Board Skills for Sport IoD training – Day two

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The Board Skills for Sport course is the world's first sport-specific director training course. For more information visit the Sport and Recreation Alliance website:

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  • 1. Board Skills for Sport Day 2

2. Facilitator: Amanda Bennett Director, FairPlay Consultancy Ltd Governance Adviser to the SRAContributor: John Boyd CEO, Baseball Softball UK Board Member, Sport and Recreation Alliance 3. Amanda Bennett International rugby player and coach Chair, European Women and Sport Executive Board Member, RFUW Head of Governance, UK Sport Author, Equality Standard for Sport and Women and Leadership Development Programme Director, FairPlay Consultancy Ltd Governance Adviser to the SRA Equality Standard Adviser Head Coach, England U20 Womens Rugby Member, RFU Game Development Sub-Committee 4. Aims of the Day Understand the sporting context, its influence on your organisation and the role of the Board Consider the purpose of the organisation Explore the Boards structure and composition Understand what standards, systems and controls should be in place By: Facilitating discussion through scenario-based activity Utilising the skills in the room 5. Recap List three things you learnt yesterday which will help you in your role as a Director 1.2. 3. 6. Today List three things you want to find out about during todays sessions 1.2. 3. 7. Why Good Governance? Think Lehman Brothers cosmetic accounting News International phone hacking MPs expenses Nick Leeson, Barings Bank 8. Why Good Governance in Sport? Think British Athletics Federation Snowsport GB Amateur Boxing Association of England 9. What Went Wrong?Process 10. What Went Wrong?Behaviour 11. Henry Mintzberg Managers not MBAs 12. In a Sporting Context Vision an aspirational view of our world Health, growth, medals Evidence KPIs; milestones; R&D; audits; insight Individual performance Organisational progress (RAG) Pragmatism practical problem solving, realism 2 coaches, 1 physio, P/T team manager 13. Whats it all for? /watch?v=ntNVQpg3c08 14. Governance in the Sport Sector A Potted History 1999 management audits 2001 Modernisation 2003 Investing in Change 2005-09 self-assurance and KGIs 2006 Additional 300m funding triggers 2011 Voluntary Code of Good Governance 2012 governance requirements and key criteria 2013-17 15. DCMS Objectives Maintaining and improving Britain's elite sports performance Creating a lasting legacy from the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Getting more people playing sportDepartment for Culture Media & Sport 16. Voluntary Code of Good Governance 7 Principles Voluntary not a funding requirement Sport-specific Flexible and adaptable Backed by Government and National Sport Agencies 17. The Landscape 18. Whats Your Landscape On flipchart paper, draw what you believe to the landscape within which your organisation operates (5-10mins) Identify agencies of greatest influence / importance to you Describe and explain this to a partner (5mins) 19. The Sporting Landscape 20. Stakeholder Management Power/influence of stakeholders Interest of stakeholders 21. Stakeholder Management MembersSport EnglandPower/influence of stakeholders Interest of stakeholders 22. Stakeholder Management What financial or strategic interest do they have in the outcome of your work? Is it positive or negative? What motivates them most of all? What information do they want from you? What is their current opinion of your work? Is it based on good information? Who influences their opinions generally, and who influences their opinion of you? 23. Examples 24. Break Time 25. The Role of the Board Understanding, defining and overseeing key relationships with other bodies, e.g. investors, commercial partners etc. Upholding required standards set by other sporting bodies domestically or internationally Defining the relationship between the NGB and clubs, members and participants Advocacy, lobbying, promotion 26. International Federations Historical background one or more bodies e.g. Boxing, Golf, Taekwondo Responsible for the governance and development of the sport Rules of the sport Events Olympic and Paralympic status 27. Delivering the Vision, Mission and PurposeThe Board should set the high level strategy and vision of the organisation and ensure that it is followed without becoming involved in the operational delivery Principle 3, Voluntary Code of Good Governance 28. VisionYour vision statement is your inspiration, the framework for all your strategic planning. You are articulating your dreams and hopes for your sport. It reminds you of what you are trying to build. 