic fruits. Viral Diseases in fresh fruits such as banana bunchy top virus in banana and others. Improper Post harvest handling, such as grading, sorting etc. Non-availability of proper packaging facilities and cold storages. Marketing issues because of perishable nature of some fruits like banana.PROBLEMS OF OUR FRESH FRUITS SECTOR: Our Fresh fruits sector have been facing serious issues related to quality, mishandling in pre and post harvest management and packaging, transportation, quarantine, Australia had rejected Pakistani fruits, because of poor quality of our fresh fruits. , the most common and alarming issues are the post harvest losses around 35% to 40% throughout the supply chain from farm to table consumption. Pakistan exports only 10 to 15 % of its total production of fruits., Only one variety of kinnow or citrus is being grown in Pakistan while china has developed 8 different varieties of kinowws, same is the case in banana only one variety is cultivated in Pakistan(Cavendish dwarf 95 to 98%) of total area of production and this is the matter of fact that varieties of different fruits are not being developed in Pakistan only varieties of different fresh fruits are being introduced in Pakistan through tissue culture, many growers of Pakistan are not following good and modern agricultural practices because of lack of awareness ,this is major reason of low production of fresh fruits. [Type text]Page 4 5. There are so many other problems and issues which are responsible for losses in our fresh fruits sector like uneducated and untrained farmers and labor in this sector, unawareness and lack of proper information about pre and post harvest management and usage of new technologies, improper transportation, absence of cold storages, cold storages are essential for shelf life of fruits having perishable nature, bad infrastructure, lack of research in product development of this sector. Major fruits of Pakistan are mango, banana, apple, dates, guava, peaches, apricot, grapes, pomegranates demand of all these fruits is high in international markets and we can enhance our export and can earn good revenue if pay proper concentration towards this sector and try to over come and solve our problems.BETTER POST HARVEST MANAGEMENT IS IMPORTANT FOR FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: According to Pakistan Statistical Year Book 2012, Area under cultivation of fruits was 836.00 hectares, while the production of fruits was 6926.00 tones and the area under cultivation of vegetables (except potatoes and sugar beat) was 252.10 hectares, while the total production of vegetables was 3132.80 tones, the total area under cultivation of potatoes was 159.10 hectares, while the production was 3491.40 tones. Horticulture sector of Pakistan has great potential to earn foreign exchange and this sector also provides multiple emplacement opportunities and horticulture sector specially fruits and vegetables contributes about 12% in national agriculture GDP(gross domestic product).But it is quite unfortunate that about 35% to 40% of total production of horticultural products ( specially fruits and vegetables) goes to waste because of improper management immediately after harvesting, these practices are termed as post harvest management practices, post harvest management practices determine the final quality of products. Some times improper pre harvesting management praises like poor management of orchards, disease and pest infestation ,improper or imbalance fertilization ,weed problem ,improper sowing or plantation, improper irrigation and improper harvesting techniques, early or delayed harvesting can also be responsible for losses in fruits and vegetables. But the most dangerous and alarming cause of losses in fruits and vegetable is improper post harvest management. Post harvest practices are cooling, cleaning, sorting, grading, packaging etc. But for better post harvest management practices it is necessary to understand the difference between sorting and grading, maturity and ripening and effect for low and high temperature on horticultural products (fruits and vegetables). In sorting commodities are sorted out on the basis of size like small, medium, large. Grading is done on the basis of size and number of blemishes present on the commodity (fruits and vegetables) before final packaging and it is done for assurance of quality of commodities before final packaging, grading can be done on the basis of your desire like [Type text]Page 5 6. Grade A Large , but no blemishes Grade B Large, but less blemishes Grade c Large, but more blemishes Maturity is when the commodity (fruit and vegetable) possesses the entire specific as its own natural classification and ready for consumption while ripening is the specific stage for many fruits and vegetables which turns the commodity for table consumption. At lower temperature rate of respiration is low, consumption of oxygen is low, production of ethylene is low as well, thats why rate of deterioration is low and lower the rate of deterioration greater would be shelf life of commodity (fruit or vegetable) thats why we use lower temperature during storage. At high temperature rate of respiration and consumption of oxygen, production of carbon dioxide, ethylene is greater, these all factors are responsible for high rate of deterioration and reduction of shelf life of fruits and vegetables.GUAVA PRODUCTION AND VALUE ADDITION: According to sources the under cultivation of guava is 58,500 hectares and the total production is 468,300 tonnes .it is grown in all four provinces of Pakistan. In Sindh it is grown in larkana and Hyderabad, Mirpur Khas, Neusheroferoz, Nawabshah and Khairpur. In Punjab it is mainly grown in Gujranwala, Lahore, Kasur, Sheikhupura, Sargodha, Jhang, Sangla Hills, while Haripur, Banu and Kohat are famous for its cultivation KPK. Pakistan ranks 2nd among guava producing Countries. Punjab is the major producer of guava in the country the total share of Punjab in its cultivation is 80% while rest of 20 % is contributed by all three provinces. In Sindh guava is the third largest fruit following mango and banana, Pakistan has great potential to produce best export quality guava and earn good foreign exchange. Guava has two harvesting season winter harvesting and summer harvesting ,it is of perishable nature so it is very important to market it immediately after harvesting in order to prevent fruit from post harvest losses. GUAVA may be very tasty when eaten fresh but demand of value added products of guava is getting increase day by day in international markets .Generally preservation or processing or value addition is done to prevent the food item from the development of micro-organisms like (bacteria,mould,yeast etc) and to avoid spoilage during the storage, so the chemical and bio chemical changes that can be responsible for deterioration process can be controlled and by doing preservation it can be possible to prevent organoleptic characteristic like ( colour, flavour , aroma) from changes for certain period of time. There are three very important factors should be considered to determine whether it is worth while or not are [Type text]Page 6 7. The demand of guava pulp, juice and other value added products( it can be analyzed by doing survey or by having meeting with any post harvest technologist) The quality of guava (raw material) i.e. whether it can withstand processing or value addition Regular supply of raw material (guava) for example a particular guava variety may be excellent to eat fresh but it is not necessarily good for processing or value addition because it requires frequent handling , high temperature and pressure. Mango, pine apple or guava may be very tasty to eaten fresh is not necessary good for processing just because of variation in size, maturity, variety, and presence of large number of seeds can also be risk factor, more ever improper peeling of guava technically known as pericarp (external skin) is also risk factor, because it is bitter at early stages of maturity and ripening. While technically pulp is known as meso carp that is also known as fleshy part, meso carp is also bitter and hard at early stages if proper care is not taken during sorting, grading can be responsible for lossess .it would not be suitable untill or unless large and regular supplies of guava are made available for value addition process. The biggest advantage for guava value added products is acidic nature of guava which prevents the growth of harmful micro organisms like clostridium botulinum. To make value added products from guava it is very important to consider pre organise growth of guava, collection and transport for suitable raw material and to take assistance of post harvest technologist and HACCP (hazard analysis critical control point) expert.[Type text]Page 7
