Gardner's commercially important chemicals synonyms, trade names, and properties

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2. GARDNERS COMMERCIALLY IMPORTANT CHEMICALS SYNONYMS, TRADE NAMES, AND PROPERTIESEdited byG. W. A. Milne@KEziCiENCE A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION 3. Copyright 02005 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by John Wilcy & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, Ncw Jersey. Publishcd simultaneously in Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a rctricval system, or transmittcd in any form or by any mcans, clcctronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publishcr, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 750-4470, or on the web at Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1 1 I River Street, Hobokcn, NJ 07030, (201) 748-601 I , fax (201) 7486008, or online at http://www.wiley.codgo/pennission. 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CONTENTSviiPrefaceHow to Use This BookxiGlossary of Unitsxv xvi iAbbreviationsSECTION ID ICTl O N ARY Structures, Chemical Names, Synonyms and PropertiesSECTION IIINDEXES 1 EINECS Numbers 2 CAS Registry Numbers 3 Names and SynonymsSECTION 111687721 755DIRECTORY Manufacturers and SuppliersV1139 5. PREFACEThrough eleven editions, Gardners Chemical Synonyms and Trade Names has become the best-known and most widely used source of information on chemicals in commerce. This companion Book reflects the continuing research underlying this reference work and presents a major expansion of the information provided for individual chemical compounds. In the preparation of this Book, an effort has been made to include useful information on chemicals that play a significant role in commerce. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in cooperation with industry, maintains a list of High Production Volume (HPV) chemicals whose production volume in the US exceeds one million pounds per year. With the exception of fuels, some 1836 HPV chemicals have been included in this Book. Some other chemicals, notably drugs, are also very important in commerce although they are produced in much smaller quantities. Most pesticides also fail to reach this production level and the 502 most commonly prescribed drugs and 576 most heavily used pesticides have been included in this compilation, along with the more commonly used veterinary medicines and pharmaceutical excipients. In addition, some 2635 chemicals which are not in any of these categories but which are in the 1 1 th. Edition of Gardners have also been included.vii 6. This compilation contains 4,174 entries drawn from these various sources. For each chemical, the appropriate identifying information (CAS Registry Number, structure, molecular formula and chemical name is provided and in each case, an exhaustive list of known synonyms for the materials is given. These synonyms include other identifiers, chemical names, tradenames and trivial names, in English and other languages. There are on average, some 18 synonyms for each chemical described in this Edition. Chemical properties of the compounds are given, as is information concerning known uses of the chemical. Biological data, in particular acute toxicity in various species is provided as available and finally, companies that manufacture or supply the material are identified. The main criterion for inclusion of a material in this handbook is its importance as a significant commercially available chemical. Thus all bulk inorganic chemicals are included, all major pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, antifungal agents, and so on) and many dyestuffs, surfactants, metals and inorganic compounds are described in this book. Only the most commonly used drugs are included and for a more exhaustive coverage of drugs, the reader is referred to a separate publication, Drugs: Synonyms and Properties, published by Ashgate. Similarly, a complete coverage of pesticides may be found n the Handbook of Pesticides, also from Ashgate. Almost all the records in this compila ion carry the appropriate Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number and the associated EINECS (European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances) number. Wherever possible, a chemical i s thus tagged with the major American and European identification numbers. In addition, all chemicals in this edition which also appear in the Thirteenth Edition of the Merck Index have the Merck Index Number provided. Identifiers from other databases, such as Beilstein, and files maintained by governmental agencies such as UN, EPA, USDA and NCI are also provided and can be used as links to these databases. A feature of this database is the inclusion of physical properties and use data for pure chemicals. Properties that have been provided as available include the melting point, boiling point, density or specific gravity, optical rotation, ultraviolet absorption, solubility and acute toxicity. The major uses of most of the chemicals are indicated and, where appropriate, regulatory information is also provided....Vlll 7. Details of the structure of a record are provided in the section How to Use this Book on page xi.Proprietary Considerations Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this Book. However, the publishers cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information, and users are expected to bear in mind the following information: The reporting of a name in this Book cannot imply definitive legality in establishing proprietary usage. Questions concerning legal ownership of a particular name can be resolved by due legal process.A manufacturer in some countries may manufacture its product under names different from those cited in this Book. Similarly, manufacture or marketing of a product may be licensed to a separate company in another country either under the same or a different name. We trust that readers will find that this compilation contains a wealth of information which is difficult to obtain from any other source. It is the intention of the publishers to produce regularly updated editions and subsets of this compilation at suitable intervals in both printed and digital form. Companies wishing to submit new or updated material for inclusion in future editions should contact George W A Milne (address below).Ac know I edgements The Editor would like to acknowledge the skilled programming performed by Dr Ju-yun Li which allowed for accurate formatting and typesetting of this handbook. Finally, I should like to acknowledge the expert assistance and continual support provided by my wife, Kay, without whom none of my deadlines would have been met. George W A Milne John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 11 1 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774USA E-maiI: bi II@p hm.comix 8. HOW TO U S E THIS BOOKThe book is divided into three Sections; a main Section, an Index Section containing three indexes and a Directory of Manufacturers and Suppliers. A brief description of each Section is given below A. SECTION 1 contains a monograph for every chemical in the database. Every entry in this Section has a unique Entry Number which is used to find and refer to the entry it identifies. The indexes in Section 2 of the Book make use of this Entry Number to facilitate cross-referencing back to Section 1 . Entry Number IBromoxvnil482Entry Name Data Tag Merck Index No. StructureChemical NameiBe,lrte#n H a n d b o o k 4 10~00-00475 indurtrlal, B u t i l chlarotor, C a i w e l l N o I 1 9; CCRlS 2 4 4 7 , C e 8, C h i p c o b u c t r d ; C h i p c o c r a b - k l e e n , EINECS 2 1 6 - 8 8 2 - 7 ; EN 2 0 8 5 2 . P A P e s t ~ c ~ d eh e m i c a l C o d e 0 3 5 3 0 1 . H S D B 1 5 2 3 , C Lshuctrd; L a b u c t r d 2 5 , L i i a r o l M , M & B 1 0 7 3 1 ; M B 1 0 0 6 4 ; ME 4 B i o m i i i ~ I N o v a c o r n , N U - L a w n weeder, O x y t r l l M; Pardne:. 