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How to become a successful ecopreneur

Each one of us has a spark within to start a business. It depends on the

individual whether the spark catches fire or dies out. The modern world

has moved by leaps and bounds throwing up a million opportunities, to be

spotted only if we care to look. Today, an entrepreneur can venture into

any field that he or she wouldn’t have thought of, or dared to a few years


Statistics prove that around 40% of the carbon emission is primarily from

domestic buildings. This accounts for more than what the transport sector

relentlessly spews every minute.It is high time we took a moment to show

some concern for our environment. Wouldn’t it be a bonanza if one could

help save the environment, and make a business out of it too? There are a

lot of opportunities where you can start your business on an eco-friendly


Let us look through the available windows for becoming an ecopreneur.

Green Marketing:

The very term is suggestive, and gives an idea about what needs to be

done. Green marketing broadly refers to an endeavour to keep your

activities as eco-friendly as possible right from the production to

packaging and marketing stage. More emphasis is laid on not just taking

care to leave the environment unaffected, but by making it a part of your

business to do so.If it is a service oriented business, it will not be very

capital oriented, and needs very low investment.However, a business like

the manufacturing of E-bikes requires high investment, and isa great

example where the focus is on conserving the depleting oil resources, and

fighting air pollution, which has reached alarming levels.Scientists predict

severe depletion of the ozone layer, given the current scenario.

Green Roofing Business:

This is one of thetrending businesses set to gain a firm foothold, and

capture the market in the near future.Given the devastating effect of

climatic changes, the roofs of houses or apartments can be converted to

an ‘all-green’ zone containing various plants that yield fruits, flowers and

vegetables. This again is a lowcost start-up, and the investment required

may not be too high. Creating awareness through advertising and trade

shows should attract a whole lot of customers.

Eco-cleaning products:

With the growth of environmental awareness among people, everyone is

concerned about the chemical cleaning solvents that find their way down

the drain and ultimately seep into the ground, rendering it almost useless.

A clever entrepreneur can capitalizeon this and come out with chemical

free, eco-friendly cleaning aids. Usage of eco-friendly cleansers is yet to

take on in a big way and the market is wide open. All it takes is a brilliant

alternative idea that needs low investment.

Local farming:

Several bookson diet and dietary habits have had a profound effect

onmaking people ponder about where all the food items that they eat

come from. Thanks to books like 100-Mile diet that give us an insight into

such matters.Today it is easy to start your own organic farm and market

your vegetables, or even sell “garden-packs” which is a small collection of

seeded plants kept in a tray, and can be grown on the balcony, yielding

healthy vegetables. The investment required would depend on the scale

of the business.

Green consulting:

The newly created awareness and sense of responsibility that is evident

amongst our folks today have strongly contributed towards the creation of

an eco-friendly environment.To take it to even better levels, people are

willing to listen to and implement ideas. You can start your own service as

Green consultants by giving suggestions for the creation of an eco-friendly

home. Suggestions would include proper installation of water heaters and

other such high voltage-intensive equipment, therebyreducing the power

consumption that isgrowing at an alarming pace and outstripping the

supply. This is probably one of the best ideas for a creative, eco-friendly

entrepreneur that does not require much capital investment.

Green Buildings:

‘Green building’ is anotherconcept that can attract people the moment

they hear the term as it represents a fantastic idea. Construction

companies, architects, designers and contractors can specialize in green

building. For instance, a contractor might focus on becoming acertified

professional; a designer might focus on elements and materials that are

the least environmentally destructive.A lot of other opportunities are

available and the scope in this area is expected to increase gradually in

the coming years.

There are still several opportunities for starting more eco-friendly

businessesif only we stop to give serious thought to the concept. The right

mix of ideas and efforts can make you fetch more than just money.
