Email Marketing Services by GlobEmails



Globe Resolutions offers the access to GlobEmails DEM (Direct E-Mailing) web based application through which customers can use a powerful but simple application and become successful marketers. Customers will have access to a full set of features to manage their lists, create newsletters, send emails to their contacts, receive detailed reports on the campaigns carried out, analyze campaign results and evaluate the ROI (Return On Investment) in email marketing activities. The service is offered to both members and non-members of the Community. Companies belonging to the Community can purchase GlobEmails service on favourable terms with a price reduction of up to 70% compared to non-members. The reduction is calculated according to the membership class (Bronze, Silver and Gold). The service offered by Globe Resolutions is for: FREQUENT SENDER: companies which need to use this service frequently. The customer can choose the package that best meets its needs among the various offers based on monthly and annual plans; INFREQUENT SENDER: companies which use the service less frequently. The customer has the option to purchase packages of "credits" (each credit is related to sending an email to a single recipient) which can be used throughout the year from the date of purchase. For customers who do not have internal resources dedicated to Email Marketing activities GlobEmails provides professional fully managed email campaign services through its GlobEmails Partners networks.

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Direct Email Marketing Web Application


w w w March, 2013


Email Marketing

GlobEmails DEM Web Application

Web Application Benefits


List management

Messages & Personalization

Campaign management

Auto Responders

Statistics & Reporting

Anti Spam Features


Email Marketing

GlobEmails DEM Web Application

Web Application Benefits


List management

Messages & Personalization

Campaign management

Auto Responders

Statistics & Reporting

Anti Spam Features


Email Marketing

Source: Direct Marketing Association, The Power of Direct Marketing, 2011-2012

The Direct Email Marketing is an excellent online advertisement activity with a ROI (Return Of Investment) superior to the other

form of marketing.













Direct Marketing ROI


Email Marketing

GlobEmails DEM Web Application

Web Application Benefits


List management

Messages & Personalization

Campaign management

Auto Responders

Statistics & Reporting

Anti Spam Features


GLOBEMAILS DEM Web Application Simple lists management

User fiendly web Interface

Powerful engine for content


Google Analytics Integration

Detailed statistics and complete


High reputation and

excellent deliverability Personalization

No HTML knowledge required

Automatic management of


Auto Responders

…and much more

All functionalities available with the basic account!


Email Marketing

GlobEmails DEM Web Application

Web Application Benefits


List management

Messages & Personalization

Campaign management

Auto Responders

Statistics & Reporting

Anti Spam Features


Web Application Benefits High deliverability rate: delivering emails to recipients has become an extremely

difficult task and only specialized companies, such as Globe Resolutions, that enjoy a

good reputation and have established tight contacts with major service providers can

guarantee high delivery performance.

Get rid of the technical constraints which will be completely managed by Globe


Clients can focus exclusively on marketing activities.

No impact on Client infrastructure and no need to install any special SW on

Customer PC.

Relatively low prices: clients do not need to purchase any application (the use of

which, as explained above, does not guarantee good results of the campaigns), any SW

upgrade to subsequent future versions, any hardware and/or bandwidth necessary to

send emails.

Avoid the recruitment, training and payment of staff to administer complex

systems, security and relationships with ISPs.

Web Application Benefits Some other advantages:

the ability to access the application at any place,

the automatic management of bounces,

the availability of detailed statistics/reports of campaigns,

the adherence to new technological standards,

the availability of a platform constantly updated to ensure high

deliverability rates,

the adherence to regulations subject to change,


Email Marketing

GlobEmails DEM Web Application

Web Application Benefits


List management

Messages & Personalization

Campaign management

Auto Responders

Statistics & Reporting

Anti Spam Features

Unlimited Subscribers lists Create unlimited subscriber lists. Each subscriber list will have its

own settings, auto responders, subscribers, custom fields, etc.

Import subscribers Easily import contacts with email addresses with a few

mouse clicks from a CSV file, an external MySQL database

or add them one by one.

Export subscribers

Fields to export: you can select all or any fields of your contact list

Subscribers to export - you can choose among: all active, suppressed, unsubscribed,

hard bounced, soft bounced subscribers or even only in a specific segment.

Export your subscribers from your account to a CSV, XML or TAB file.

