Common Types of Breach of Contract



Breach of contract is a common reason for a corporate lawsuit, but what are the most common types of breaches?

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Common Examples of Breach of Contract   

Breach of contract is all too common in today’s business world. Although we do what we can to protect ourselves, we can’t always prevent it from happening.

Some people knowingly breach their contract, while others may be unaware of what they are doing. Either way, business litigation can help you through the difficult situation.

Intellectual Property Violations

The most common breach of contract relates to intellectual property.

When a non-disclosure agreement is violated, this means that a party has released information that the contract states they were not to share, including trade secrets. A litigation attorney should be contacted immediately when this happens.

Refusal of Contract Obligations

There is an obligations breach when a party in a contract does not complete the duties they are contracted to.

When a fundamental or material breach occurs, this permits the other party to terminate the contract, while also being able to sue for damages. An anticipatory breach occurs before the due date and an actual breach is on the due date.

Minor or Partial Breach

A minor or partial breach happens when a job is completed, but isn’t to the agreed standards or completion.

When there is a breach of contract, business litigation can be pursued, but the contractual duties still need to be completed.

Whenever a breach of contract occurs, a litigation attorney should immediately be consulted, no matter which side of the contract you are on. Your business lawyer can help you navigate the process of any potential corporate lawsuit.

Northwest Business Law,