5 .8 1 , c e r e d l c r a p r Regibtered b y EPA J S a herbici c i y i t a l i . rnp = 1 9 4 I Y 5 " . sublimer a t 135"10 ~H,O (0.013 g i l o o mi), M e O H ( 9 g l l O 0 mi), E t g/lOOid).D M F (61 g l l 0 0 ml), mineral o i l( 5000 mglkg, (rat der) > 5000 mglkg, (Japanese quail, canary orl) > 15000 mglkg, (bee orl) > 0.1 mglbee; LC5o (rainbow trout 96 hr.) = 1.0 - 2.3 mgll, (carp 96 hr.) = 3.3 mgll; non-toxic to bees. EASF C o p ; Rhbne-Poulenc.44128Cz~Hz6NzOz 4-Hexyl-I 3benzenediol compd with 9-acridin-amine(l:l). Acrisorcin; Acrisorcina; Acrisorcinum; Akrinol; 9-Aminoacridine compd. with 4-hexylresorcinol (1 :I); 1,3-Benzenediol, 4-hexyl-, compd. with Sacridinamine (1:l); Bis(9-aminoacridinium) Chexyl1,3-resorcindiolat; Bis(9-aminoacridinium)salz des hexylresorcine; EINECS 231-389-7; CHexylresorcinol compound with 9aminoacridine (1:l); Sch 7056. Used medicinally as an antifungal agent. Yellow crystals.Acifluorfen 50594-66-6Acrisorcin 7527-91-51312.40H C3HsNO 2-Propenamide11GH 30. triester with 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-l,3-propanediol; Ageflex TMPTA; CCRIS 9 2 EINECS 239-701-3; 2-Ethyl-2-(((l-oxoallyl)oxy)methyl)-l,3-propanediyl diacrylate; 2-Ethyl-2-(hydroxy-methyI)-l.3propanediol triacrylate: M 309; MFM; NK Ester A TMPT; Ogumont T 200; 1,3-Propanediol, 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-, triacrylate: 2Propenoic acid, 2-ethyl-2-(((1-oxo-2-propenyl)oxy)-rnethyl)-l,3propanediyl ester; Saret 351; Sartomer SR-351; Setalux UV 2241; SR 351; TMPTA; Tri-methylolpropane triacrylate; Viscoat 295. With 100-150 ppm hydroquinone inhibitor; high boiling monomeric ester polymerized by common free radical initiators; curing agent. Crosslinker; UV-cured adhesives, wood fillers, inks, coatings, dry film photo polymer resists, flexographic, offset and screen printing inks, vinyl acrylic latex paint, exterior coatings, highly crosslinked polybutadiene rubber. Liquid; bp > 200'; d# = 1.108; LD5o (rat orl) = 5190 mglkg. Rif-Chem; Sartomer.4-02-00-01471 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); AAM; Acrylagel; Acrylamide; Acrylic acid amide; Acrylic amide; A13-04119: Akrylamid; Amid kyseliny akrylove; Amresco Acryl-40; ERN 0605349; CCRIS 7; EINECS 201-173.7; Ethylenecarboxamide; HSDB 191; NSC 7785; Optimum; Propenamide; Propeneamide; Propenoic acid amide; RCRA waste number U007; UN2074; Vinyl amide. Monomer and chemical intermediate. Used to produce polyacrylamide resins. Crystalline solid; mp = 84.5"; bp = 192.6O, bp72 = 103'; Soluble in Hz0 215.5 gll00 mi), MeOH (155 gll00 mi); EtOH (86.2 gll00 ml), MezCO (63.1gllOO mi), EtOAc (12.6 gll00 ml), CHCb (2.66 gll00 ml), C6H6 (0.35 gll00 ml); LD50 (mus ip) = 170 mglkg; highly toxic and irritant. causes CNS paralysis. Am. Cyanamid; Cyanamid of Great Brifain Lfd.2-Acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid4915214-89-8H52Acrylonitrile 107-13-1133GH@N C HC3H3N 2-Propenenitrile. 4-02-00-01473 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); Acritet; Acrylnitril; Acrylon; Acrylonitrile; A13-00054; Akrylonitril; Akrylonitryl; ERN 0605310; Carbacryl; Caswell No. 010; CCRIS 8; Cianuro di vinile; Cyanoethylene; Cyanure de vinyle; EINECS 203-4664 ENT 54; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 000601; Fumigrain; HSDB 176; Miller's fumigrain; NCCC50215; Nitrile acrilico; Nitrile acrylique; NSC 6362; Propenenitrile; 2-Propenenitrile; RCRA waste number UOO9; TL 314; UN 1093; VCN; Ventox; Vinyl cyanide; Vinylkyanid. Monomer for acrylic and modacrylid fibers; in production of ABS and acrylonitrile styrene copolymers. Liquid; mp = -83.5"; bp 77.3'; dZo = 0.8060; hm = 206 nm (E = 6166, MeOH); very soluble in MezCO, C6H6, Etz0, EtOH; LD50 (rat orl) = 78 mglkg. Am. Cyanamid; Asahi Chem. Industry; EP Chem.; DSM Spec. Prods.; DuPonf; Mitsui Toatsu; Sigma-Aldrich Fine Chem.C7Hi3N04S 1-Propanesulfonicacid, 2-acrylamido-2-methyl2-Acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid 2-Acryl-amido-2methylpropanesulphonic acid, EINECS 239-268-0, 1Propanesulfonic acid 2-methyl-2-((1-oxo-2-propenyl)amino)- 1Propanesulfonic acid, 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-50Acrylic acid 79-10-7132GH0 C3H402 2-Propenoic acid. 4-02-00-01455 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); Acide acrylique: Acido acrilio; Acroleic acid; Acrylic acid; A13-15717; ERN 0635743; Caswell No. 009A; CCRIS 737: EINECS 201-177-9; Ethylenecarboxylic acid; Glacial acrylic acid; HSDB 1421; Kyselina akrylova; NSC 4765; Propene acid; Propenoic acid; RCRA waste, number UOO8; UN2218; Vinylformic acid. Corrosive liquid used in the manufacture of plastics. Monomer for polyacrylic and polymethacrylic acids, other acrylic acids, acrylic polymers. Used in manufacture of acrylic fiber; In plastics, surface coatings and adhesives industry. mp = 12.3"; bp = 141; d20 = 1.0511; soluble in H20, organic solvents; LD50 (rat orl) = 2.59 glkg. BASF Corp.; Degussa-Huls Corp.; Hoechst Celanese; Penfa Mg.; Rohrn 8. Haas Co.; Union Carbide Corp.5153H 00LobHOC6H804 2-Carboxyethyl acrylate. p-(Acry1oyloxy)propionic acid; 3-Acryloyloxypropionic acid; 2Carboxyethyl acrylate; B-Carboxyethyl acrylate; Xarboxyethyi 2propenoate; EINECS 246-359-9; Hydracrylic acid, acrylate; 2Propenoic acid, 2-carboxyethyl ester; Sipomer B-CEA.Acrylic acid, l,l,l-(trihydroxy-methy1)propane triester 15625-89-5p(Acryloy1oxy)propionic acid 24615-84-7Acticarbone5464365-11-3GGH C Carbon, activated. Carbon black; Carbon decolorizing. Powdered and granulated activated carbon; used for purification, decolorization, deodorization, separation and recovery in liquid or gas phase, in the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and food industries (glucose factories, sugar refiners, oil refining, wine treatment); for the treatment of drinking and industrial water, etc. Catalyst supports. Elf Atochem N. Am.55C15H2006 2-EthyW hydroxymethyl)-l,3-propanediol triacrylate. Acrylic acid, l,l,l-(trihydroxymethyi)propane triester; Acrylic acid, triester with 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-l,3-propanediol; Acrylic acid,Activated charcoal 16291-96-6 C12H 31. Charcoal. Charcoal; Charcoal, activated; Charcoal briquettes, shell, screenings, wood, etc.; Charcoal, except activated; EINECS 240383-3; HSDB 2017; NA1361; Swine fly ash; Whetlerite.56Fenarsazinchlorid; NSC 86138: Phenarsazine, lO-chloro-5,lOdihydro-; Phenarsazine, 10-chloro-; Phenarsazine chloride; UN1698. A poison gas, war gas; also used in the formulation of wood-treating solutions against marine borers and similar pests. Crystals; mp = 195"; bp = 410'; insoluble in H20, slightly soluble in organic solvents; highly toxic.Acyclovir 59277-89-3147D59Adenine 73-24-5C8HiiN503 2-Amino-l,9-dihydro-9-[(2-hydroxyethoxy)methyl]-6H-purin-6-one, Aciclovir; Aciclovirum; Aciclovirum; Acycloguanosine; Acyclovir; 2Amino-l,9-dihydro-9-((2-hydroxyethoxy)-methyl)-6H-purin-6-one; BW-248U; CCRIS 1953; DRG-0008; EINECS 261-685-1; HSDB 6511; 9-((2-Hydroxy-ethoxy)methyl)guanine; 6H-Purin-6-one, 2amino-l,9-dihydro-9((2-hydroxyethoxy)methyl)-; Vipral; Virorax W2484; Wellcome-248U; Zovirax.; Laurocapram; Poviral; Virorax; Zovirax; Vipral; Aciclovir; Acyclo-V; Zyclir. Antiviral agent used in treatment of herpes virus. A nucleoside analog that is preferentially taken up by infected cells and then inhibits viral DNA synthesis by interfering with transcription. mp = 256.5-257O; L D ~ o(mus orl) >10,000 mg/kg. Glaxo Welcome Inc.5760DAdenosine triphosphate 56-65-5CsHioN5Na03 2-Amino-l,9-dihydro-9-[(2-hydroxyethoxy)methyl]-6H-purin-6one monosodium salt. Aciclovir natrium; Acyclovir sodium; Acycloguanosine sodium (Obs.); Acyclovir sodium salt; 2-Amino-l,9-dihydro-9((2hydroxyethoxy)methyl)-6H-purin-6-one monosodium salt; BW 248U sodium; 