Bitesized boz - Forecasting


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Bitesized Boz - Using forecasting

What If I told you that I could predict the future?

Plot Twist - I can’t.

But I can use forecasting techniques to predict site visits.

Forecasting is an Economics technique that uses the trends and data of the past to to bring insight into future events.

By the end of this, all of you will know how to forecast trends and data.

By using these forecasting techniques, we can smarten up our reporting, strategy and pitching to clients.

What Is Forecasting

Distilled’s forecasting tool

Step 1: Gather data

How to use Distilled’s Forecaster

Step 2: Data Input

How to use Distilled’s Forecaster

Step 3: Final Forecast

How to use Distilled’s Forecaster


Practical Uses of Forecasting

Pitching Ideas

Practical Uses of Forecasting


This is the same exercise but with goals exercise except with goals


If you don’t ramp up your marketing you won’t get anything in return.

In fact the downward trend may actually get worse.

Proving ROI

Practical Uses of Forecasting

Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways

Remember you can’t tell the future:Anomalies happen, things change and there’s no such thing as the perfect data set. Bear that in mind when you’re making forecasts

Use lots of data:If you’re looking a monthly data sets. look at least 12 months into the past. If you’re using daily sets use at least 28 days.

Start your forecast 1 month in the past:This will allow you to see gauge how accurate it’s going to be

Use the Right Tools:Distilled’s tool is Free, simple to use and produces more detailed results