Deconstruction of film posters (x3)


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This poster contains the normal media standards such as star crediting, dates but producer wise its left the audience clueless as it doesn’t show his name in big bold writing which suggests he's not as well known as appose to the main characters as you can tell who they are straight away.Its important for the audience not to know about the producer because it will decrease their expectations of the film (e.g. if he's not as well known of a producer the quality of the film wont be as good), however the charters are definitely well known as only their last names are used.

Red seems to be the main colour used and there are guns so it’s a safe bet that it relates to crime possibly blood/murder.

They have sunglasses on which tells us they’re not serious also they give off a childish appeal of the characters, the audience might look at it and think these are grown adults who look like they’re playing with guns in the summer.The message is mainly visual because as soon as you look at it, it pulls your attention towards the characters and what they are doing not the writing or crediting.

The intended audience is probably of both gender as it’s a comedy act (Jonah Hill) and women (Channing Tatum) who's seen as a sex symbol and you could also say used as a unique selling point.

Some of the genre conventions used are the glasses because its something you'd usually expect in a comedy film and the goofy shirts (not suited up), the guns because they represent crime and action.

There are no expert witnesses quoted on here which suggests its not an amazing film or as big as films that came from novels perhaps.

Usually from a comedy film you’d expect something funny so ‘laughing’ is expected and it’s a hybrid with action so you can probably expect stuff being blown up.This also gains attention in the sense that everyone wants a laugh once in a while but also by familiar faces , these are two usual comedy characters.

Tagline says “they’re not 21 anymore” which links back to the Bold written 22 it works well and gives you the general idea its not something so serious.

I think it’s a good poster and it communicates well with the audience probably mainly teens into adulthood, because you can relate to the feeling of being young and wanting to have fun.

Personally I don’t find it offensive or think its harming, but some people could be a bit sceptical to the use of guns.

This poster contains the normal media standards such as star crediting, dates but producer wise its left the audience clueless as it doesn’t show his name in big bold writing which suggests he's not as well known as appose to the main character as you can tell who Johnny Depp is straight away a lot like the previous poster, there is no use of date which suggests this is a pre released poster, the tagline says “yesterday DR. Will Caster was only human” this could mean it has something to do with the sci-fi genre and also DR. Will Caster is the main character.

A blue and white mix of colours are key in this poster kind of sky like which can connote once again something inhuman and out of this world.

You could guess something will be destroyed as his face is fading to pieces. The sky is made up of graphics rather than just the usual clouds . The message is both visual and verbal there are mixed codes both visual (characters face fading) and verbal (‘yesterday’ ‘human’) which makes you think what about tomorrow.

The intended audience is possibly science fiction fans probably not children as it looks like a film harder to understand the hidden meanings of or plot could come across confusing, defiantly Johnny Depp fans.

Johnny Depp is definitely used as USP as he is a very prestigious actor thoughthere are no expert witnesses quoted on here which suggests its not as big as other films which do.

Some of the genre conventions used are the graphics as you'd expect that from a sci-fi film it gives it an inhuman look.Which for sci-fi fans is expected it kind of looks like there could be some kind of action involved so this might not be as expected maybe an element of shock.

I think this is definitely a good poster it gives a sense of mystery to the audience and it seems like something interesting to watch.

I think the whole thing has a hidden meaning this poster creates an atmosphere of mystery so its hard to guess until you watch it.

I don’t see anything offensive about it.

This poster contains the normal media standards such as picture, tagline, credit block and date release however these probably aren't very known stars because there is no name or character name, producer is not told however it tells us its “based on the worldwide best seller” which suggest this may be a story already known by lots of people.

I don’t think there are certain main colours used it’s jut the a general image that focuses more on the positioning of things rather than a colour which can also connote the characters and what's going to happen in the film is important.

The main characters are represented photographically and the background is slightly more graphic as it gives off a super hero feeling to it.

I think the message is primarily visual as there is a lot going on in the poster.

I’d say the audience this is intended to would probably be teenagers who are action adventure fans.

The genre conventions you'd expect are definitely there, there are weapons and their positioning is very superhero like.

I don’t know if you can say a star is used as USP however it will appeal to both genders as the main characters are good looking you could say.

There are no expert witnesses quoted although as I mentioned at the start there is a phrase that says “Based on the worldwide bestseller”.

You can expect adventure in-between the two characters as there seems to be a barrier between them and a lot of action due to it looking like a battle zone and having weapons.

I think the attention is gained by the characters.

I think the tagline works it says “what makes you different makes you dangerous” which creates an atmosphere of danger.

I think its an alright poster it doesn’t catch my eye personally so for that matter it doesn’t communicate as well with me but it might with other people.

Some people might think of crime looking at the guns and the surroundings a bit like certain games such as GTA and some could just be offended by the weapons being on show, though I'm not.