Branding Basics for SMEs ~ Presentation

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As part of our work at SME Centre @ SMCCI, I delivered this workshop with the hope that our SMEs can begin discovering the exciting possibilities that Branding can bring to their businesses.

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Introductions Let’s get to know

each other

Part 1 Understand what ‘Brand’ means

A simple definition to guide you

A simple & powerful definition of Brand:

"Your Brand is

How You Truly See Yourself


Communicating This, Naturally & All The Time to the world."

Branding is not fluffy. It is Real.

Your brand is a True Expression of what You

are About regardless if you’re a Business or a Person.

So. How do you truly see yourself?

Solitary? Thinker?

Same? Ordinary?

Unique? Different?


Elegant? Classy?

Cheerful? Light?



Artistic? Cultured?


Casual Chic?



There is your Business Brand & there is your Personal Brand.

Both are important.

Sheng Siong &

Lim Hock Chee

Apple &

Steve Jobs

If you could find out what the most successful people did in any area & then you did the same thing over & over, you’d eventually get the same result they do.

~ Brian Tracy

So. Who do you see as

an Inspiring Role Model?

For your Personal Brand? For your Business Brand?

Part 1 So, what does

‘Brand’ mean?

Your Brand is How You Truly See Yourself – and Communicating This, Naturally &

All The Time, to the world.


Part 2 What is

your Brand?

Let’s uncover & discover Your Brand

A simple & powerful definition of Brand:

"Your Brand is

How You Truly See Yourself


Communicating This, Naturally & All The Time to the world."

So. How do you truly see yourself?

The Samar brand

The Samar brand

Uncovering Your Brand

Seek to Express, not Impress. Ask ‘What is it that sets my Heart on Fire?’ Then go Express it.

Be Inspiring If you want to create a Prominent & Profitable business brand, your Message must be Inspiring. Because Inspiration sells.

Be Different Don’t follow the crowd. Follow your Heart.

“ Whatever you do, be different – that was the advice my mother gave me, and I can’t think of better advice for an entrepreneur. If you’re different, you will stand out.” Anita Roddick The Body Shop

The Key to Branding Success :

“A brand is not a product, a service, or a logo. It is an Inspired Idea.”

~ Harasha

This is what makes a brand Fail or Succeed.

The Key to Branding Success…

So what is your brand?

What is The Point you’re trying to

make through your work?

What’s your Message?

A brand is an Inspired Idea

Why your ‘Why’ is more important than your ‘What’

WHY you are doing the business is more important for the market place to know than WHAT you are selling.

Because What you're selling may change - but not your Why

& Because your Why will excite & attract your Ideal Customer Look at Richard Branson, Look at Steve Jobs, Look at Tony Fernandes. See?

Let’s uncover & discover Your Brand so that you can stand out meaningfully.

There is your Business Brand & there is your Personal Brand.

Both are important.

What’s Your Personal Brand?

There is your Business Brand & there is your Personal Brand.

Both are important.

What’s Your Business Brand?

In everything you do, go back to your ‘brand’

Part 3 Use your

Brand to Grow your Business

Telling World What You Have

A simple & powerful definition of Brand:

"Your Brand is

How You Truly See Yourself


Communicating This, Naturally & All The Time to the world."

You’ve got to Be ‘Out There’

Being ‘Out There’

‘Be’ your brand all the time.

Be Bold in Expressing your Brand If you Want your Brand to be Successful, you need Courage. Take a Stand for What You Deeply Believe in - regardless of the Critics.

No Jargon – Keep it Simple: If you want your Target Market to Sit Up & Pay Attention - Drop the Jargon! Speak in Clear & Simple language that they can 'Get'

Being ‘Out There’…

Tell to Sell. Don’t Sell to Sell. If you’re proud of your work, you won’t find it difficult to sell. You become Unapologetic

You can't be everything to everybody. Be okay with that.

They’re are some people you’re meant to serve - & many you’re not.

You can’t be good at Branding

if you are shy.

7 ways you can express Promote your Brand for More Business

(assumption: that you have the other 3Ps of marketing right)

Relevant Social Media x 2: Blog + FB/LinkedIn Short videos (youTube or Events X 2 - Your Own + With Others Speaking

It’s all about Telling the World about What You Have

1. Embrace Social Media 2. Give great content 3. Record yourself 4. Organise meaningful events 5. Speak - publicly. 6. Take up a cause that brings Good to the World 7. Share your Journey

7 ways you can express Promote your Brand for More Business

Promotion Channel For Your Personal Brand For Your Business Brand

1. Embrace Social Media Facebook + Personal Blog LinkedIn + Business Blog + Slideshare

2. Give Great Content Related to your Personal Interests

Be an Authority in your Industry

3. Record Yourself YouTube / Vimeo YouTube / Vimeo

4. Meaningful Events (can be done on your own or in collaboration with others who are aligned with your brand)

Related to your Personal Interests

To serve - not Sell to - your Ideal Clients & industry players

5.Speak Publicly Related to your Personal Interests

On content related to your Industry

6. Take up a Good Cause Something close to your Heart

Something your Business truly cares about

7.Share Your Journey In Writing, In Person In Writing, In Person

Let’s come up with your own Brand Strategy

There is your Business Brand & there is your Personal Brand.

Both are important.

What’s Your Personal Brand Strategy?

What’s Your Business Brand


Let’s Review:

One key learning point I got about Me & My Business is…

Thank You!
