Danny Singh Financial Seminar (Students Loans Crisis) at the Florida Collegiate Honors Council


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Saturday—Session 2

Saturday, Session 2 - 10:00 AM to 10:50 AM

Lulur 2 (con�nued)

Consumer Credit and Banking

Danny Singh – Seminole State College

The presenta�on will focus on the significance of maintaining a strong credit history. Background infor-

ma�on about the consumer repor�ng agencies, the credit scoring model of the Fair Isaac Corpora�on, and

the different types of loans will be discussed. The purpose will be to mo�vate students to never default on

any kind of loan. Strategies and �ps will be shared on how to make the most interest on money saved in

deposit accounts such as checking, money market, savings, and cer�ficate of deposit accounts so students

can use that money to pay their highest interest loans.


Campaign 2012: Civic Engagement and the Presiden!al Elec!on

Eugene Alpert – The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars

Florida will have its usual important role in the selec�on of the next President of the U.S., but will you real-

ly have a chance to experience the thrill of the campaign or the excitement of the elec�on? This presenta-

�on will explain how, since 1984, The Washington Center has offered college students and faculty the op-

portunity to be a part of history in the making at the Democra�c and Republican na�onal conven�ons and

the presiden�al inaugura�on and how you and your ins�tu�on can be represented at these important

events in 2012 and 2013.

Democracy Now and the Importance of Independent News Sources

Dominic Homac & Angelica Boudrie- Seminole State College

“Informa�on is power. Informa�on is hope. Informa�on is a ma"er of life and death.” This is the mantra of

the president and chief journalist of the independent news organiza�on Democracy Now. In this presenta-

�on we will take popular news stories that you think you know and discuss the perversions made to the

story and compare it to the facts independent news sources provide on the story. A#er this presenta�on,

you may not trust your news again.