Remove subscribers

Remove a group of subscribers according to the following criteria: Active subscribers

Subscribers with given email addresses Subscribers not opted in for a specified number of days

Segments Soft bounced subscriber Hard bounced subscriber

Browse subscribers

Select rules and filter subscribers

Display the fields you are interested in Sort your list based on a field in ascendant or descendant order

List Segmentation Optimize your email marketing campaigns segmenting your list and

use segments as your recipient list increasing the return of investment.

You can segment your subscribers based on:

subscribers information (custom fields)

subscribers activities (open, click,…)

Unlimited Custom Fields

Date field: to store dates (Ex; birthday, subscription date,..) Hidden Field: store a hidden value, you can use this value in segmentation or campaign targeting (Ex: Customer Type)

Custom Fields Type: Single Line: a text field which you can use to store information as a single line (Ex: First Name) Paragraph Text: multi-line field (text area) to let you store more information (Ex: Address or Comments) Multiple Choice: a multi selection list filled with options you have already defined (Ex: Interests) Drop Down: single selection list filled with options you have already defined (Ex: Country) Check Boxes: similar to multiple choice type but as a check box group instead of a list (Ex: Interests)

Define unlimited custom fields for your contacts and personalize your campaign.

Subscription/Unsubscription Form

Select the visual style, customize the form and insert custom fields and GlobEmails generates the html code for you to be added to your web site.

Use GlobEmails visual subscription form designer that makes it easier than ever the creation of subscription/unsubscription forms.

to be added to your websites.

Double or Single Opt-In Subscription Methods

In case you select the “Double” Opt-In list type, a confirmation

email will be sent when a subscriber wants to subscribe to your list. We use confirmation

emails to disallow the user from adding subscribers without their

knowledge. The only way a subscriber can be added to a

user’s list is when he/she clicks the subscription link, which is in the

confirmation email.

Let your visitors to subscribe instantly or after confirming their email address.

Depending on your needs, GlobEmails provides two different list types: Single opt-in and Double opt-in.

Notification Emails On Subscription/Unsubscription Activities You can decide to receive notification emails on subscriptions and

unsubscriptions activities.

Behaviours Based on subscription or unsubscription event

Subscription event Subscribe him/her to a specific list

Unsubscribe him/her from a specific list

Display your own confirmation pending page

Display your own subscription confirmed page

Unsubscription event Subscribe him/her to a specific list

Unsubscribe him/her from a specific list

Unsubscribe him/her from all lists

Add unsubscribed email addresses into suppression list

Add unsubscribed email addresses into global suppression list

Display your own unsubscription confirmed page

GlobEmails allow you to make proper actions:

Web Service Integration Post subscriber information on subscription or

unsubscription events to any URL.

Email Requests

Let prospects to subscribe by sending an email

with "subscribe" word in subject


let your subscribers to unsubscribe just by

sending an email with "unsubscribe" word in



GlobEmails DEM Web Application

Web Application Benefits


List management

Messages & Personalization

Campaign management

Auto Responders

Statistics & Reporting

Anti Spam Features

Email Wizard

GlobEmails' email wizard will guide you through the email creation process by adapting to your needs and showing you only the

necessary steps.

Email Template and Email Content Generator

Create your own email templates with just few clicks using the advanced Email Content Generator.

Text editor: as a standard text editor you can define the format, the font family, the font size, the char setting (bold, underline, Italic, strikethrough), the font colour and the text highlight colour

Text manager: you will enjoy several functionalities such as text alignment, bulleted list, numbered list, decrease/increase indent, format

painter and block quote

Full-screen viewer: you can see your message in full screen

HTML editor: edit the HTML code of your message

Personalization tag: you can easily personalize your content

Table manager: you can easily insert, remove, edit or change a table

Link editor: to insert/remove link, define a JavaScript popup link, events

Image manager: you can insert an image defining in a popup the URL, the description and the title of the image; as a standard image editor you can define the alignment, the dimensions, the vertical and horizontal space, the border and the style. You can also define a swap image for

mouse over or out of image

Advanced Personalization

Being personal with your subscribers is a key factor for successful email marketing campaigns.

