Cloud brokerage, pourquoi et comment? [#CloudAccelerate 13/06/2014 @ IBM CC Paris]




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Atelier 8 Cloud Brokerage

Cloud [Services] Brokerage, Pourquoi & Comment ?

Loic SimonIBM Business Development, – 06 76 75 40 71

@loicsim - @cluballiances - @aspaway

Avec la participation de Julien Chapard,




Cloud Brokerage ?

Pourquoi ?

Comment ?

Crédit photo : Loic Simon

Pour moi, le Cloud Brokerage, c’est :

1 seule réponse, 1 phrase, 7 mots maximum



Cloud Brokerage ?

Pourquoi ?

Comment ?

Crédit photo : Loic Simon

Cloud Provider

Cloud Builder










Cloud Builder









Ecosystème IT : Aujourd’hui et Demain




Existant : Channel IT

• VAR (Value Added Reseller)– (Revendeur à Valeur Ajoutée)

• Prestataire de Services Métiers– Eg Agence de Marketing,

Consultant « métier »…

• Intégrateur Fonctionnel

• ISV (Independant Software Vendor)

– (Editeur de Logiciels)

• MSP (Managed Service Provider)– (Hébergeur, Infogéreur)

• CSI (Consulting & Systems Integration)

• ESN (ex SSII)

• Intégrateur d’Infrastructures

• VAD (Value Added Distributor)– (Grossiste à Valeur Ajoutée)








• CSB (Cloud Services Broker)

– Courtier/Comparateur

– Intégrateur de Services Cloud

– Agrégateur de Services Cloud

– Place de Marché

– Prestataire de Services Métiers

• CSP (Cloud Service Provider)

– Applications

– Infrastructures

• Cloud Builder

• Cloud Technology Provider

• VAD (Value Added Distributor)

Ecosystème Cloud


Cloud Builder







Avec une offre évolutive de services managés pour clouds privés, publics et hybrides, Aspaway se développe sur le marché en forte

croissance du Cloud Services Brokerage à valeur ajoutée.


Cloud Builder







Courtier en Services Cloud !

Cloud Services Brokerage [Gartner]

Cloud Services Brokerage [Saugatuck]

Le DSI aussi devient Cloud Broker…



Cloud Brokerage ?

Pourquoi ?

Comment ?

Crédit photo : Loic Simon

Marché du Cloud Brokerage

The Cloud Brokerage Enablement market will grow from $225.42

million in 2013 to $2.03 billion by 2018, at a CAGR of 55.3%.

Cloud Brokerage Enablers are software platforms that enable

such services.

The overall, global Cloud Brokerage market will grow from

$1.57 billion in 2013 to $10.5 billion by 2018. This represents a CAGR of 46.2% from 2013 to 2018, according to MarketsandMarkets,

a research firm.

Crédit photo : Loic Simon

Marché Cloud France (IDC)

Cloud Computing Trends to Watch in 2014

1. It’s Not Just About Cutting Costs: Leading enterprises are using cloud to innovate and create competitive advantages. More case

studies are needed and then second tier adopters will follow as a result.

2. Cloud as a Distribution Channel: In 2014 we will see major Software vendors increasingly use the Cloud as a way to launch and

distribute all types of software and services.

3. Rise of Cloud API Marketplaces: Open APIs for access to hybrid

enterprise/telco cloud-based applications will accelerate as a means to develop and deploy cloud applications. First movers gain an advantage.

4. Cloud Security: Demand for Cloud Security Services will increase as organizations drive for tighter security with encryption, automation

and orchestration of security across all platforms and access points.

5. Private – Cloudy Forecast: Delays in implementing private clouds are opening the window for public clouds. 2014 will be a critical

year for private cloud adoption.

6. Hybrids – Sunny Forecast: The sun is shining on hybrids. We should see a huge growth in 2014 around hybrid clouds, but data

security and governance will become paramount to enabling this journey.

7. Mobile Clouds – Sunny Forecast: 2014 will see a growing realization that mobile app to cloud services is the key distributed

application construct to focus on. Expect a whole new generation of cloud apps designed for mobile work force.

8. Cloud Brokerage Services: The crucial need will be to create or obtain capabilities to manage the different cloud environments with

a consistent management framework.

9. Public Cloud Price Wars: As Google and MS ramp up their cloud efforts, expect

AWS to lead with reductions in prices of cloud services.

10. AWS Innovation Continues: As AWS passes $4B in revenues, expect AWS to continue to rapidly innovate it’s services in order to

attract enterprise clients. Expect AWS to make their clouds Hybrid-friendly.

