C12 Fort Worth - NOV 2015


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Christian CEOs & Business Owners Building GREAT Businesses for a GREATER PurposeTM

To change the world by advancing the Kingdom of God in the marketplace through the companies and lives of those

Christ calls to lead businesses for Him.

The C12 Group’s Mission

News & Events

Brent Johnson, Rio Mambo Restaurants Rob Sell, V Fine Homes Elizabeth Fritz, Chick-fil-A

Welcome our November guests!

Core Business Presentation: Justin Gilmore, Level 5 Design and Construction

Get the most out of the day...

Got issues? Engage peers in Open Table Time! Plan your To-Do’s throughout the day.

Please remember:

Confidentiality policy

Silence your phone

No text or email

Guests are welcome to contribute

Opening Prayer & Announcements

Devotion: Consider the Source Business: Compensation: A Biblical Perspective Ministry: The Most Helpful Counsel

Devotion Can we adapt the Bible to our desires or tastes?

Devotion Consider the Source

“For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and

spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from

God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”

Hebrews 4:12-13

God means what He says. What He says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through

everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey. Nothing and no one is impervious to God’s

Word. We can’t get away from it—no matter what. MSG


‣ What’s the importance of the phrase “living and active?”

‣ What does it mean that the Word “penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow?”

‣ What’s so important about the “thoughts and attitudes of the heart?” What does God’s Word say about our hearts?

Consider the Source

What’s the source of the most valuable counsel we can give each other?

(a) Our own personal experience?

(b) Reasoning?

(c) Popularity (i.e., what’s most generally acceptable)?

(d) What will produce the greatest financial return?

(e) God’s Word?

(f) Answers revealed in response to prayer, or some combination of these sources?

Devotion Consider the Source

Devotion Consider the Source

If we agree…

A. Why don’t we seek out His will via His Word more rigorously?

B. Do we have future, aspirational statements about eventually getting better at this? What’s the cost of “not yet?” What’s the risk?

C. Do I want to become more or less dependent on God? How can I become more dependent?

D. When we’re not transparent before God who are we fooling?

Devotion How do you read the Bible? Jefferson Bethke


What would need to change tomorrow?

Is there an area you are avoiding Him?

Is there an aspect of your life or His business you have not submitted or surrendered completely to Him?

September & October dealt with issues of trust, transparency, and isolation.

For November what’s the underlying issue? Do I trust God? Do I trust His Word? Do I really want accountability? Or do I want my will more than His?

Consider the Source

Capture Your Take-Aways and To-Do’s !

If nothing changes, nothing changes.


Guest introductions…

February - having the right kinds of meetingsMarch - asking better questions

April - listening for better results

May - intentionally cultivating culture June - professionalism & employee ownership

July - long term tools for team unity

August - risk mitigation and mission intelligenceSeptember - building trust in teams

October - trust-based change leadership

What have you applied since our last meeting?How have you led differently?

November - Biblical perspective on compensation December - Principles around pay for performance

Working on my business

The Three Signs of a Miserable Job - Patrick Lencioni

Anonymity: People need to be understood and appreciated by

someone in a position of authority;

Irrelevance: Everyone needs to know their job matters to someone;

Immeasurement: Employees need to be able to gauge their progress and

level of contribution for themselves.

Working on my business

Working on my business

The primary source of job misery and the potential cure resides in the hands of one individual—the direct manager.

Even employees who are well paid, do interesting work, and have great autonomy, cannot feel fulfilled at work if their managers fail to provide them with what they need on a daily or weekly basis.

Take a genuine interest in your employees. Ask them about their lives and what matters to them. As a manager, your ability to affect your people’s lives is huge.

Is there any area of our business God’s Word doesn’t speak to?

Working on my business

The Entitlement Creed

Working on my business

Two Contrasting Philosophies

‣ Paying for time - Egalitarian model: Equal pay for unequal results;

‣ Paying for Productivity or Paying for Results and not Effort (meaning equal pay for equal outcomes or unequal pay for unequal outcomes;

Working on my business

Does our compensation system drive performance or the behavior needed to achieve our mission or our annual objectives?

Is there any loss of anticipated compensation connected to failing to perform in critical areas or overall company results?

Working on my business



§  Ease of administration §  Minimal management oversight §  Ease to plan and budget for §  Improved recruitment and retention §  Psychological benefit of job security

§  Inflexible §  No incentive for strong performers §  Possible salary compression §  “Entitlement” mentality

§  Improved productivity §  Increased motivation §  Improved recruitment and retention §  Improved communications §  Cultural change

§  Subject to many budget constraints §  Management intensive §  Risk of reducing motivation for other

employees §  Issues of fairness surrounding evaluations §  Significant amount of training required §  Decreased teamwork and cooperation §  Required

Pay for Time Pay for Performance

*per Compensation Industry Report 2009

What do you see as Pros / Cons for the various models?