Groups of

Personalization Tags:

Subscribers information

User information (sender)

List information

Campaign link

List link


Personalization Tags

Subscriber Information tags: tags in this group are related to your recipient list subscriptions. They will be replaced with the information related to your recipients: Bouce Type (hard and soft bounce), Custom fields (Name, Age, Interests, etc.), Email Address, Opt-In Date, Subscriber ID, Subscription Date, Subscription IP,

Subscription status (Subscribed or unsubscribed), Unsubscription Date, Unsubscription IP, Conditional Personalization.

User Information tags: tags in this group are related to your user account information: First Name, Last

Name, Email Address, Company Name, Website URL, Street, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone, Fax, Time Zone.

List information tags: List ID (identification number of the List), List Name (name of the List).

Campaign Links tags: Forward Link (once your recipient clicks on this link, he will be redirected to a forward-to-friend page, so that he can share your email with his friends), View in Web Browser Link (once your

recipient clicks on this link, your email will be opened on his web browser), Report Abuse Link (once your recipient clicks on this link, he can describe the abuse sending an email to Globe Resolutions), Twitter Share link (your recipient can share your message with his contacts in Twitter), Facebook Like Link (your recipient

can share your message with contacts in Facebook), Remote content (you can insert a specific URL address).

List link tags: Unsubscription link (allow the recipients to unsubscribe), Subscription link (allow the recipients to subscribe).

Other tags: Email delivery date.

Conditional Personalization GlobEmails allows you to easily insert complex conditional

personalization based on information (custom fields) you have about your subscribers, for example:


order value location (country, city, zip, etc.)

interests …and much more

Example: suppose you have “Name” and “Gender” custom fields in

your subscriber list and you want to welcome your recipient with Mr. or Ms. based on the recipient gender information:

Regular personalization example Conditional personalization example Dear Susan Dear Ms. Susan


Email Marketing

GlobEmails DEM Web Application

Web Application Benefits


List management

Messages & Personalization

Campaign management

Auto Responders

Statistics & Reporting

Anti Spam Features

Easy Campaign Creation Create your email campaigns almost

instantly through the wizard.

Organized Campaign Browser

Using GlobEmails your campaigns are identified by their status, organized and tagged.

As an email marketer your duty requires to manage and organize your campaigns.

Campaign Performance Comparison

Compare the performances of your campaigns with just one click.

A/B Split Test Campaigns Create A/B split test campaigns sending different versions of your email content to a defined percentage of your recipients and let GlobEmails select a winner email version (based on the selected

winner criteria) to be sent to the rest of your recipients.

Social Sharing

Share your email campaigns on popular social networks such as Twitter, Face Book, MySpace, etc.

Scheduling Send a campaign whenever you want: immediately, on a

specific time and several times on defined intervals.

Google Analytics Integration Track your subscriber activities on your website through Google Analytics, learn what they are

doing after arriving at your website and evaluate the conversion rate.

Send To Multiple Lists Or Segments

GlobEmails will filter duplicate recipients.

Email Preview Preview your email on your web browser or send a preview copy to your email address.

SPAM Filter Testing See how spam filters act against your email


This powerful tool will allow you to understand the probability to be blocked by Spam filters and give you the chance to change your message until this probability is significantly reduced.


Email Marketing

GlobEmails DEM Web Application

Web Application Benefits


List management

Messages & Personalization

Campaign management

Auto Responders

Statistics & Reporting

Anti Spam Features

Unlimited Auto Responders Create unlimited auto responders for each list

you have and set them to be sent at different intervals.

You can make your subscribers feel special: for example you can send automated warm welcome messages to your subscribers after subscribing or thank you messages after purchasing

products online.

Auto Responder Triggers Define auto responders for different actions, for



Send a warm welcome message when your subscribers signup

Link click

Send automated emails on specific link clicks

Campaign open

Send a promotion to your subscribers when they open your messages

Forward to a friend

Send a thank you message to your subscriber after forwarding your email to

his/her friend

Date information

Send a birthday greeting card to your subscribers every year, send special

promotion or greeting email to your subscribers on their subscription

anniversary, …


Email Marketing

GlobEmails DEM Web Application

Web Application Benefits


List management

Messages & Personalization

Campaign management

Auto Responders

Statistics & Reporting

Anti Spam Features

Overview statistics Select a campaign in the Overview statistics screenshot

and read all the relevant statistics in real time (opens,

clicks, forwards, views on browser, bounces,

unsubscriptions, etc.).

