Assignment 25 costume & props


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Assign 25: Costume & Props

Set: Tues Dec 17

Due: Jan 6

Social Actor (presenter)

• Who is it?• Why this person?• Include photos of them

Costume (ideas)

• Make a mind map of ideas for what your presenter will wear

Costume (inspiration)

• Collect and paste inspirational photos of the ‘look’ you want for your presenter

• In annotations, write WHY you chose those costumes (how do they appeal to audience)

Costume (planning)

• Include clear photos with clear titles of what you want the presenter to wear

• If you haven’t got it, then identify where from, prices, when you will get it etc. etc.

Costume (Before/After shots)Presenter (before) Presenter (after dressed in chosen


As an extension – annotate how and why you have REPRESENTED her

Props (ideas)Montage 1 min intro 2-3 min development

Make a list of potential props you will need for each section.

Props (where to get)Montage 1 min intro 2-3 min development

Mobile phone – already have (Jane)

Water bottle – bring on day of filming (Sarah)

Doctor’s lab coat– order from amazon online (Mary)

Copy and paste the list, then identify if you already have it or if you need to buy it

Props (photos)

• All photos of all props you have / need to get (can be online if you haven’t got yet)

• Organise how you wish. (not in a big confusing collage though!!)