29. MissionA mission statement is a brief description of an organisation's fundamental purpose. It answers the question, "Why do we exist?. The mission statement articulates your organisation's purpose both for those inside the organisation and for the members, stakeholders and the public. 30. PurposeWhat for? What for? 31. Examples To organise the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful GoogleBowls England will deliver an exceptional sport and community experience that is appealing, entertaining and accessible to allOur aim at Havant Rugby Club is to create an environment where rugby can be played and enjoyed by all ages from 6 to sixty regardless of gender or ability. 32. Vision, Mission and Purpose 33. Your experiences 34. Lunch 35. Balanced, Inclusive and Skilled Board The Board should be made up of individuals with the right balance of skills and experience to meet the needs of the organisation. Included in this is a need for independent expertise and for representation of the diversity of the sport and the communities they serve. Principle 4, Voluntary Code of Good Governance 36. Balanced, Inclusive and Skilled Board 37. Board Composition 38. Discussion Competent high calibre individuals offering a mix of skills, experience and backgrounds Why is it important for sport? What steps did your organisation take? What challenges did you face? 39. Cross-Sectoral Good Practice Board members are chosen on the basis of their competence, ability, quality, leadership, integrity and experience Having at least 2 (ideally one third) independent Directors no one group can dominate decision making Setting terms of office for Board members to ensure the Board is refreshed regularly Ensuring the voice of the participant is heard or represented Board composition adequately reflects society and is mindful of diversity 40. Board Composition MUST reflect mission 41. Size Of The BoardSize matters Optimum is 8-12 42. An Inclusive Board Representation Diversity Behaviour 43. How Do You Get There? 44. The 12 Step Plan Agree Board compositionCommunicate with stakeholdersCheck ArticlesConduct skills auditCommunicate with stakeholdersAgree recruitment process (including Directors stepping down)Secure stakeholder agreement, e.g. AGMPut in place recruitment plan and resourcesOpen recruitmentComprehensive inductionBoard evaluationCommunicate with stakeholders 45. Skills Audit MatrixWhat are you looking for? Essential and desirable 46. Skills Audit Matrix 47. Balanced, Inclusive and Skilled Board 48. What Process? Open recruitment advert, panel, interview framework Election voted by designated group, e.g. Members Appointment can follow open recruitment or election Secondment Co-opting * Shadowing* *enables succession planning 49. Standards, Systems and Controls The Board needs to be conscious of the standards it should operate to, and its role in exercising appropriate and effective control over the organisation Principle 5, Voluntary Code of Good Governance 50. Risk is the uncertainty surrounding events and their outcomes that may have a significant effect, either enhancing or inhibiting: operational performance achievement of aims and objectives meeting expectations of stakeholders 51. Risk Management is the discipline of: Identifying and assessing all the risks you are exposed to Setting risk appetite for those risks aligned to strategic objectives Deploying the resources needed to control and monitor the risks; and Reporting and re-assessing those risks in a documented and evidenced framework 52. Risk Matrix Catastrophic1922232425Major1417182021Moderate912131516Minor4681011Insignificant12357Impact Remote Likelihood UnlikelyPossibleProbableHighly probable 53. Risk Heat Map 54. Risk Management 55. Break Time 56. The Bell Lap 57. Risk Management Each individual risk needs to be prioritised according to: the impact on the business should the risk occur, and the likelihood that the risk will occur. Process risk matrix, profile and heat map. Must be integrated into strategy, operations, reporting Behaviour led by the Board 58. Enterprise Risk Management Risk management frameworks with a brief commentary on ISO 31000. 59. The Art of Delegation Ensuring authority is delegated appropriately and that checks and balances are in place to manage inappropriate use of decision making responsibilities 60. Standards, Systems and Controls 61. The Art of Delegation 62. The Art of Delegation Nurture the line management relationship Ensure clarity of outcomes, outputs and KPIs Set individual objectives Create responsibility Clarify accountability Agree limits of authority* Stay in touch Challenge progress ask good questions Monitor and measure performance Reward success and be honest about failure*responsibility without authority creates discontent 63. Thank You and Well Done!Amanda Bennett FairPlay Consultancy Ltd Mob: 07507 355241 Email:
