Claire Kerr - Oops! You Raised Awareness Without Raising Money (Whatcha gonna do about it?)

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If you didn’t raise a million dollars through Twitter or Facebook in 2010, you’re not alone. Unlike the wide-eyed success stories reported by mainstream media, many charities struggle to raise significant revenue from social media channels. In this workshop, we’ll take a “no bull” approach to examining the use of social media & mobile giving in integrated digital campaigns. We’ll learn from successes but even more from failures, looking at the latest case studies from projects that are experimenting in this space. Let’s get real – social media is only one complementary channel for your online programs. Do you know how to really leverage your resources, staff knowledge and most importantly – fundraising strategies – to get the benefits of the real-time web? If you feel chasing after “awareness” is not enough, join this session for a grounded guide to social media fundraising, by a fundraiser, for fundraisers. Takeaways:- The characteristics of successful fundraisers involving social media- The digital literacy skills necessary to make wise choices about investment in social media- An introduction to the latest tools charities are experimenting with this to raise money this year

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“Oops, you raised awareness, but...”

My Charity Connects: June 6, 2011


Inspire Action



This is a discussion …

… all about cash.

Social Media & Fundraising Myths ...

Hang on…

Social Media & Fundraising Reality ...

70% of charities raising over $100k have budgets of $5 million or more.

Only 0.4% of organizations raised over $100k through Facebook.

Does this feel accurate?The majority of nonprofits are raising $0 - $1000 on Facebook.

80% raised $0 from YouTube, LinkedIn, Flickr.

Putting It In Perspective ….




All FundraisingOnline



If there was a silver bullet ...

If there was a silver bullet ...

Growing potential in this space…

72% of Canadian donors

(63% of Americans)

…. made a donation online in 2010

Industry is getting there …

The majority have

alreadyaccomplished a major

goal using social media.

Supporter behaviouras a result of social media


• Took an action


• Made a donation

Sending out some positive vibes ...

Online activists are seven times more likely to donate, compared with supporters who did not previously take an online action for a cause.

“Can I replicate it?”

Understanding Two Types of Projects

External Internal

External: Third Party Fundraisers

Groups Individuals

Third Party Fundraisers

External: Corporate Sponsors & Influencers

Corporations Celebrities

Celebrity Influence

Corporate Sponsor Challenges

Corporate Sponsor Challenges

“Five Facebook Giving Campaign Success Stories”

Four of the five success stories were corporate sponsored!

Internal: Offline Fundraising Events

Participants using social media in fundraising events raise more money on

average than participants that do not.

40% more

Internal: Multi-Channel Campaigns

Your Multi-Channel Campaigns

Internal: Your Day To Day Marketing

Your Day To Day Marketing

Your Day To Day Marketing

Different ways to bring cash in

Individual donations directly through your web site Lump sum at intervals through a 3rd party web site

Gifts through 3rd party application (mobio/twitpay) SMS text-to-give (cell carriers) deposit

Group/event fundraiser proceeds Corporate sponsor gift match donation

Ranked in order of digital happiness…

Individual donations directly through your web site. Deposits from third-party sites. Corporate sponsor gift matches . Third party proceeds.

Your Best Practices ForSocial Media Fundraising

Thumbs upto raising


Strategy First, Tools Second

Drive to your web properties

All your action items live here.

Always think “conversion”

Conversion Rate54 converted




Your visitors10,000

Little changes, big wins




Your visitors10,000

Conversion Rate114 converted

Why is this important?

Donation patternsyear over year

Assessment : Your Benchmarks

Who the heck is in charge?

Any mention of fundraisingas a mandate?

Raising money is difficult when …

You don’t ask for it.

Raising money is difficult when …

You don’t ask for it.


Do you know how to evaluate your “communications coordinator”?

Your Staff Members

Knowing your top 5 competitors

Especially UK organizations(organisations!)

“Every donation made online saves The

Terry Fox Foundation 80 cents in administrative costs – helping to keep 87

cents of every dollar raised going to cancer research.”

“Please use this pledge sheet to complement your online efforts.”

Talking to donors.

Your Editorial Calendar

Sticking with it…

Over time,Over events,

Over campaigns.

Campaign vs. Organization …

You can avoidhalf finished


You can avoid shiny


What can you do with aneditorial dashboard?

• Collect quantitative informationMentions, Views, “likes”

• Create a lead generation funnel

• Segment & target your audience


from our palsin direct


Project-Based Blogging

Your SEO & Ad Spend

Where are the trends going?

11% of all North American

online advertising is through

… of 2011’s total ad spend will focus on

social networking sites!10.8%

Your realistic assessment again

Thoughtful Keywords

Which actions happen from traffic referred by

social advertising?

Leverage Your Supporters

Leverage Your Supporters


Experts networking for you

80 / 20 rule of fundraising

Create digital toolkits

What are you telling them?

Give supporters tools to raise money.

Not everything has to be about spreading your message.

Canadians are special…

Online video in your YouTube channel beyond your 30 & 60 spots

Your toolkit beyond events

You can be nimble, even if you aren’t an international NGO.

Are you ready to move on every opportunity?

Social media publishing

Social media publishing

Digital Means You Can Punch Above Your Weight

Leverage your sponsors

Leverage partnerships

Your Data Integration

You’re thinking about the future

Integrated social media tools

Integrated social media tools

Your Mobile Awareness

Smartphones sales now surpass computer sales globally.


Are you ready?






48 hrs

After 72hrs

Percentage of Donations After Japan Earthquake Made By Mobile Web (Donors on mobile devices)

The hidden mobile channel?

Your supporters are reading your appeals on

their mobile devices.

They’ve been doing itfor a while now…

Your points of contact…

250 million users access Facebook through a

mobile device

Mobile users of Facebookare 2x more active

We’re all testing.

The Power of Email

Email > Social Media

Where are your email addresses?

How many do you have?

You might mess up

But we all mess up

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