FuseBox #9: Exiting a Business - Jonathan Satchell LTG plc



If you have a business idea or are a start-up and are interested in how you might be one day able to exit, then this FuseBox Session could be for you. At this event we will be hearing from people who have been there and done it. They will be sharing their stories and experiences, offering valuable insight and advice. We will be discussing 3 models of exiting a business: Merging/Selling Alex Cowell, MD, MBA Brighton MBA is a leading independent agency, with a client roster that includes Lovefilm, Avios, Everest, Guide Dogs and Sage by Heston Blumenthal. Having successfully led the acquisition by MBA of Cubeworks, the digital agency Alex founded in 2002, he joined the board as CTO and oversees global technology strategy for the group, whilst continuing his role as MD in the Brighton office. IPO Jonathan Satchell, Chief Executive, Learning Technologies Group PLC LTG is the only AIM listed company focussed on consolidating the fast growing but fragmented learning technologies sector. After 16 years of growing private e-learning companies, Jonathan is now in a position am excited by the opportunity to create a substantial global learning technologies agency through organic growth and strategic acquisitions. What are the FuseBox Sessions? The Fusebox Sessions are fortnightly events held by Wired Sussex at our FuseBox home in Brighton and are part of our FuseBox24 start-up programme. The sessions are based around the general theme of ‘ideas you can use’. We think that they have a lot to offer people outside the programme too, so we have made the sessions open and free of charge to Wired Sussex member companies and their employees. Each session consists of a talk with Q & A followed by the chance to network. These events are supported by the EU’s European Regional Development fund through the INTERREG IVC programme ReCreate

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How we became a PLCJonathan SatchellChief Executive

FOLLOW @jsatchellLTG

RTO – November 2013, valued Epic at £15m

FOLLOW @jsatchellLTG

Why did we go public?

FOLLOW @jsatchellLTG

What are the pitfalls of being a PLC?

FOLLOW @jsatchellLTG

Why an IPO is not an exit

FOLLOW @jsatchellLTG



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