Analyzing Trends Final SACKS


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The Future of Education

Rachael Sacks

Analyzing Trends Fall 2013

The Future of… Higher Education

Hypothesis: The classroom and traditional academy format of Universities will change to having a decent percentage of an online element to a degree. The classroom as we know it with the professor lecturing at the front will cease to exist as it is now as Universities attempt to streamline faculty and budget . They will have to put in money to reformatting classrooms and updating facilities but it will pay off with enrollment. Students looking to get life experience and use college as more of a vocational school will take more online and dynamic session courses to achieve their degrees more efficiently.

Rachael Sacks


Rachael Sacks


Rebellion against college experience because it is expected by parents as well as just too expensive post-recession.

Rachael Sacks


The Thiel Fellowship (originally

named 20 under 20) is a

fellowship created by The Peter

Thiel Foundation. The fellowship

is intended for students under

the age

of 20 and offers them a total of

$100,000 over two years as well

as guidance and other resources

to drop out of school and pursue

other work, which could involve

scientific research, creating a

startup, or working on a social

movement. Selection for the

fellowship is through a

competitive annual process, with

about 20-25 fellows selected


Rachael Sacks

The Intel Global Challenge a Collaboration with University of California Berkeley, promotes entrepreneurship predominantly in developing countries. The competition, held annually at the Haas School of Business, hosts teams from around the world and showcases business opportunities that have the greatest potential for a positive impact on society through the deployment of new and innovative technologies.

Increased Incentives for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Rachael Sacks

Rachael Sacks

Force of Change:

The Economic Recession

The recession changed who attends College and when and how.

Rachael Sacks

Response to Recession: Working Adults Need More Degrees

Rise in for-profit Universities and creation of MOOCs

Rachael Sacks


Rachael Sacks

: Universities as Corporations

Rachael Sacks


“We deal with students who expect a climbing wall to be available in the gym. They certainly have huge expectations for the information technology we will provide to them. We are facing some real questions about whether we can afford to meet all of these consumer demands”. –Joel M.Smith Provost and CIO at Carnegie Mellon University

Rachael Sacks

Prediction: Increasingly Luxurious Dorms and Facilities

A 2006 study published by the Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers found that “poorly maintained or inadequate residential facilities” was the number-one reason students rejected enrolling at institutions.

Rachael Sacks


New School University

Rachael Sacks

Founded in 1919 as “The University in Exile” the New School has always sought to be progressive and innovative in Higher Education.

It’s ahead of its time with its “student directed curriculum” which seems to be more and more where higher education is headed.

Rachael Sacks

The Progressive seminar format of classes at Eugene Lang College could benefit from the dynamically designed seating I brought up earlier. This is another example of an alternative classroom.

Rachael Sacks

Change of Calendar to quarters or increase sessions


As a response to the demands for newer and better facilities the New School has built the University Center which will be completed in January 2014.

“Challenges the Status Quo” –New School Official Website

Rachael Sacks

Establishing Series of MOOC’s and expanding online learning

The New School has yet to establish itself as a well known producer of online content and it should. There are online course offerings but they are very limited.

Rachael Sacks

The University Center is meant to stir up activity and greeting and conversation keeping human interaction a part of University Life just as it seems students may never have to interact with another human again.

Rachael Sacks
