Attracting the audience


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Attracting and Addressing your Audience




How did you attract/address your audience?

You carefully considered every element of your magazine to make sure it would appeal to its audience.

You need to explain the methods you used to attract your audience.

You then need to explain the methods you used to address your audience.



Attracting your audience is all about making your audience want to engage with your media product and invest time and (usually) money with it.

You used many different ways to attract your audience

How many can you think of?


How did you attract your audience?



MastheadPhotograph(s)ColoursFree stuffPostersLayoutCover linesPrice


How did you attract your audience?

Most of you will have used most of these methods to attract your audience.

These elements will have then been manipulated to appeal to your specific audience

TitlePresenting your work:

You should show us as well as tell us how you attracted your audience.

Use lots of images and use close-ups of specific elements of your magazine

Explain why these elements would attract your audience


How did you attract your audience?

Think back your research and how the products you looked at attracted their audience


mode of addressDefinition

the way that a media product ‘speaks’ to its audience


How did you address your audience?

Once you had attracted your audience you addressed them.

You can address an audience in terms of both written and visual language

You could have chosen to use formal or informal language


When you did your initial research you looked at the writing style of the magazines you research.

You should have identified the way that the magazines addressed their audience.

The writing style and the use of certain words or phrases are ways magazines address their audience in terms of a written language.

Images are an important part of the way you addressed your audience.

The mise en scene you chose speaks to the audience and gives them information.

The ratio of text to pictures is another way of addressing your audience.


How did you address your audience?


What writing style did you use?

Did you ‘speak’ to your audience in a formal or informal way

What words or phrases did you use that are specifically for your audience?

Think about the lexis (words) that you used. Did you say song or did you say tune, record, beat, single, mix, hit, track, piece etc? Did you say the album was great or awesome or savage? Were your group playing gigs or shows or concerts or performances?


How did you address your audience?


Think about your images and what they say to your audience.

Where did you take your pictures?Does your location say anything to your audience? Think about the connotations of an images taken in a bright, expensive studio compared to those taken in a rundown area of town.

What style of pictures did you take?Did you take formal portraits with the performers posing for the camera or were the images more candid and relaxed? Does this help you communicate ideas about your artist with your audience?

What are your group wearing?What are your group wearing and what props did you use? How does this speak to your audience? What are you communicating through these images? Are they showing fantasy or reality? Are the images something for the audience to aspire to or something they can relate to?


How did you address your audience?


When presenting this you should gives lots of specific examples.

Show us where you used the words and phrases. This could be through images or you could write out the specific pieces

Show us the photographs you are talking about so we can see what you are talking about.


How did you address your audience?
