Effective GOVERNANCE in Project Portfolio Management

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14. May 2013


Project Portfolio ManagementGOVERNANCE in

Monday, 13 May, 13

Project Portfolio Management


2Monday, 13 May, 13

1. Screening, Selecting, Prioritizing Projects & Allocating resources

Monitoring &


Tracking &

Managing the realized benefits

2. 3.

3Monday, 13 May, 13

“An inability to implement effective governance is a primary reason why companies fail to achieve best-in- class portfolio status” Aberdeen  Group,  2012

4Monday, 13 May, 13

The process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented).

5Monday, 13 May, 13

What is essential for effective governance in

Project Portfolio Management?

6Monday, 13 May, 13


• Gather related readings for the problem statement.

• Making questions out of the problem statement.

• Find the interviewees through Linkedin base on their experience and expertise.

• Conduct the interviews using the questions prepared as backbone.

• Transcribe the audio records, then using the information gathered to write the article.

7Monday, 13 May, 13

Interviews• Interviewees:

• 1 IT program director, 1 IT program manager and 1 PMI’s registered consultant and adjunct professor.

• The interviewees were chosen by their expertise and experience (through LinkedIn profile)

• Format:

• 1 Phone call, 1 Video Call (through Skype), 1 Face to Face.

• Interviewees will be asked 7 predefined questions plus side questions if necessary.

• Main questions are sent prior to the interview one day.

• All the interviews were audio recorded by the acceptance of the interviewees

• Objectives: Identify the issues faced in PPM and find their advices about the problem which will be our primary resource. 8

Monday, 13 May, 13

Primary sourcesInterviewees1. Dr. Ginger Levin

Portfolio, Program and Project Management ConsultantMedium of interview: Skype

2. Pascal AllouardInterim IT Program Manager at AXAMedium of interview: Face-to-face meeting in AXA Tech (Paris/La Défense)

3. Isabelle BrunProgram Director of LogicaMedium of interview: Voice call

9Monday, 13 May, 13

Analysis of primary sources

Q: And in your opinion, what is the most effective method to manage the portfolio?Pascal : I would like to have more proper tools. I’m not saying we don’t have the tools but we are not using them properly, the data is not in. We have the global tool in every country. So, in theory, we should be able to create one line and then this line should be created in different countries.

10Monday, 13 May, 13

Analysis of secondary sources

• Highly trustable sources

• 1. Pre-interviews:

• 2. Pre-article:

• Our recommendation:

To find our problem statement

To find first answers to it

11Monday, 13 May, 13

Selected articles

Moysey, Stephen. T. Finch, Jonathan.Strategic Portfolio Management: How governance and financial discipline can improve portfolio performance.PWC, 2012

12Monday, 13 May, 13

Selected articles

Ter Mors, Michael, Roel Drost, and Frank Harmsen.“Project Portfolio Management in Practice”.Practice- Driven Research on enterprise transformation. Vol. 69, 2010: 107-126

13Monday, 13 May, 13

How we combined the data

Acquired data

Yes Article

Existing data


acquired data

No Supports

14Monday, 13 May, 13

Critical successfactors


Monday, 13 May, 13

Tools & procedures





Pragmatic solutions

Manager’s interpersonal skills

16Monday, 13 May, 13

Lessons learned

17Monday, 13 May, 13

Making professional contacts

Communicate with potential interviewees!

Strong analytical skills

Prepare well before approaching interviewees

18Monday, 13 May, 13



Thank you

Monday, 13 May, 13
