Diversity in the work place




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  • 1. DIVERSITYIn the Work Place

2. All generalizations are dangerous, even this one. -Alexandre Dumas, 1824-1895 3. We value diversity at all levels of the Houston Housing Authority. We believe diversity enriches our workplace and the people we are here to serve. DIVERSITYAdds Value 4. What is Diversity Diversity Encompasses Gender Sexual Orientation Race Ability Ethnicity First Language Religion Biological Sex Age National Origin Socio-Eco Class Background What is DIVERSITY? 5. IMMIGRATION 1970 6. IMMIGRATION 2010 7. Generation Diversity Baby Boomers: 1946- 1964 73.2 million people; 42% of the workforce. Those born during or after WWII and raised in the era of extreme optimism, opportunity & progress. DIVERSITYGENERATIONS 8. Generation X-ers: 1965-1977 70.1 million people; 30% of the workforce. Those born after the blush of the Baby Boom and came of age deep in the shadow of the Boomers. DIVERSITYGENERATIONS 9. DIVERSITYGENERATIONS Generation Y-ers: 1978 -1990: 69.7 million people; 23% of the workforce. Those born of the Baby Boomers and early Xers & into our current high- tech, neo-optimistic time. 10. DIVERSITYGENERATIONS Generation Z-ers (the Millennials): 1991- Present. 11. Baby Boomers Television Suburbia Assassinations of JFK & MLK, Jr. Vietnam Civil Rights Movement Cold War Womens Liberation Gen X-ers Watergate, Nixon Resigns Single-parent homes MTV AIDS Computers Challenger Disaster Fall of Berlin Wall KEY EVENTS FOR GENERATIONS 12. Gen Y-ers Social Networks (Facebook) Global Instant information (CNN & Internet) Multiculturalism/mega diversity We are all winners Customize everything Gen Z-ers War on Terror Technically savvy Phones arent for making phone calls KEY EVENTS FOR GENERATIONS 13. KEY EVENTS FOR GENERATIONS 14. The Houston Housing Authority recognizes that each employee brings their own capabilities and unique experiences to the work place. DIVERSITY MATTERS 15. Developing Talent HHA provides learning and development across an employees career to maximize potential and performance; Improve employees understanding of career opportunities; Attracting Talent HHA commits to work with organizations that provide access to best practices and innovative thinking; Develop additional sourcing channels to better access diverse candidate pools; STRATEGIES For the Future 16. REMEMBER 17. DIVERSITY Starts and Ends with You 18. Contact Me Damien Kelly, PHR Section 3 Coordinator Houston Housing Authority | Department of Client Services 2640 Fountain View Dr., Suite 233R Houston, Texas 77057 Office: 713-260-0614 | Ext: 4614 | Fax: 713-260-0822 DKelly@housingforhouston.com | www.housingforhouston.com