9-((2-Hydroxyethoxy)methyl)guanine monosodium salt; Sodium acyclovir; Zovirax; Zovirax Sterile Powder. Antiviral agent. Glaxo Wellcome Inc.587292156GC1OH16N5013P3 9-P-D-Arabinofuranosyladenine 5'-triphosphate. Adenosine, S-(tetrahydrogen triphosphate); Adenosine 5'triphosphate; Adenosine 5'-triphosphoric acid; Adenosine triphosphate; AdenosintriAdenosintriphosphorsaeure; phosphorsaure; Adenylpyrophosphoric acid; Adephos; Adetol; Ado5'-P-P-P; Adynol; Ara-ATP; Atipi; ATP; 5'-Atp; ATP (nucleotide); Atriphos; EINECS 200-283-2; Glucobasin; Myotriphos; Striadine; Striadyne; Triadenyl; Triadenyl; Triphosaden; Triphosphaden; Triphosphoric acid adenosine ester. Organic compound used in biochemical research. Used to inhibit enzymatic browning of raw edible plant materials, such as sliced potatoes and apples. White -26.7' (c = 3.095); hm = 259 nm (aM = 15400); powder; [a]@= soluble in Hz0; pH of 1% aq. solution = 2. Asahi Chern. Industry; Asahi Denka Kogyo; Greeff R. W. & Co.; Penfa Mfg.Adamsite 578-94-9GC5H5N5 1H-purin-6-amine. ADE; Adenin; Adenine; Adeninimine; A13-50679; 6-Aminopurine; 6Amino-1 H-purine; 6-Amino-3H-purine: 6-Amino-7H-purine: 6-Amino9H-purine; CCRlS 2556; 1,6-Dihydro-6-iminopurine; 3,6-Dihydro-6iminopurine; EINECS 200-796-1; Leuco-4; NSC 14666; Purine, 6amino-; 1H-Purin-6-amine; 1H-Purine, &amino; 9H-Purine. 1,6dihydro-6-imino-; USAF CB-18; Vitamin 44. Used in medical and biochemical research. Crystals; mp = 360-3155' (dec); hm = 207, 260.5 nm (E 23200, 13400 pH 7.0); soluble in Hz0 (0.05 gil00 ml), less soluble in organic solvents: LD50 (rat orl) = 745 mg/kg. Lonzagroup; Penfa Mfg.; Schweizerhall Inc.; Sigma-Aldrich Fine Chern.; U.S. BioChem.Acyclovir Sodium 69657-51-8152GCizHgAsCIN 10-Chloro-5,lO-dihydrophenarsazine. 4-27-00-09796 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); 5-Aza-10arsenaanthracene chloride; Adamsit; Adamsite; ERN 0178698; Caswell No. 648; 10-Chloro-5,lO-dihydro-arsacridine; 10-Chloro510-dihydrophenars-azine; Chlorodiphenylaminearsine; Diphenylamine chloroarsine; Diphenylaminechloroarsine; DM; EINECS 209-433-1; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 063901;615'-Adenylic acid 61-19-813159G 32. 203-896-3; Hexanedinitrile; Hexanedioic acid, dinitrile; HSDB 627; Nitrile adipico; NSC 7617: Tetramethylene cyanide; Tetramethylene dicyanide; UN2205. Liquid; mp = 1'; bp = 295"; d20 = 0.9676; slightly soluble in H20, Et20, soluble in EtOH, CHC13.64Agaricic acid 666-99-9CioHi4N507P Adenosine-5monophosphate. 4-26-00-03615 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); 5'-AMP; A-5MP; A5MP; Adeno; Adenosine 5'-(dihydrogen phosphate); Adenosine-5phosphoric acid; Adenosine-5-monophosphoric acid; Adenosine 5 monophosphate; Adenosine 5-phosphate; Adenosine, mono(dihydrogen phosphate) (ester); Adenosine monophosphate; Adenosine phosphate; Adenosini phosphas; Adenovite; Adenylic acid; AMP: AMP (nucleotide); BRN 0054612; Cardiomone; EINECS 200-500-0; Ergadenylic acid; Fosfato de adenosina: HSDB 3281; Lycedan; Monophosph-adenine; Muscle adenylic acid; MuskelMuskeladenosin-phosphor-saure; adenosin-phosphorsaeure; Muskeladenylsaeure; Muskeladenylsaure; My-B-Den; Myoston; NSC-20264; Phosaden; Phosphaden; Phos-phate d'adenosine; Phosphentaside; Vitamin B8. Nutrient. Used in biochemical research. White solid; mp = 200" (dec); [ado= -47.5' (c = 2 2% EioChern. NaOH); soluble in Hz0. U.S.62COOH C22H4007 2-Hydroxynonadecane-1,2,3-tricarboxylicacid. 4-03-00-01284 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); Agaric acid; Agaricic acid; Agaricin; Agaricinic acid; Agaricinsaeure: Agaricinsaure; BRN 1729981; a-Cetylcitric acid; EINECS 21 1-566-5; Laricic acid; n-Hexadecylcitric acid; (-)-2-Hydroxy-I ,2,3-nonadecantricarbonsaeure; 2-Hydroxy-I ,2,3-nonadecanetricarb-oxylic acid; 2Hydroxynonadecane-l,2,3-tricarboxylic acid; 1,2,3Nonadecanetricarboxylic acid, 2-hydroxy-; NSC 60429; NSC 65690. A resin acid, obtained by extraction with alcohol of the fruit bodies of Polyporus officinalis and Agaricus albus. Used as a febrifuge and antiperspirant Crystalline cream-colored powder; mp = 142' (dec); [a]dg= -8.8O (NaOH); insoluble in C6H6, CHC13, slightly soluble in EtOH, Et20, soluble in H20; odorless, tasteless.Adipic acid 124-04-965 G163G186Agerite8 White G93-46-9 HHH O O UHC6H1004 Dicarboxylic acid c6. 4-02-00-01956 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); Acide adipique; Acifloctin; Acinetten; Adilactetten; Adipate; Adipic acid; Adipinic acid; Adipinsaure; A13-03700; BRN 1209788; 1,4-Butanedicarboxylicacid; CCRIS 812; EINECS 204-673-3; FEMA Number 2011; Hexanedioic acid; 1.6-Hexanedioic acid; HSDB 188; Kyselina adipova; NSC 7622; Adi-pure@. Used in manufacture of polyurethane foams and nylon: preparation of esters for use as plasticizers and lubricants; food additive (acidulant) for baking powders; flavoring agent; leavening agent, neutralizer, acidulant, pH control agent for baked goods, beverages. For chemical industry, chemical intermediate; used in adhesives, coatings, nylon 66, PU foamsielastomerslfibers, lubricants, textile treatments, cosmetic emollients; pH buffer; food acidulant. Prisms; mp = 153.2"; bp = 337.5"; &?% 1.360; insoluble in AcOH, ligroin; slightly soluble in H20, soluble in Et20, very soluble in EtOH: LD50 (mus orl) = 1900 mgikg. Allied Signal; Asahi Chem. indusfry; Monsanfo Co.; Penfa Mfg.; Rhbne-Poulenc; UCB SA.63C26H20N2 Symdi-p-Naphthyl-p-phenylenediamine. 4-13-00-00119 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); Aceto DIPP; Agerite White; AgeRite W; A13-14324; Antigene F; Antioxidant 123; Antioxidant DNP ASM-DNT; 1,bBenzenediamine, N,N'-di-2naphthalenyl-; N,N'-Bis-(2-naftyl)-p-fenylendiamin; 1,4-Bis(2naphthy1amino)-benzene;N,N-Bis(p-naphthy1)-p-phenylenediamine; N,N'-Bis(2-naphthy1)-p-phenylenediamine; BRN 2224419; CCRIS 6026; Di-p-naphthyl-p-phenyldi-amine; Di-p-naphthyl-pphenylenediamine; s-Di(p-naphthy1)-p-phenylenediamine;N,N-Di-pnaphthyl-p-phenylene-diamine; N,N'-Di-2-naphthalenyI-l,6benzenediamine; N,N-Di-2-naphthyl-p-phenylenediamine; Diafen NN; DNPD; Dnpda: Dwu-p-naftylo-p-fenylodwuamina; EINECS 202-2492; Nonox CL; NSC 3410; p-Phenylenediamine, N,N'-(di-2-naphthyl)-; N,N'-p-Phenylenebis(2-naphthylamine); Santowhite CL; Tisperse MB-2X. Antioxidant. An antidegradant for latex, nitrile rubber, styrene-butadiene and nitrile-butadiene rubber. Solid; mp = 224230"; d 1.22-1.28; insoluble in H20, EtOH, soluble in organic solvents; LD50 (rat orl) = 4500 mgikg. Vanderbilf R.T. Co. lnc.Adiponitrile 111-69-3H66Alachlor 15972-60-8C6H8N2 Hexanedioic acid, dinitrile. 4-02-00-01975 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); Adipic acid dinitrile; Adipinsaeuredinitril; Adipodinitrile; Adiponitrile; Adipyldinitrile; A1311080; BRN 1740005; CCRIS 4570; 1,CDicyanobutane: EINECS14201GP 33. Fatol; Salbuhexal; Salbulin; Salbupur; Salbusian; Salbutalan; Salbutamol; dl-Salbutamol; Salbutamolum; Salbutan; Salbutol; Salbuven; Salbuvent; Sallbupp; Salmaplon; Salornol; Salvent; Saventol; Servitamol; Spreor; Sultanol; Sultanol N; Suprasrna; Suxar; Theosal; Tobybron; Vencronyl; Ventamol; Ventilan; Ventiloboi; Ventolin; Ventolin Inhaler; Ventolin Rotacaps; Ventoline; Volmax; m-Xylene-a,a'-diol, a'-((tert-butylamino)methyl)-4-hydroxy-; Zaperin. Emnchodilator; tocolytic. Crystals; mp = 151, 157-158'; soluble in most organic solvents. Allen & Hanbury; Apofhecon; Glaxo Wellcome lnc.; Key Pharm.Ci4H2oCIN02 N-(Methoxymethyl)-2,Gdiethylchloroacetanilide. A13-51506; Ala-Scept; Alachlor; Alachlor technical; Alachlor technical (90% or more); Alachlore; Alamex; Alanex; Alanox; Alatox 480; Alazine; Alochlor; ERN 2944476 Bullet; Cannon; Caswell No. 011; CCRIS 3155; CDMA; Chimiclor; Chloressigsaure-N(methoxymethyl)-2,6diW1ylanilid; a-Chloro-2',6'diethyl-N-methoxymethylacetanilide; 2-chloro-2',6'diethyl-N-(methoxymethy1)acetanilide; 2-chloro-N-(2,6-diethylphenyl)-N(methoxymethy1)acetamide; CP 