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5 warning signs you're living beyond your means

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5 Warning Signs You’re Living Beyond Your Means

Sometimes we look at those people who get in trouble financially and wonder how they ever got to that point. We think, “That will never happen to me,” or “there’s no way I’ll ever approach a loan shark.”

The thing is, getting into debt is one of those

things that sneaks up on you and when you finally

realize you’re at that point, it’s too late. Kind of

like that familiar story of a frog in boiling water.

We need to identify these “symptoms” of “financial sickness” early so we can get “treatment” and start working towards being financially healthy.

1. You are constantly discontent.

Do you find yourself constantly wishing you had more? Is it a challenge to watch your

friends and relatives upgrade to nicer cars, bigger homes, better furniture or even more

expensive independent schools for children?

Decide today that you will no longer live to impress others by spending money you don’t

have on the things you don’t really need.

1. You Are Constantly Discontent.

2. You Can’t Afford To Lose Your Income.

If today you, or you and your spouse, lost your income, would you be able to survive for the next 6 months only on

what you have set aside in your savings? If the

answer is a definite NO, you may be overspending

on today’s wants while sacrificing tomorrow’s


Track your spending for the next 30 days to reveal

all potential “waste” areas. Your goal should be to eventually have 6

months of your living expenses set aside and

available in case you experience a complete

income loss.

2. You Can’t Afford To Lose Your Income.

3. Credit is your best friend – or so you think.

Are you using one credit card to pay off another one? Is your monthly credit card balance growing instead of declining? If the answer is yes, then you are most likely financing a “beyond your means” lifestyle.

First make a decision to stop. Leave your card at home if you have to and away from your computer. Create a realistic debt repayment plan and do not pick up a credit card until you have paid your balances off and are ready to be a responsible consumer.

3. Credit is your best friend – or so you think.

4. You don’t have a pre-determined plan to manage your money.

Saving is truly the foundation of healthy finances, yet so few of us actually save. One of the most common excuse for not saving is “I

have too much debt.” What people don’t realize is that, unless they prioritize putting money aside, debt will always be an issue.

Apportion 10% of your monthly income towards an investment account that you NEVER TOUCH. This is seed money for your financial freedom and should be used only to grow your wealth.

Another 10% should go towards long term savings for those big ticket items you need or

for an emergency fund.

4. You don’t have a pre-determined plan to manage your money.

5. You spend more than 25-30% of your gross pay on your mortgage.

Here are two rules of thumb to follow in regards to mortgage payments: – Stay within 25-30% of your gross income – Are you a two-income family?

Buy as if you had just one income. This way you are creating margin in case of a job loss or if we ever experience an interest rate hike.

5. You spend more than 25-30% of your gross pay on your mortgage.

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