Farm To Market IRC Challenge



This was a whole class project created over several weeks. We researched in books and on the internet to find out the challenges farmers, transporters, producers and distributors face. Then the students created inventions to make the jobs easier. Enjoy!

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Mrs. Kastelic’s ClassIRC Challenge 2007

WHAT is the most important job a Farmer does each day?

The Farmer uses tools everyday.

WHY? Does your team think this job is important?

This job is important because if they did not have tools, the plants would die.

HOW does the Farmer do this job?

The Farmer does this job by using tools to harvest things.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Andrew’s Milking Button

•Press a button. It will milk the cows.

•It will milk the cows in one squeeze.

•It will pick the cow and bring it to the machine.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Jay’s Airplane

•First you make the engines.

•Second you make the parts.

•Third you make fly.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Alex’s Planter 3000

•It can plant the plants and trees.

•It mows the lawn.

•It waters the plants.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Cole’s Helper 8000

•The invention will help the farmer by watering the plants, scaring birds away, feeding the farm animals and transporting the food.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Sean’s Helper 9000

•It holds the farmer’s tools.

•It gives the farmer his tools.

•It takes the farmer where he wants to go.

WHAT is the most important job a Producer does each day?

The Producer use ingredients to process products.

WHY? Does your team think this job is important?

This job is important because Producers make things everyday.

HOW does the Producer do this job?

The Producer does this job by finding the recipe for products and gets the stuff.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Tiana’s Peel and Cut Machine

•It helps peel the fruits and vegetables.

•It cuts the fruits and vegetables.

•It really helps the Producer do the work.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Amanda’s Jeta Gloves

•Can make a candy-bar in 5 seconds.

•Slips on easy.

•Saves time and effort.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Jenny’s Remote Control Mixter

•You push a button and it does it for you.

•It will help us by doing it faster.

•When you are far away, it could still work.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Matthew’s Robo Helper

•It moves things around.

•It mixes things.

•It makes stuff.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Sarah’s Mixer Glove

•A glove with a built in mixer

•Helps mix ingredients anywhere!

•No hard-to-mix ingredients

WHAT is the most important job a Transporters does each day?

The Transporter checks the gas every day.

WHY? Does your team think this job is important?

This job is important because without gas, it will not work out.

HOW does the Transporter do this job?

The Transporter does this job by checking the tire and gas. Transporters check everything on the truck.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Gerrod’s Truck 3000

•Drives by itself

•Opens the trunk by itself

•Robot check the gas and tires

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Robert’s Turtle Fly Truck

•This machine could go higher or lower

•It can run. It can walk.

•It could fly and you could drive it.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Sidney’s Truck-Grabber

•Grabs boxes

•Gives boxes to people

•Stretches arm all the way to truck

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Andrew K.’s Robo Tran

•The robot has to check the gas everyday.

•A robot is cleaning the plate.

•The robot needs to check the tires.

WHAT is the most important job a Distributor does each day?

The Distributor cashiers add up the prices of items that customers buy.

WHY? Does your team think this job is important?

This job is important because they have to know how much money they get.

HOW does the Distributor do this job?

The Distributor does this job by scanning the items.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Calista’s Robot

•A robot can help the cashier put the food in the bag.

•It puts the money in.

•It gives change.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Haley F.’s Money Man

•It can help him because the money man can count up the money and it can how much it costs.

•He puts food in the bag.

•He tells how much it is.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Hailey H.’s Smart Guy

•He can count up all the money in 5 minutes.

•He comes to work every day.

•I help him count it.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

The Super Sweeper

•The machine can ring up the goods.

•It can help the customer.

•It can be assistant.

WHICH part of this job can be changed to make the work easier?

Kate’s Helping Robot

•It helps carry boxes.

•It helps count cashiers.

•It knows where things go.