50144; Crop; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 090501; Freedom; HSDE 1014; Lariat; Lasagrin; Lasso; Lasso E C Lasso II; Lasso Micro Tech; Lazo; Metachlor; Methachlor; Methoxymethyl-2,G-diethylanilidechloroacetate; Microtech; Micro-Tech Lasso; Nudor; Partner; Pillarzo; Star. Registefed by EPA as a herbicide. Crystals; mp = 40 - 41'; bp0.02 = looo, bpo.3 135'; d3.6 = 1.133 soluble in Hz0 (0.0242 91100 ml). EQO, Me2C0, QH6, EtOH, EtOAc; LO50 (rat orl) = 930 - 2200 mgkg, (rbt der) = 13300 mglkg; LCSO (mrat ihl 6 hr.) > 23.4 mgll air, (mallard duck, bobwhite quail 8 day dietary) > 5000 mglkg diet, (rainbow trout 96 hr.) = 1.8 mgn, (bluegill sunfish 96 hr.) = 2.8 mgll; non-toxic to bees. Cedar Chemical Cwp.; Micro Flo Co. LLC; Monsanfo Co.69D215Alanine67 56-41-7203GC26H44N2010S2-(tert-Eutylamino)-1-(4-hydroxy-3-hydroxymethyl-phenyl)ethanol9sulfate (2:l). AccuNeb; Aerotec; Albuterol sulfate; Aloprol; Amocasin; Arm-ABis((tert-butyl)(~,3,4-trihydroxyphenethyl)-ammonium) Med; sulphate; Eroncho Inhalat; Bronchospray; Broncodil; Combivent; Dipulmin; EINECS 256-916-8; Emican; Epaq; Fartolin; HumaSalmol; Inspiryl; Loftan; NSC 289928; Proventil Repetabs, Solution, Syrup, and Tablets; Salbutamol hemisulfate: Salbutamol sulfate; (+ Salbutamol sulfate; dl-Salbutamol sulfate; Sch 13949W sulfate; Venetlin: Ventolin HFA. Bronchodilator; tocolytic. White crystals; soluble in Hz0, slightly soluble in EtOH. Allen & Hanbury; Apothecon; Glaxo Labs.; Key Pharm.; Lemmon Co.; Schering AG.C3H7N02 2-Aminopropionic acid. Alanina; Alanine; Alanine, L-; (L)Alanine; L-(+)-Alanine; (S)Alanine; Alaninum; L-2-Aminopropanoic acid; (S)-aAminopropionsaure; (S)-a-Aminopropion-saeure; (S)-2Aminopropanoic acid; (S)-2-Amino-propionsaure; (S)-2Aminopropionsaeure; a-Amino-propionic acid; 2Aminopropanoic acid, L-; 2-Aminopropionic acid; EINECS 200-273-8: HSDB 1801; NSC 206315; Propanoic acid, 2-amino-, (S)-. natural L-isomer is The used in microbiological research, biochemical research and as a dietary supplement. mp = 314-317O (dec); [a]D = 14O (c = 6 1N HCI); d = 1.401; soluble in H20 (15.8 91100 ml), cold 80% ethanol; insoluble in ether. Penfa Mfg,; Sigma-Aldrich Fine Chem.; U.S. BioChem.68Albuterol sulfate 51022-70-970Alclometasone dipropionate 66734-13-2DG219RAlbuterol 18559-94-9215DC28H37C107 7a-Chloro-l l p,17,21-trihydroxy-16a-methylpregna-l,4-diene-3.20dione 17,21-dipropionate. Aclovate; Alclometasone 17, 21-dipropionate; Alclo-metasone dipropionate; ERN 2317658; CCRlS 1927; Delonal; EINECS 266464-3; Sch 22219; Vaderm. Anti-inflammatory (topical). Crystals; mp 42.6' (C = 3 DMF); h = 242 nm (E 15600 = 212-216'; [a]#= m MeOH). Glaxo Labs.; Schering-Plough HeaMhCareProducts.Ci3HziN03 2-(tert-Eutylamino)-1-(4-hydroxy-3-hydroxymethyl-phenyl)ethanol, Aerolin; AH 3365; Albuterol; dl-Albuterol; Almotex; AM-Salbutamol; Anebron; Arubendol-Salbutamol; Asmadil; Asmanil; Asmasal; Asmatol; Asmaven; Asmidon; Asmol; Asmol Uni-Dose; Asthalin; BRN 2213614; Broncho-Spray; Broncovaleas; Bronter; Bugonol; Bumol; Eutamol; Buto-Asma; Eutohaler; Butotal; Eutovent; DL-Ntert-Butyl-2-(4-hydroxy-3-hydroxymethylphenyl)-2-hydroxyethylamine; Buvent-ol; Cobutolin; Dilatamol; EINECS 242-424-0; Farcolin; Gerivent; Grafalin; Libretin; Medolin; Mozal; Novosalmol; Parasma; Pneumolat; Proventil HFA; Pmventil Inhaler; Respax Respolin; Sabutal; Salamol; Salbetol; Salbmn; Salbu-BASF; Salbu-71Alcohols, Cg-Cll 6645517-2HCg-Cii alcohol. Alcohols, C9-Cii; Alcohols, C9-11; C9-Cii alcohol; Dobanol 91; Dobanol 911; EINECS 266-367-6; Linevol 911; Neodol 91; Neodol 91-8T.15 34. 72hexahydro-1,4:5,8-dimethanonaphthalene;Alcohols, Ci2-Ci5hexahydro-1,4:5,8-dimethanonaphthalene; EINE-CS 206-215-8; ENT 15,949; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 045101; Hexachlorohexahydro-endo-exo-di-methanonaphthalene; HHDN; HSDB 199; Kortofin; Latka 118; NA2761; NA2762; NCI-COO044 NSC 8937; Octalene; RCRA waste number P004; SD 2794; Seedrin; Soilgrin; Tatuzinho; Tipula. Non-systemic insecticide with contact, stomach and respiratory action. Used for control of soil-dwelling insects, termites and ants and also as a wood preservative. Manufacture and use in the US discontinued. Designated as a Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) under the Stockholm convention. White solid; mp = 104-105; bpz = 145"; insoluble in H20, moderately soluble in organic solvents; LD5o (rat orl) = 38-67 mglkg.Ciz-Ci5 alcohols. Alcohols, Ciz-Ci5; Ciz-Ci5 alcohol; EINECS 264-118-6.73Aldicarb 116-06-3HP221IHNMoN%s' 0 76C7Hi4NzOzS Z-Methyl-Z-(methylthio)propanal0-[(methylamino)carb-onylloxime. A13-27093; Aldicarb; Aldicarbe; Carbamyl; Caswell No. OllA; CCRIS 17; EINECS 204-123-2; ENT 27,093; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 098301; HSDB 1510; Methyl-2(methy1thio)propionaldehyde 0-(methylcarb-amoyl)oxime; Methylcarbamic acid, 0-((2-methyl-2-(methylthio)propylidene)amino) deriv.; NCCC08640; NSC 379586; OMS-771: RCRA waste number P070; Sulfone aldoxycarb; Temik; Temik 10 G; Temik G; Temik G10; UC-21149; Union carbide 21149. Registered by EPA as an insecticide and acaricide. Crystals; m[, = 99-100"; soluble in H z 0 (0.6 gll00 ml), MezCO (35 gl100 ml), C6H6 (15 gll00 ml), xylene (5 gll00 ml), CHzCIz (30 91100 ml); LD50 (rat orl) = 0.93 mglkg, (frat orl) = 1 mglkg, (rbt der) = 5.0 mglkg, (gpg der) = 2400 mglkg; LCso (rat ihl 5 min.) < 0.2 mgll air; (bobwhite quail 7 day dietary) = 2400 mglkg diet, (rainbow trout 96 hr.) = 0.88 mgll, (bluegill sunfish 96 hr.) = 1.5 mgll; toxic to bees. Agriliance LLC; Avenfis Crop Science; Rhdne-Poulenc.74Alendronic acid 66376-36-1227IC4Hi 3N07Pz (4-Amino-1-hydroxybutylidene)bisphosphonicacid. ABDP; Acide alendronique; Acido alendronico; Acidum alendronicum; Alendronate; Alendronic acid; (4-Amino-lhydroxybuty1idene)diphosphonic acid; 4Amino-1-hydroxybutylidene1,l-bis(phosphonic acid); 4-Amino-l-hydroxybutylidene-l,lbisphosphonate; Arendal; MK 217; Phosphonic acid, (4-amino-lhydroxybuty1idene)bis-.Calcium regulator. White solid; mp = 233235" (dec). Inst. Genfili S.p.A.; Merck & Co./nc.77HAlendronic acid trisodium salt 227121268-17-5 HO/ N xS'H0,IIC5H11NOS 2-( Methylthio)-2-methylpropionaldehyde oxime. Aldicarb oxime; CCRIS 660; EINECS 216-709-5; HSDB 5848; 2(Methy1thio)isobutyraldehyde oxime; Z-(MethyIthio)-Zmethylpropionaldehyde oxime; 2-Methyl-2(methy1thio)propionaldehydeoxime; 2-Methyl-2-(methylthio)propanal oxime; 2-Methyl-2-(methylthio)-propionaldoxime; Propanal, 2-methyl2-(methylthio)-, oxime; Propionaldehyde, 2-methyI-Z-(methylthio)-, oxime; Temik oxime.75225 CI0 P 'DOH H/O'H H.,~ HH2N&OH HO/ 5 0 0 Na.HC4Hi zNNa07Pz.3HzO Sodium trihydrogen (4-amino-lhydroxybutylidene)-diphosphonate trihydrate. Adronat; Alendronate sodium; Alendronate sodium hydrate; Alendronic acid monosodium salt trihydrate: Alendros; Aminohydroxybutylidene biphosphonate monosodium salt trihydrate; Dronal; Elandor; Fosalan; Fosamax; G-704,650; MK-217; (4-amino-1-hydroxybuty1idene)bisphosphonate Monosodium trihydrate; Onclast; Phosphonic acid, (4-amino-lhydroxybuty1idene)bis-, monosodium salt, trihydrate; Sodium alendronate hydrate; Sodium trihydrogen (4-amino-I-hydroxybutylidene)diphosphonate, trihydrate. Calcium regulator. insf. Genfili SPA;Merck & Co.lnc.Aldrin 309-00-2DHd p/OH HO'0Aldicarb oxime 1646-75-9(la,4a,4ap,5a,8a,8ap)-1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro-l,4,4a,5, 8,8a-H63393-82-8GPc1Y F1 78C12HBCI6Alfaprostol 74176-31-1u,4a,4ap,5a,Ea,8ap-hexa-hydro1,2,3,4,10,1O-Hexachloro-1 1,45,8-dimethanonaphthalene. A13-15949; Aldocit; Aldrex; Aldrex 30; Aldrex 30 E.C.; Aldrex 40; Aldrin; Aldrine; Aldrite; Aldron; Aldrosol; Algran; Altox; Caswell No. 012; CCRIS 18; Compound 118; 1,4:5,8-Dimethanonaphthalene, 1,2,3,4,10,1O-hexachloro-l,4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydro-, (1R, endo,exo-; 8,8a4S,4aS,5S,8R,8aR)-1,2,3,4,10,1O-Hexachloro-l,4,4a,5,16232DG 