CSI - Jul - Ago / 2013



COMMUNICATION SCENE INVESTIGATION Cenário periódico com o que acontece na comunicação e na aplicação de mídia pelo mundo. Cases, estratégias, idéias, insights, destaques. Material relevante para planejadores, criativos, mídias, todos os profissionais de comunicação.

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Well… as you know, we are living the FMA – Fragmentation's Media Age

(this is not real, I invented right now…rs).

Ok, it’s a fact. but we know that it happens just because people changed the media consumption behavior.

Why? I’ll tell you…

Doesn’t matter the channel. The content is the king.

in the last years, some communication companies had the information’s monopoly…but now people got more

autonomy to do anything, specially to create, consume or share information.

Nowadays and day by day, media’s solutions is far away from some common methodologies – normal research softwares, traditional way of think advertising, etc...So, when you are working in a campaign, you should consider – first of all – the target’s way of life…Is the target who will say what is the best way to follow and how your brand could start a conversation.

Doesn't matter where the dialogue will happen..

you just need that happen. So,  lets  see  how  this  

scenario  has  been  worked…  

all the off-line media channels are

around there. so, use it…

legislative assembly of Rio grande do norte

said that throwing trash in right place is easy as turn a mag page

made by Art&C


blinkbox placed a dragon head, as a fossil, In in a beach… just to announce a third game of thrones season by streaming.

curiosity Watch the vídeo

Douwe Egberts placed a vending

machine with a facial recognition

software to offer a coffee to people just

detecting a moment of a yawn.

functional Watch the vídeo

Follow the link

yes or yes. does outdoor still work???

this guy can talk about…

ooh media

Chinese government invited people to chance plastic bottle by one subway ticket a good example to brands that wants to bring people closer…


very important…

internet brings reach to actions

a reporter watched a 3d film without 3d glasses… after, in a blog, he protested against the “low quality” from the images. free opportunity to brands…


kitkat a very smart dad used a kitkat’s package to convince his baby to eat vegetables. spontaneous media

experience Watch the vídeo

you can think different… but, this is crazy joel santana is just a new Brazilian tool for advertisement. made by africa 16 million views


Watch the vídeo

and, more important…

tell stories is powerful to engage / to involve / to bring people closer

Watch the vídeo

honda did something really special and simple… one of the most watched videos to advertisement on youtube.


samsung did two viral videos with two different agencies… Usher’s video by Huge Jay-z’s video by 72andSunny 74 million views


pepsi taked a professional player diguised as old man to play basketball with young guys perfect experience. 25 million views

experience Watch the vídeo

smirnoff invited some guys to take their friends to buy smirnoff in a store… When the green-bottle’s purchase was registered, a party started inside the store – as a surprise, of course…

experience Watch the vídeo

there’s more…

go create something.

forget all this bullshit about the end of life of magazines, newspaper, tv, radio, etc... one more time, doesn’t matter the channel…doesn’t fucking matter… all the channels are alive as always… think about brand necessities, the target, the stories your brand could provide…the strategy.

in time… a professional detach just somebody special…

bruna crepaldi marketing & communication manager at infracommerce

a new face in a leadership position

creative, intelligent and experienced…


facebook / twitter @ninodasilva

ok. that’s enough.