E wallet


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An encrypted system which helps in transaction and storage.

Used in the field of e-commerce.

Helps in purchase of products online with the help of computers or smart phones.

Stores entered data/information.

Need not re-enter the information.

Plays best role in dealings and transactions of organization.

Members are provided with personal account (similar to bank account) for transactions.

Stores certain amount of fund –to purchase products when necessary.

MLM Software depend on e-pin and e-wallet for transactions.

Gives better idea on cash-in ,cash-out process.

Cash –in occurs

When fund gets added to the account.

When rewards obtained to the member.

When bonus is provided.

Through e-money transfer.

Cash – out occurs

During withdrawal of money.

Through purchase of e-pins.

When transactions are made.

MLM Software – Features



Transfer of money

Can perform cash-in , cash-out processes

Storage of fund

Convenience of usage.