35. Edward; Penta Mfg.; Protan.Alizarin81 72-4802460H6C24H3805 R-[la(Z),2p(S'),3a,5a]]-7-[2-(5-Cyclohexyl~~hyd-roxy-l[l pentynyl)9,5dihydroxycyclopentyI]-5hepten-oicacid methyl ester. Alfavet; Ro-22-9000 K-11941; Alphacept. Prosta-glandin. Used for estrus control in cows. Farmifalia Carlo Erba Lfd.79240DEG(C6H706)n Sodium alginate. A13-19772; Algiline; Algin; Algin (Laminaria spp. and other kelps); Algin (plysaccharide): Alginate KMF Alginic acid, sodium salt; Algipon L-1168; Amnucol; Antimigrant C 45; Cecalgine TBV; Cohasal-IH; Darid QH; Dariloid QH; Duckalgin; FEMA No. 2014; Halltex; HSDB 1909; Kelco Gel LV; Kelcosol; Kelgin; Kelgin F; Kelgin HV; Kelgin LV; Kelgin XL; Kelgum; Kelset: Kelsize; Keltex; Keltone; L'Algiline; Lamitex; Manucol; Manucol DM; Manucol KMF; Manucol SSlLD2 Manugel F 331; Manutex; Manutex F; Manutex RS 1; Manutex RS-5; Manutex rS1; Manutex SAIKP Manutex SHILH: Meypralgin WLV; Minus; Mosanon; Nouralgine; OG 1; Pectalgine; Prcctin: Protacell8; Protanal; Protatek Snow algin H; Snow algin L; Snow algin M; Sodium alginate; Sodium polymannuronate; Stipine: Tagat; Tragaya; Colloid 488T; E401; KELCOSOLB; KELGINB F; KELGINQ HV: KELGINB LV; KELGINB MV; KELGIN@ XL; KELSETB; KELTONEB: KELTONEB HV KELTONEB HVCR; KELTONEB LV; KELTONEB LVCR; KELVISB; Kimitsu Algin 1-3; Kimitsu Algin 1-7; Kimitsu Algin IS; MANUCOL DM; MANUCOL DMF; MANUCOL LE; MANUCOL LKX; Manugel@; Pronova" LVG Pronova' LVM; Pronova" MVG; Pronovan" MVM; Pronova" P LVG; Pronova' P MVG; Pronova' UP MVG; Protanal LF 5/60; Protanal LF 10140; Protanal LF 10160; Protanal LF 201200; Protanal LF 120 M Protanal LF 200; Protanal LF 200 M; Protanal LF 200 RE; Protanal LF 200 S; Protanal LFR 5/60 Protanal SF: Protanal SF 120; Protanal SF 120 RE; SatiaIgin-HE@; Sobalg FD 100 Range. Stabilizer in manufacture of ice cream; emulsifying agent in foods and paints. Emulsifier; firming agent; formulation aid; processing aid; surfactant. FDA, FEMA GRAS, Japan, UK approved, Europe listed, FDA approved for orals, USPINF, EP, Ph. Eur. compliance (oral suspensions and tablets). Used as a suspending agent, gellant, thickening and emulsifying agent, excipient, tablet binder, stabilizer, used in orals, film-former for microencapsulation. Cream colored powder; soluble in Hz0, insoluble in EtOH, Etz0, CHC13; dynamic (rat viscosity of I % aqueous solution = 20-400 mPa. LDSO iv) = 1000 mglkg, (rat orl) > 5000 mglkg, (rbt iv) = 100 mglkg, (cat ip) = 250 mglkg. Am. Roland; FMC Corp. Pham. Div.; Kelco MI.; Mufti-Kem; Sigma-Aldrich Fine Chem.; Spectrum Chem. Manufacturing.8082239Alkanet 517-88-4252DGA2HOC16H1605 (S)-5,8-dihydroxy-2-(1-hydroxy-4-methyl-3-pentenyl)-l ,lnaphthalenedione. Alkanet extract; Alkanna red; Alkannin; Anchusa acid; Anchusin; C.I. 75530; C.I. Natural Red 20; (S)-5,8-Dihydroxy-2-(l-hydroxy-4methylpent-3-enyl)-l,4-naph-thoquinone; EINECS 208-245-7; I,& Naphth-alenedione, 5.8-dihydroxy-2-(l-hydroxy-4-methyl-3penteny1)-, (S)-; NSC 407295. Terms applied to two different plants, Lawsonia inemis and Anchusa tinfwia, whose roots are the source of a red dye, anchusine (alkannin), the name is applied to the dye as well as to the plant. Used as an astringent. Solid; mp = 149": [a]& - 1 W (C6H6); poorly soluble in Hz0, more soluble in organic solvents; LD50 (mmus orl) = 3000 E 1000 mglkg, (fmus orl) 3100 E 100 mgkg, (rat orl) > 1000 mglkg.Alginic acid 9005-32-7OHC14H804 1,2-Dihydroxyanthraquinone. 4-08-00-03256 (Beilstein Handbook Reference): A13-18244; Alizarin; Alizarin B; Alizarin Red: Alizarina; Alizarine; Alizarine 38; Alizarine 8; Alizarine indicator; Alizarine L paste: Alizarine Lake Red 3P; Alizarine Lake Red IPX; Alizarine Lake Red 2P; Alizarine NAC Alizarine Paste 20 percent Bluish; Alizarine Red: Alizarine Red B; Alizarine Red 82; Alizarine Red IP; Alizarine Red IPP; Alizarine Red L: Alizarinprimeveroside; Alizerine NAC; Alizerine Red IPP; Anthraquinone, 1,2-dihydroxy-; 9,1O-Anthracene-dione, 1,2dihydroxy-; 1,2-Anthraquinonediol; ERN 1914037; C.I. 58000; C.I. 58000C; C.I. Mordant Red 11; C.I. Mordant Red 1lC; C.I. Pigment Red 83; C.I. Pigment Red 83C; CCRIS 3530; Certiqual Alizarine; Certiqual Alizarine D; CI 58000; D and C Orange No. 15; D and C Orange Number 15D; D And C Orange Number 15: Deep Crimson Madder 10821; Deep Crimson Madder 10821E; 1,2-Dihydroxy-9,10anthraquinone; 1,2-Dihydroxy-9,1O-anthracenedione;1,2-Dihydroxyanthrachinon; 1,2-Dihydroxyanthraquinone; EINECS 200-782-5; Eljon madder; Eljon Madder M; Mitsui Alizarine B; Mitsui Alizarine BS; Mordant Red 11; NSC 7212: Pigment red 83; Sanyo Carmine L2E; Turkey Red; Turkey Red W. Acid wool dye base. Also used as an acid-base indicator (pH 5.5 yellow; pH 6.8 red) and as a spot-test reagent for Al, In, Hg, Zn and Zr. Orange needles; mp = 290"; bp = 430"; hm = 248, 435 nm (E 25119 6310 EtOH); slightly soluble in Hz0 (0.058 gll00 ml); more soluble in organic solvents. Comlefs; Fahlberg-List.Algin 9005-38-3GDEG(C6H806)n; Polymannuronic acid. A 2830-9; Acid Algin G 2; Alginic acid; CCRIS 6769; EINECS 232680-1; HSDB 2967; Kelacid; Landalgine; Norgine; Polymannuronic acid; Protanal LF; Satialgine-H 8; Sazzio; Snow acid algin G Verdyol Super. Polysaccharide composed of (3-d-mannuronic acid residues; suspending, thickening, emulsifying, and stabilizing agent. Very slightly soluble in H20 capable of absorbing 200-300 times its weight in M O ; soluble in alkaline solutions. Kelco lntl.; Mendell83Alkylbenzyldimethylammoniumchloride 8001-54-5171058DGP 36. R Ip+saturated H20 solution = 5.5. 3V; Alcoa Ind. Chem.; EM Ind. Inc.; Greeff R.W. & Co.; Homrnel GmbH; ICI Americas Inc.; Lancaster Synthesis Co.; Penta Mfg.; Sufton Labs.; Tri-K Ind.CI-85Alloocimene H673-04-7 Benzalkonium chloride. Alkyl dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride; Alkyl dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride; Alkylbenzyl-dimethylammonium chloride; Alkyldimethyl(phenyl-methy1)quaternary ammonium chlorides; Alkyldimethyl-benzylammonium chloride; Ammonium, alkyldimethyl(phenylmethy1)-, chloride; Ammonium, alkyldimethyl-benzyl-, chloride; Ammonyx; Arquad B 100; Arquad dmmcb-75; Barquat MB50; Barquat MB-80; Bayclean; Benirol; Benzalconio cloruro; Benzalkonii chloridum; Benzalkonium A; Benzalkoniumchloride; Bio-quat 50-24; Bio-quat 50-25; Bio-quat 50-30 Bio-quat 50-40; Bio-quat 5042; Bio-quat 50-60; Bio-quat 50-65; Bio-quat 80-24; Bio-quat 80-28; Bio-quat 80-40; Bio-quat 80-42; Bionol; BTC 50; BTC 50 USP; BTC 65; BTC 65 USP; BTC 100; BTC 471; BTC 824; BTC 2565: BTC 8248; BTC 8249; BTC E-8358; Capitol; Cequartyl; Chlorure de benzalkonium; Cloruro de benzalconio; Culversan LC 80; Desitin Dabaways; Desitin Skin Care Lotions; Dimanin A; Disinall; Dodigen 226; Drapolene; Drapolex; Drest; E-Pilo Ophthalmic Solution; Enuclen; Enuclene; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 069105; Epifrin Ophthalmic Solution; Gardiquart SV480; Gardiquat 1450; Genamin KDS; Germ-I-tol: Germicin; Germinol; Germitol; HSDB 234; Hyamine 3500; lntexan LB-50; Kemamine BAC; Leda benzalkonium chloride; Mefarol; Mixture Name; Murine For The Eyes; Muro Tears Ophthalmic Solution; Muro's Opcon A Ophthalmic Solution; Muro's Opcon Ophthalmic Solution; Murocoil-19 Opthalmic Solution; Murocoll-2 Ophthalmic Solution: Neo Germ-I-tol; Onyx BTC (Onyx oil & chem Co); Osvan; Paralkan; Pheneene germicidal solution & tincture; Quaternary ammonium compounds, alkylbenzyldimethyl, chlorides; Quaternium-1; Romergal CB; Sporostacin; Triton K-60; Vikrol RQ; Visalens Soaking/Cleaning Solutions; Visalens Wetting Solution; Visine AC; Zephiral; Zephiran; Zephiran chloride; Benirol; BTC; Capitol; Cequartyl; Drapolene; Drapolex; Enuclen; Germinol; Germitol; Osvan; Paralkan; Roccal; Rodalon; Zephiran Chloride; Zephirol. Alkylammonium chlorides of general formula [C6H5CH2N(CH3)2R]%l-; R = C8H17 to C18H37. Germicide, algicide, disinfectant, sanitizer, deodorant; used in pesticides and manufacture