Working on my business

Ability = Knowledge

Education & Understanding of Job Skill

Physical Know How of Job Talent

Natural Ability to Perform Job

Behavior Attitude & Actions + x

Effort Putting Abilities and Behavior into Action x

Time Time needed to do the Job

Skill Assessment



= Results

Considering the components of “Contribution,” where do you measure, incentivize, and compensate?

Working on my business

Responsibility & How Costly is Complacency?

Working on my business

Capture Your Take-Aways and To-Do’s !

If nothing changes, nothing changes.

Working on my ministry in God’s business

Blind Spots … What are they? (what we don’t know we don’t know)

Blind Spots are patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving we often do unconsciously that can negatively influence our relationships with other people. They often show up when we are under stress and overuse our greatest strengths.

So why are blind spots a big deal?

BlindSpots can become possible problems in our working processes and relationship and if left unchecked, they can become serious obstacles to our progress.

Working on my ministry in God’s business

Buck Jacobs, C12 Founder & Board Chairman

Working on my ministry in God’s business

How our board gives and receives feedback is vitally important and we cannot settle for less than God’s best if we want to accomplish His Highest.

Now, let’s take a minute to honestly consider and discuss if counsel through our board is impaired by any of four typical stumbling blocks.

Working on my ministry in God’s business

Working on my ministry in God’s business

Settling or Satisficing -

GOOD ENOUGH is the enemy of BEST.

Do we seek genuine counsel in the first place or simply decide what we want and look for confirmation?

How is our behavior muting or ignoring healthy dialogue at the table?

NOTE: “Satisficing” is a term that combines satisfy and suffice and refers to settling for a sub-optimal result, decision, or approach because it’s comfortable, convenient, and/or GOOD ENOUGH.

Working on my ministry in God’s business

Not caring enough to fully speak the truth in love -

Are we reluctant to offer the full truth? Why? Doesn’t God tell us that withholding ministry to others is a sin?

What is your trust level at this table to give feedback and to receive it?

How can we all get to a full “10" in both?

Working on my ministry in God’s business

Thinking unbiblically -

How do we avoid “worldly wisdom”?

Are we asking often enough “what does the bible say about this?”

Are we seeking a biblical principle every time?

Working on my ministry in God’s business

Underestimating the enemy -

What are the traps?

Are we fully investing in the process?

C12’s model is predicated on gathering together God’s business leaders to help one another through mutual learning, accountability, and seeking best practice improvements constant with Godly counsel.

Working on my ministry in God’s business

Working on my ministry in God’s business

Trevor Bird, GM & Managing Partner Gruene & Javelina Harley-Davidson C12 member since 2013

Working on my ministry in God’s business

Issue / Question

Enhance God’s priorities?

Priorities harmed?

Enhance effective ministry and


+ Impact on witness?

Violate Biblical principles?

More or Less dependent on



Go for it!











Capture Your Take-Aways and To-Do’s !

If nothing changes, nothing changes.


RightNow Media at Work

‣ Want to finish your work toward a college degree? ‣ Desire to add a business-focused masters degree?

‣ Searching for a trustworthy and practical way to get this done with a highly-regarded university?

‣ Want to encourage and support key company staff members to do likewise?

Educational Partnership with a Christian Mission C12 Group & LeTourneau University partner for a unique offering

Masters Degrees Bachelor DegreesMaster of Strategic Leadership Bachelor of Business Administration

Master of Business Administration B.S. in Healthcare Management

Master of Healthcare Administration B.S. in Computer Information Systems

Master of Engineering Management B.S. in Health Information Systems

Employees of C12 businesses can take advantage of business degree programs with the guarantee that their tuition costs upon entry will not be raised as long as they continue with the program cohort with which they entered until graduation. This offer extends to active members of C12, and to their employees whose program candidacy is specifically endorsed by an active C12 member. C12 members with 2+ years will receive partial credit (up to 9 credit hours) toward their chosen degree track based on demonstrated learning (assessed in a portfolio evaluation process). Grad Degree courses are generally three credit hours apiece taken over a 7 week period via digital distance learning.

Questions? Contact:Dr. Ron Sones | Dean, School of Business & Technology


FamilyLife: “A Weekend to Remember”


Justin Gilmore Level 5 Design and


1st 30 MinutesHighlight 6-8 significant issues from CBP form

2nd 30 MinutesFocus on three key questions for group input

Core Business Presentation

New To-Do Lists & Prayer RequestsIntentionalFocus on a few meaningful To-Do’s rather than lots of gimme’s

Stretch“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” Michelangelo

S.M.A.R.T.Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, Time-bound

Commit“Simply let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and your ‘no’, ‘no’.” Mt 5:37a

FocusOn our businesses and families… issues currently on our heart

ShareProgress/answers related to previous prayer requests

AvoidDeep background and long stories (simply state prayer request) Brainstorming and problem-solving (save for Open Table Time)

Key Take-aways & Closing Prayer