11. Cloud Skills are in Demand: Education institutions are playing catchup as the demand for cloud computing skills outpaces all other

IT skills. Expect colleges and universities around the world to beef up their computer science curriculums.

Cloud Hybride : Une tendance de fond

Gartner prévoit que près de la moitié des grandes entreprisesauront déployé du Cloud hybride d’ici la fin 2017



Cloud Brokerage ?

Pourquoi ?

Comment ?

Crédit photo : Loic Simon

Appuyez-vous sur SoftLayer !

50 €159 €

1-4 h

• Interface de commande et de contrôle commune au travers d’une architecture unifiée

• Combinaison de serveurs Bare-metal, d’instances de Cloud publics et privés, déployés sur des infrastructures hybrides distribuées, gérées depuis un portail unique, avec environ 2.200 API

• Parfaitement adapté au déploiement d’applications Cloud natives, aux domaines du Big Data, du HPC, de la mobilité, du Test&Dev : couvrant tous les domaines CAMS²

Une plateforme unifiée avec un portail unique


• Compute - Multiple configuration : De l’instance/serveur minimaliste à la configuration HPC/Big Data

• Storage - Multiple technologies : NAS, SAN, Local (SATA, SCSI, SSD…), Backup (eVault, Idera), iSCSI …

• Network : Performance, mettering, Client Private network access, load balancers…

• Security : Firewall, DNS, IDS, anti-virus…• Self Managed Services :

- Monitoring reports with alerting- OS & security patching (toolset), management for DB- Free 24/7 support services : chat, tel, email, mobile

• Others : Private Images Catalog

Exploitez (bientôt) l’IBM Cloud Marketplace…

… en tant que Cloud Broker…

Cloud Computing Trends to Watch in 2014

1. It’s Not Just About Cutting Costs: Leading enterprises are using cloud to innovate and create competitive advantages. More case

studies are needed and then second tier adopters will follow as a result.

2. Cloud as a Distribution Channel: In 2014 we will see major Software vendors increasingly use the Cloud as a way to launch and

distribute all types of software and services.

3. Rise of Cloud API Marketplaces: Open APIs for access to hybrid enterprise/telco cloud-based applications will accelerate as a

means to develop and deploy cloud applications. First movers gain an advantage.

4. Cloud Security: Demand for Cloud Security Services will increase as organizations drive for tighter security with encryption, automation

and orchestration of security across all platforms and access points.

5. Private – Cloudy Forecast: Delays in implementing private clouds are opening the window for public clouds. 2014 will be a critical

year for private cloud adoption.

6. Hybrids – Sunny Forecast: The sun is shining on hybrids. We should see a huge growth in 2014 around hybrid clouds, but data

security and governance will become paramount to enabling this journey.

7. Mobile Clouds – Sunny Forecast: 2014 will see a growing realization that mobile app to cloud services is the key distributed

application construct to focus on. Expect a whole new generation of cloud apps designed for mobile work force.

8. Cloud Brokerage Services: The crucial need will be to create or obtain capabilities to manage the different cloud environments with a consistent management framework.

9. Public Cloud Price Wars: As Google and MS ramp up their cloud efforts, expect AWS to lead with reductions in prices of cloud


10. AWS Innovation Continues: As AWS passes $4B in revenues, expect AWS to continue to rapidly innovate it’s services in order to

attract enterprise clients. Expect AWS to make their clouds Hybrid-friendly.

11. Cloud Skills are in Demand: Education institutions are playing catchup as the demand for cloud computing skills outpaces all other

IT skills. Expect colleges and universities around the world to beef up their computer science curriculums.

Aspaway fournit des solutions de Cloud Hybride infogéré pour les entreprises et accompagne les éditeurs et intégrateurs fonctionnels vers le SaaS

Cloud Privéen France

Accompagnement / Business SaaS

Services Managés


Cloud Public d’Entreprise

Plateformes PaaS & DevOps

Offre / Vente / Avant-Vente

Business Model / Stratégie

Marketing / Communication

Ecosystème / Partenariats


Ce que je retiens de cet atelier, c’est :

1 seule réponse, 1 phrase, 7 mots maximum

Quelques Sources d’Informations Cloud

• Blogs

– Aspaway

– Club Cloud

– Thoughts on Cloud

• Twitter

– @aspaway

– @loicsim

– @cluballiances

• LinkedIn– Aspaway

Crédit photo : Loic Simon

Loic SimonIBM Business Development, Aspaway

06 76 75 40 71