of sanitizers; food processing, dairy, restaurant, industrial and household products. Amorphous powder, very soluble in H20, EtOH, MezCO, insoluble in C6H6, Et20; LDso (rat orl) = 400 mgikg. Sherex.C10H16 2,6-Dimethyl-2,4,6-otatriene. A12-00737; Alloocimene; 2,6-Dimethyl-2,4,6-octatriene; 2,6Dimethylocta-2,4,6-triene; EINECS 211-6145 NSC 406263; Ocimene, allo; 2,4,6-0ctatriene, 2,6-dimethyl-.8697-59-6254H276DOHIC5H4N40 1H-Pyrazolo[3,4-dJpyrimidin-Col. Adenock; Ailural; AL-100; Allo-Puren; Allopur; Allopurinol; Allopurinol(1); Allopurinolum; Allozym; Allural; Alopurinol; Aloral; Alositol; Aluline; Anoprolin; Anzief: Apulonga; Apurin; Apurol; Atisuril; B. W. 56-158; Bleminol; Bloxanth; BW 56-158 Caplenal; CCRIS 626; Cellidrin; Cosuric; Dabrosin; Dabroson; DRG-0056 Dura Al; EINECS 206-250-9 Embarin; Epidropal; Epuric; Foligan; Geapur; Gichtex; Gotax; Hamarin; Hexanuret; HPP CHPP; HSDB 3004; Ketanrift; Ketobun-A; Ledopur; Lopurin; Lysuron; Milurit; Miniplanor; Monarch; Nektrohan; NSC 101655; NSC-1390; Progout; Remid; Riball; Suspendol; Takanarumin; Urbol; Uricemil; Uriprim; Uripurinol; Urobenyl; Urolit; Urosin; Urtias; Urtias 100; Xanturat; Zyloprim; Zyloric.; KetobunA; Ledopur; Lopurin; Lysuron; Miniplanor; Monarch; Nektrohan; Remid; Riball; Sigapurol; Suspendol; Takanarumin; Urbol; Uricemil; Uripurinol; Urobenyl; Urosin; Urtias; Xanturat; Zyloprim; Zyloric. Xanthine oxidase inhibitor. Used to treat 5' gout. Solid; mp > 30; hm = 257 nm (E 7200 0.1N NaOH), 250 nm (E 7600 0.1N HCI), 252 nm (E 7600 MeOH); soluble in Hz0 (0.048 gll00 ml), CHCI3 (0.060 gll00 ml), EtOH (0.030 gll00 ml), DMSO (0.46 gll00 ml), n-octanol (< 0.001 gll00 ml). Glaxo Wellcome Inc.; Knoll Pharm. Co.Allantoin84Allopurinol 315-30-0GH87Alloxan 50-71-5279G0C4H6N403 2,5-dioxo-Cimidazolidinylurea. 5-25-15-00338 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); Al3-15281; Alantan; Allantoin; Allantol; AVClDienestrol cream; BRN 0102364; Caswell No. 024; CCRIS 1958; Cordianine; Cutemol emollient; (2,5Dioxo-4-imidazolidinyl)urea; EINECS 202-592-8; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 085701; Glyoxyldiureid; Glyoxyl-diureide; Hydantoin, 5-ureido-; NSC 7606; Psoralon; Sebical; Septalan; Uniderm A; Urea, (2,5-dioxo-4-imidazoiidinyl)-; 5-Ureido-2,4-imidazolidindion; 5Ureidohydantoin.A product of animal metabolism, excreted in urine. Used in biochemical research and medicine. Used as a soothing agent and skin protectant; stimulates growth of healthy tissue. Racemic form: monoclinic plates or prisms; mp.239'; soluble in H20 (0.53 gll00 mi), EtOH (0.2 gll00 mi), almost insoluble in ether; pH of0 O x 0 ?NHC4H2Nz04 2,4,5,6(1 H,3H)-pyrimidinetetrone. A13-15282; Alloxan; Alloxan 7169 Alloxane; Barbituric acid, 5-0x0-; EINECS 200-062-0; Mesoxalylcarbamide; Mesoxalylurea; NSC 7169; 2,4,5,6-Pyrimidinteton; 2,4,5,6(1H,3H)-Pyrimidine-tetrone; 2,4,5,6-Tetraoxohexa-hydropyrimidine; Urea, mesoxalyl-. Used in nutrition experiments. Causes diabetes in experimental animals. Crystals; dec 256"; soluble in Hz0. Wako Pure Chem. Ind.18 37. 88Allyl alcoholU107-18-6283GH-0ti C7H1002 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 2-propenyl ester. 4-02-00-01529 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); Ageflex AMA; A1337827; Ally1 methacrylate; Allylester kyseliny methakrylove; BRN 1747406; EINECS 202-473-0; HSDB 5297; Methacrylic acid, allyl ester; NSC 18597; Sipome@ AM. Monomer for coatings, elastomers, adhesives, intermediates; contributes hardness and scratch resisance; crosslinkerihardener. Silane monomer intermediate:crosslinker offering two-stage polymerization, abrasion and solvent resistance; polymer modifier for high impact plastics, adhesives, acrylic elastomers photoresists, optical polymers. Liquid; bp mp = -65"; = 144', bp50 = 67", bpsO= 55'; d% = 0.9335; soluble in Hz0 (0.4 gil00 mi), organic solvents; LD5o (rat orl) = 430 mg/kg. Monomer-Polymer & Oajac; Polysciences; RMne Poulenc Surfactants; Rhbne-Poulenc; Richman Chem.; Rit-Chem; Rohm & Haas Co.; Sigma-AldrichFine Chem.C3H60 2-Propen-1-01. A13-14312; Alcool allilco; Alcwl allylique; Allilowy alkohol; Allyl alcohol; Allylalkohol; Allylic alcohol; Caswell No. 026; CCRIS 747; EINECS 203-469-1; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 068401; HSDB 192 3-Hydroxypropene; NSC 6526; 2-Propenol; 2-Propen-1-01; Propen-1-01-3; Propenyl alcohol; 2-Propenyl alcohol; RCRA waste number P005; Shell unkrautted A: UN1098; Vinyl carbinol; Weed drench. Intermediate for pharmaceuticals and other organic chemicals, herbicide. Liquid; mp = -129"; bp = 97"; dZo = 0.8540; hmKs = 273 nm (E = 4677, HZS04); freely soluble in Hz0, EtOH, EQO, soluble in CHCIs; LDSO orl) = 64 mgikg. (rat89Allyl chloride 107-05-1286GH92-cl CsHsCl 3-Chloro-1-propme. 4-01-00-00738 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); Allile (cloruro di); Allyl chloride; Allylchlorid; Allyle (chlorure d'); Barchlor: BRN 0635704; CCRIS 19; Chlorallylene; Chloro-2-propene; aChloropropylene; 3-Chloro-I-propylene; 3-Chloro-I-propene; 3Chloropropene; 3-Chlorpropen; EINECS 203-457-6; HSDB 178; NCCC04615; NSC 20939; Propene, 3chloro.; 1-Propene, 3-chloro-; 2-Propenyl chloride; UN1100. Used in the synthesis of allyl compounds Liquid; mp = -134.5'; bp = 45.1; dZo = 0.9376; hm = 273 nm (s = 4467); insoluble in Hz0, slightly soluble in CC14, freely soluble in EtOH, EIzO, MezCO, C6H6. ligroin; LD50 (rat orl) = 460 mg/kg. Lonza Ltd.; Lonzagroup.90Allylacetonitrile 592-51-8HC5H7N 1-Cyano-3-butene. Allylacetonitrile;Allylmethyl cyanide; 3-Butenyl cyanide; l-Cyano-3butene; CCyano-I-butene; EINECS 209-762-0; HSDB 5709: 4Pentenenitrile;CPentenoic acid, nitrile; &Pentenonitrile. Liquid; bp = 140"; dZ5= 0.712.93Allyltrimethoxy silane G2551-83-9Allyl glycidyl ether 106-92-3GH-0 C6Hi403Si Trimethoxy-2-propenylsilane. Allyltrimethoxysilane; CA0567; EINECS 219-8558; Silane, allyltrimethoxy-. Coupling agent, chemical intermediate, blocking agent, release agent, lubricant, primer, reducing agent. DegussaHuls Corp.0C6H1002 1-(Allyloxy)-2,3-epoxypropane. 5-17-03-00012 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); AGE; Ageflex@ AGE; A13-37791; Allil-glicidil-etere; Allyl 2,3-epoxypropyl ether; Allyl glycidyl ether; Allylglycidaether: l-Allilossi-2,3 epossipropano; 1(Allyloxy)-2,3-epoxy-propane; l-Allyloxy-2,3-epoxy-propaan; 1Allyloxy-2,3-epoxypropan; BRN 0105871; CCRlS 2375; EINECS 203-442-4: 1,2-Epoxy-3-allyloxypropane; 2,3-Epoxypropyl-l-allyl ether; Ether, ally1 2,3-epoxypropyl; Glycidyl allyl ether; HSDB 505; M 560; NCIbC56666; NSC 18596; Oxirane, ((2-propenyloxy)methyl)-; Oxyde d'allyle et de glycidyle; Propane, l-(allyloxy)-2,3-epoxy-; Sipme@ AGE; UN2219. Modifier for elastomer, epoxies, adhesives, fibers; reactive intermediate for coatings, sizingifinishing agent for fiberglass; silane intermediate in electrical coatings. Glutamate decarboxylase inhibitor. Liquid; mp = -10Oo; bp = 154'; d% = 0.9698; slightly soluble in Hz0, more soluble in organic solvents; LD50 (rat orl) = 1600 mgikg. Rhbne Poulenc Surfactants; Rit-Chem.9496-05-9G/s -i'I C6Hi4Si Allyllrimethyl silane. CA0570; CCRIS 2649; EINECS 212-104-5; Silane, trimethyl-2propenyl-. Coupling agent, chemical intermediate, blocking agent, release agent, lubricant, primer, reducing agent. Liquid; bp = 84-88"; d = 0.7190. Akzo Chemie.95Allyl methacrylate91Allyltrimethylsilane 762-72-1Alprazolam 28981-97-7H19310D 38. 