Detailed statistics View more detailed statistics for any of metrics: Opens,

Clicks, Forwards, Browser Views, Unsubscription.

Opens Reports View how many of your recipients have opened

your emails, when and how many times.

Both unique opens (number of opened recipients) and total opens are displayed

Clicks Report Learn which links are clicked more, by

who and how many times.

Both unique link click amount (number of recipients who have clicked at least one link) and total clicks are displayed.

Forwards Report Learn how many of your subscribers have

forwarded your email to their friends or contacts.

Browser Views Report Learn how many of your recipients preferred to view

your email on web browser instead of email client

Both unique views (number of recipients who have viewed the message on their browser at least once) and total views are displayed.

Unsubscriptions Report Learn how many subscribers unsubscribed from

your lists and when.

Statistics on a selected list See what actions your subscribers have

performed: opens, clicks, forwards, bounces,

unsubscriptions, etc.

Statistics per subscribers See details about bounces and subscriptions for

each subscribers.


Email Marketing

GlobEmails DEM Web Application

Web Application Benefits


List management

Messages & Personalization

Campaign management

Auto Responders

Statistics & Reporting

Anti Spam Features

GlobEmails AntiSpam characteristics Delivering your messages into your recipient inbox is a

difficult and complicated task.

Using GlobEmails you can achieve high level of deliverability with all the advantages of using a web based technology.

GlobEmails allows you to create your messages in compliance

with the standards and guidelines of leading ISPs and authorities, reducing the probability to get trapped into spam


The platform includes powerful anti spam features which prevent you to be banned or blacklisted by ISPs and their

anti-spamming servers.

Bounce Handling GlobEmails has a sophisticated bounce management


Soft Bounces - If an email address is temporarily unavailable (example: over

mailbox quota, temporary connection problems, etc.), it will be categorized as “soft bounced.”

Hard Bounces - If an email address gets detected as soft bounced three times, it

will be marked as “hard bounced.” Moreover, if an email address is permanently unavailable (i.e. invalid email address, policy reasons, etc.), it will be categorized as

“hard bounced.”

Suppression list - Hard bounced email addresses are filtered from your campaigns

to protect your delivery reputation; therefore they are taken away from your list and included on suppression list. Since ISPs may black list senders who are sending to hard

bounced email addresses you are not allowed to send further email to these addresses.

Export Bounce statistics - You can even export bounce statistics and bounced

subscribers as CSV file.

Spam Complaint Handling GlobEmails has a powerful automatic spam complaint

management system which will detect spam complaints and disable them instantly.

This is possible since GlobEmails has a strong relationship with all the major ISPs

and enrolled their FBL (Feedback Loop Program) or JMRP (junk Mail Report Program).

Whenever recipient clicks "Report As SPAM" button on the email client they use, GlobEmails detect automatically the complaint and immediately removes the relative email address from your list and your future email campaigns. This

protects your delivery rate preventing you from sending follow-up emails to the spam complaint owner which will compromise your email delivery reputation and,

therefore, your capability to send any further emails in the future.

GlobEmails manages automatically all spam complaints on behalf of you and keeps your lists clean and up-to-date.

Suppression List The suppression list is the database that contains email addresses of subscribers who have unsubscribed, filed a

spam complaint, or are detected as hard bounced.

GlobEmails will manage automatically your suppression list and will filter these emails addresses from your campaigns.

Other AntiSpam Functionalities SPAM Filter Testing

GlobEmails will analyze and test your messages considering “SpamAssassin” rules (one of the most popular spam filter) and will show you the results. In this way,

before sending your campaign, you will have the possibility to review and improve your email content and subject and minimize the chance of getting filtered by

spam filters.

One Click Unsubscriptions With GlobEmails your messages will always contains the unsubscription link

(default setting). This will reduce the chance that you recipients will use the easy-to-use “report as a Spam” button available on their email clients. Once recipient clicks on this link, unsubscription is done immediately and recipient is removed

from the list.

Double Opt-In Subscriber Lists You can set your lists as double opt-in in such a way that your subscribers will need

to verify their subscription. This will reduce the possibility to send messages towards wrong email addresses or to recipients who didn’t subscribed your

mailing list.

Thank You