97N-NAluminum 7429-90-532 1GAl Al Aluminum. A 00; A 95; A 99; A 995; A 999; A99V; AA 1099; Aa1193; AA1199; AD 1; ADIM; ADO; Adom; AE; Alaun; Allbri aluminum paste and powder; Alumina fibre; Aluminium; Aluminium bronze; Aluminium, elementary; Aluminium flake; Aluminum; Aluminum (fume or dust); Aluminum (metal); Aluminum 27; Aluminum AOO; Aluminum dehydrated; Aluminum dust; Aluminum, elemental; Aluminum metal; Aluminum metal, pyro powders; Aluminum metal, respirable fraction; Aluminum metal, soluble salts; Aluminum metal, total dust; Aluminum metal, welding fumes; Aluminum, molten [Class 91; Aluminum powder; Aluminum production; Aluminum, pyro powders; Aluminum soluble salts; Aluminum, welding fumes; A 0 A l ; AR2; AVOO; AV000; CPigment 1; C.I. 77000; Caswell No. 028A; CI 77000; CI 77000 EINECS 231-072-3; Emanay atomized aluminum powder; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 000111; HSDB 507; JlSC 3108; JlSC 3110; 116; Metana; Metana aluminum paste; NA9260; Noral aluminium; Noral aluminum; Noral Extra Fine Lining Grade; Noral ink grade aluminium; Noral Ink Grade Aluminum; Noral nonleafing grade; PAP-1; Pigment metal 1; UN1309; UN1396. Metallic element; building and construction, corrosion-resistant chemical equipment (desalination plants), die-cast auto parts, electrical industry (power transmission lines), photoengraving plates, permanent magnets, cryogenic technology, machinery, tubes for ointments. Malleable metallic solid; mp = 660"; bp = 2327"; d = 2.70. Alcan Chem.; Alcoa lnd. Chem.; Norsk Hydro AS.Ci7Hi3CIN4 8-Chloro-l-methyl-6-phenyl-4H-s-triazolo[4,3-a][1,4]benzodiazepine. Alcelam; Algad; Alpaz; Alplax; Alpram; Alprax; Alprazolam; Alprazolamum; Aipronax; Alprox; Alzam; Alzolam; Alzon; Anpress; Apo-Alpraz; Azor; Bestrol; BRN 1223125; Cassadan; Constan; D 65MT; DEA No. 2882; EINECS 249-349-2; Esparon; Frontal; GenAlprazolan; Helex; Intensol; Ksalol; Mialin; Neurol; Novo-Alprazol; Nu-Alpraz; Panix; Pharnax; Prazam; Prazolan; Prinox; Ralozam; Relaxol; Restyl; Solanax; Tafil; Tensivan; Trankimazin: Tranquinal; Tricalma; TUS-1; U 31889; Unilan; Valeans; Xanagis; Xanax; Xanax XR; Xanor; Zacetin; Zanapam; Zaxan; Zenax; Zolan; Zolarem; Zoldac; Zoldax; Zotran. Anxiolytic. Sedative/hypnotic. Pharmacia & Upjohn.96Alumina 1344-28-1355GA1203 Aluminum oxide. A 1 (Sorbent); A1-0104 T 3/16; A1-0109 P; A1-1401 P(MS); A l 1404 T 3/16; Al-3438 T 118; A1-3916 P; A1-3945 E 1/16; A l 3970 P A1-3980 T 5/32; A1-4028 T 3/16'; A1-4126 E 1/16; A-2; Abramant; Abramax; Abrarex; Abrasit; Activated aluminum oxide; Adamant; A13-02904; Alcan AA-100; Alcan C-70; Alcan C71; Alcan C-72; Alcan C-73; Alcan C-75; Alcoa F 1; Almite; Alon C; Aloxite; Alumina; a-Alumina: y-Alumina; 6-Alumina; Aluminite 37: Aluminium oxide: Aluminum oxide (A1203); Aluminum oxide (Brockmann); Aluminum oxide (fibrous forms); Aluminum oxide (ignited): Aluminum sesquioxide; Aluminum trioxide; Alumite (oxide); Alundum; Alundum 600: Bikorit; Brockmann, aluminum oxide; Cab-0-grip; Catapal S; Catapal SB alumina; CCRlS 6605; Compalox; Conopal: Diadur; Dialuminum trioxide; Dispal alumina; Dispal M; Dotment 324; Dotment 358; Dural; EINECS 215-691-6; Eta-alumina: Exolon XW 60: F 360 (Alumina); Faserton; Fasertonerde: Fiber FP; G 0 (Oxide); G 2 (Oxide); GK (Oxide); HSDB 506; Hypalox II; Jubenon R; KA 101; Ketjen 8; KHP 2; iA 6; Lucalox; Ludox CL; Martoxin; Microgrit WCA; Neobead C; Poraminar; PS 1 (Alumina); Q-Loid A 30; RC 172DBM; Saffie; T64; T-1061; Versa1 150. Used in abrasive industries, super refractories, sandblasting and for safes. Colorant; dispersing agent: used in orals. Polish and abrasive; absorbent, desiccant; filler for paints and varnishes; ceramic materials, electronics and resistors; dental cements; glass, artificial gems; coating for metals. Calcined alumina, a ceramic grade alumina for refractory. bricks, whitewares. Used in production of aluminum, abrasives, refractories, ceramics, electrical insulators, catalysts and catalyst supports, paper, spark plugs, crucibles and lab ware, adsorbent for gaseshater vapors, chromatographic analysis, heatresist. fibers. White special fused corundum (crystalline aluminum oxide), used for production of ramming mixes, shape bricks and crucibles for the lining of high temperature furnaces; molding material for precision casting molds. Hard white solid; bp = 2977'; d = 3.54; insoluble in Hz0, slightly soluble in mineral acids; toxic by inhalation of dust; eye irritant by mechanical abrasion. Air Products & Chemicals Inc.; Alcan Chem.; Alcoa Ind. Chem.; Atomergic Chemetals; BA Chem. Lfd.; Degussa AG; Degussa-Huls Corp.; Ferrflranselco; LaRoche Ind.; Lonza- Werke GmBH; Nissan Chem. Ind.; Norton Chem. Process Prods.; RMne-Poulenc; Sigma-Aldrich Fine Chem.; Vista.98Aluminum butoxide H3085-30-1>Io..,k AI3'0-ICizHz7A103 Aluminum n-butoxide. Aluminium tributanolate; Aluminum butoxide; Aluminum n-butoxide; 1-Butanol, aluminum salt; EINECS 221-3942.99Aluminum chlorate 15477-33-5334DGAICbOg Chloric acid aluminum salt. Aluminum chlorate; EINECS 239-499-7; Mallebrin. Occurs as a hexahydrate and a nonahydrate. Used as an antiseptic and astringent. Freely soluble in H20, soluble in EtOH.100Aluminum chloride7446-70-0335 CI I CI AIxCI20DGP 39. fAIC13 Aluminum chloride, anhydrous. A1301917; Alluminio(c1oruro di); Aluminium, (chlorure d ) ; Aluminium chloride; Aluminium trichloride; Aluminiumchlorid; Aluminum, (chlorure d'); Aluminum chloride; Aluminum chloride (1:3); Aluminum chloride (AIC13); Aluminum chloride (anhydrous); Aluminum trichloride; Anhydrol forte; Caswell No. 029 CCRlS 6871; Chlorure d'aluminium; EINECS 231-2081; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 013901; HSDB 607; NSC 143015; NSC 143016; Pearsall; PraestolB K2001; TK Flock; Trichloroaluminum; UN1726; UN2581. Ethylbenzene catalyst, dyestuff intermediate, detergent alkylate, ethyl chloride, pharmaceuticals and organics, butyl rubber, petroleum refining, hydrocarbon resins, nucleating agent for titanium dioxide pigments. Coagulant for municipal and industrial water treatment; effective for turbidity reduction, phosphorus removal, water clarification, flotation, oiliwater demulsification. Registered by EPA as an antimicrobial and herbicide (cancelled). BP compliance. Used as an antiseptic. The hexahydrate used as a topical astringent. White or colorless crystals; strong irritant; freely soluble in many organic solvents. Asada Chem. Ind. Ltd.; CK Witco Corp.; Elf Atochem N. Am.; Fluka; H a m Durham; Sigma-AldrichFine Chem.1010AP+-0l o L C6H18A103 Ethanol, aluminum salt. Aluminium triethanolate; Aluminum ethoxide; Aluminum ethylate; Aluminum triethoxide; EINECS 209-105-8; Ethanol, aluminum salt; Ethyl alcohol, aluminum salt; HSDB 5430; Triethoxyaluminum.105Gp,F AIF3 Aluminum trifluoride. Aluminium fluoride; Aluminium fluorure; Aluminum fluoride (AIF3); Aluminum trifluorie; CCRlS 2282 EINECS 232-052-1; Fluorid hlinity; HSDB 600. Used mixed with aluminum oxide and silica for use as an electrolyte in reduction of alumina to aluminum metal; as flux in remelting and refining of aluminum and its alloys; opacifier aid in production of ceramic enamels, glass, and glazes. Crystals; sublimes 1272O; soluble in H20 (0.559 91100 ml). Alcan Chem.H-0o --338 F IAluminum n-decoxide26303-54-8Aluminum fluoride7784-18-1~ 1 ~ '0106C30H66A103 Aluminium tri(decano1ate). Aluminium tri(decano1ate); Aluminum n-decoxide; I-Decanol, aluminum salt; Decyl alcohol, aluminum salt; EINECS 247-598-1.Aluminum n-hexacosoxide67905-28-6H?/C26H53102Aluminum n-docosoxideH67905-30-0C26H53 O/C22H45C78Hi59Al03 1-Hexacosanol, aluminum salt. Aluminium trihexacosanolate; Aluminum n-hexacosoxide; EINECS 267-647-0; 1-Hexacosanol, aluminum salt.107C66H138A103 1-Docosanol, aluminum salt. Aluminium tridocosanolate; Aluminum n-docosoxide; 1-Docosanol, aluminum salt; EINECS 267-6491,103Aluminum hexadecan-lolate19141-82-3H0 -Aluminum n-eicosoxide H67905-31-1?NC20H41C48HiozA103 1-Hexadecanol, aluminum salt. Aluminium hexadecan-1-olate; Aluminum hexadecan-l-olate; Aluminum n-hexadecoxide; EINECS 242-836-0; I-Hexadecanol, aluminum salt.C20H41C60H126A103 1-Eicosanol, aluminum salt. Aluminium tri(icosano1ate); Aluminum n-eicosoxide; 1-Eicosanol, aluminum salt; EINECS 267-6507.104108Aluminum ethoxide555-75-9337Aluminum n-hexoxide23275-26-5H21H 40. cps 325. Astringent and antihyperphosphatemic.Used in commercial antiperspirants and deodorants giving increased wetness protection, especially for Aerosols; in water purification; treatment of sewage and plant effluent. A raw material for personal care products. Glassy solid; soluble in Hz0 (< 55% wlw). Cafomance Lfd.; Giulini; Reheis; Rita.-0-o'" '",413'-0-C18H39A103 1-Hexanol, aluminum salt. Aluminium tri(hexano1ate); Aluminum n-hexoxide; EINECS 245-5462; 1-Hexanol,aluminum salt; Hexyl alcohol, aluminum salt.109555-31-7346HAluminum hydroxide21645-51-2342GH3AI03 Aluminum oxide trihydrate. A 3011; AC 450; AC 714KC; AE 107; AF 260; AKP-DA; Alcoa 331; Alcoa 710; Alcoa A 325; Alcoa AS 301; Alcoa C 30BF; Alcoa C 31; Alcoa C 33; Alcoa C 330; Alcoa C 331; Alcoa C 333; Alcoa C 385; Alcoa H 65; Alhydrogel; Alolt 8; Alolt 80; Alolt 90; Alternagel; ALternaGEL; Alu-Cap; Alugel; Alugelibye; Alumigel; Alumina trihydrate; Aluminic acid (HAI03); Aluminium hydroxide; Aluminum hydroxide; Aluminum hydroxide (AI(OH)3); Aluminum hydroxide, dried; Aluminum hydroxide gel; Aluminum oxide trihydrate; Aluminum trihydroxide; Aluminum(lll) hydroxide; Alusal; Amberol ST 140F; Amorphous alumina; Amphogel; Amphojel; Antipollon HT; Apyral; Apyral 120; Apyral 120VAW; Apyral 2; Apyral 4; Apyral 8; Apyral 15; Apyral 24; Apyral 25; Apyral 40; Apyral 60; Apyral 90; Apyral B; Arthritis Pain Formula Maximum Strength; Ascriptin; BACO AF 260; Boehmite: British aluminum AF 260; C 31; C-31-F; C-31-F; C 31C; C 31F; C 31F; C 33; C 4D; C.I. 77002; Calcitrel; Calmogastrin; Camalox; CI 77002; Di-Gel Liquid; Dialume; DRG0172; EINECS 244-492-7; F-1000 Dried Gel; F-10001; F-20001 Dried Gel; F-21001 Dried Gel; F-22001 Dried Gel; Gelusil; GHA 331; GHA 332; GHA 431; H 46; Higilite; Higilite H 31s; Higilite H 32; Higilite H 42; HSDB 575; Hychol 705: Hydrafil; Hydral 705; Hydral 710; Hydrated alumina; Hydrated aluminum oxide; Kudrox; Liquigel; Maalox; Maalox HRF; Maalox Plus; Martinal; Martinal A Martinal AIS; Martinai F-A; Mixture Name; Mylanta; P 30BF; PGA; Reheis F 1000; Simeco Suspension; Tricreamalate; Trihydrated alumina; Trihydroxyaluminum; Trisogel; Wingel. Used in dyes, paints and in textile finishing. As a compressed gel or a powder, IS used medicinally as an antacid with good resuspending properties. White refractory powder; insoluble in Hz0. Alcan Chem.; Alma lnd. Chem.; Afomergic Chemefals; BA Chem. Lfd.; Nyco Minerals; Reheis; Rhdne-foulenc; Seimi Chem.; Visfa; Whittaker Clark & Daniels.110Aluminum isopropoxide111CgHz4A103 lsopropanol aluminum salt. A13-14396: Aliso; Aluminium isopropoxide; Aluminium triisopropanolate; Aluminum isoprop-anolate; EINECS 209-090-8; HSDB 5429; lsopropanol aluminum salt; lsopropyl alcohol, aluminum salt; NSC 7604; 2-Propanol, aluminum salt; Triisopropoxy-aluminum; Triisopropyl-oxyaluminum; Trisjisoprop-oxy)aluminum. Used for cosmetics, pharmaceuticals. Solid; mp = 128-133"; bp5.2 425-130'; d = 1,0350; decomposed by Hz0; soluble in organic solvents; LDSO (ratorl) = 11.3glkg.112343GAIN309.9HzO Nitric acid aluminum salt nonahydrate. Aluminum nitrate nonahydrate; Aluminum trinitrate nonahydrate; Aluminum(lll) nitrate, nonahydrate (1:3:9); Nitric acid, aluminum salt, nonahydrate. Occurs mainly as the nonahydrate. Mordant for textiles, leather tanning, manufacture of incandescent filaments, catalyst in petroleum refining, nucleonics, anticorrosion agent, antiperspirant. Crystals; mp = 73O: dec 135'; very soluble in Hz0, less soluble in organic solvents; LDSO(rat orl) = 4.28 glkg. M lnd. Inc.; Hoechst Celanese; Sherman Chem. Co.; Sigma-Aldrich Fine Chem.; Spectrum Chem. Manufacturing.Aluminum hydroxychloride1327-41-9Aluminum nitrate7784-27-2DGAIzH505CI.2HzO Basic aluminum chloride. ACH 325; ACH 331; ACH 7-321; Aloxicoll; Aluminol ACH; Aluminum chlorhydrate; Aluminum chlorhydroxide; Aluminum chloride, basic; Aluminum chloride hydroxide oxide, basic; Aluminum chloride hydroxide; Aluminum chloride oxide; Aluminum chlorohydrate anhydrous; Aluminum chlorohydrol; Aluminum hydroxide chloride; Aluminum hydroxychloride; Aluminum oxychloride; Aluminum sesquichlorohydrate; Aquarhone 18; Astringen; Astringen 10; Banoltan White; Basic aluminum chloride; Basic aluminum chloride, hydrate; Berukotan AC-P; Cartafix LA;Cawood 5025; Chlorhydrol; Chlorhydrol Micro-Dry SUF; Chlorhydrol Micro-Dry; E 200; E 200 (coagulant); EINECS 215-477-2; Hessidrex WT; HPB 5025; Hydral; Hydrofugal; Kempac 10; Kempac 20; Kemwater PAX 14; Locron; Locron P; Locron S; Nalco 8676; OCAL; Oulupac 180; PAC; PAC (salt); PAC 250A; PAC 250AD, PACK 300M; Paho 2s; PALC; Reach@ 101; Reach1 201; Reach@ 501; Ritachlor 50%; Wickenol113Aluminum nitride24304-00-5352GAlfN AIN Aluminum nitride. Aluminum nitride; EINECS 246-140-8. Used as a semiconductor in electronics, nitriding of steel; steel manufacture. Crystals; mp 2150-2200; hardness 9 to 10 on Moh's scale. Afomergic Chemefals; Carbrundum Cop; Mandoval Ltd.; Sigma-Aldrich Fine Chem.114Aluminum n-octacosoxide67905-27-522H 41. Phosphaljel; Phosphalugel; Phosphoric acid, aluminum salt (1:l); Sterretite. Acidic solution. Refractory bonding agent, metal processing. Used as cement admixture with calcium sulfate and sodium silicate; as a flux for cermaics; dental cements and for special glasses. Used as an antacid. White solid; mp > 1460"; d23 = 2.56; insoluble in Hz0, AcOH. slighly soluble in concentrated HCI, HN03. Albfighf & Wilson Americas Iflc.; Rasa; Rh6ne-PouIenc; Superfos BiosectorA6.o, C28H57 IC28H5701AI,O I C28H57C84HmA103 1-Octacosanol, aluminum salt. Aluminium tri(octacosano1ate); Aluminum n-octacosoxide; EINECS 267-646-5; 1-0ctacosano1, aluminum salt.118Aluminum potassium sulfate10043-67-1359DGAluminum n-octadecoxide1153985-81-7?-HsC%Hi iiAI03 Aluminium octadecan-l-oate. Aluminium octadecan-1-olate; Aluminum n-octadecoxide; EINECS 223-629-4; I-Octadecanol, aluminium salt; 1-Octadecanol, aluminum salt.0 AIKOBSZ Potassium aluminum sulfate. Alaun; Alum; Alum, N.F.; Alum potassium; Alum, potassium; Alum, potassium anhydrous; Aluminium potassium bis(su1phate); Aluminum potassium alum; Aluminum potassium disulfate; Aluminum potassium sulfate (AIK(S04)2); Aluminum potassium sulfate (KAI(so4)2); Aluminum potassium sulfate, alum; Aluminum potassium sulfate, anhydrous; Burnt alum; Burnt potassium alum; CCRIS 6842: Dialuminum dipotassium sulfate; EINECS 233-141-3; Exsiccated alum; HSDB 2685; Potash alum; Potassium alum; Potassium aluminum alum; Potassium aluminum sulfate; Potassium aluminum sulfate (1:1:2); Sulfuric acid, aluminum potassium salt (2:l:l); Tai-Ace K 150; Tai-Ace K 20. Anhydrous or dodecahydrate. Used as an astringent, as a cement hardener, in paper, matches, paints, tanning agents, waterproofing agents and purification of water. Soluble in Hz0 (5 gIl00 ml at 200, 100 g/100 ml at IOO"), insoluble in EtOH; [dodecahydrate]: mp = 92.Y; d = 1.725; soluble in H20 (13.9 gll00 ml at 20, 330 g/lOO ml at 1000, insoluble in organic solvents.Aluminum oleate116688-37-9353K 'GAluminum rosinate119H61789-65-9Rosin acids, aluminum salts. Aluminum resinate; Aluminum rosinate; EINECS 263-075-0; Resin acids and rosin acids, aluminum salts; Rosin acids, aluminum salts; UN2715.C54H99A106 Aluminum g-octadecenoate, (Z)-. A13-19803; Aluminium ttioleate; Aluminum oleate; Aluminum trioleate; EINECS 21 1-702-3; HSDB 573 9-0ctadecenoic acid, (Z)-, aluminum salt (31); 9-Octadecenoic acid (Z)-, aluminum salt; Oleic acid, aluminum salt: Olminat. Olminate is a trade name for a wmmercial aluminum oleate; contains 1.5% aluminum. Used as lacquer for metals. Insoluble in H20, soluble in organic solvents11712141-467357361GA1205Si Aluminum oxide silicate. Aciculite; Aluminum oxide silicate (AQO(Si04)); Aluminum silicate, natural; Aluminum silicate, synthetic; EINECS 235-253-8; Kaopolitf6 1152; KaopoliteQ)AB; Kaoplite@ SF; Kaylene; Kaylene-ol; Tisyn@. A gentle abrasive that speeds cleaning; antiblocking agent for plastic film. Confers mild polishing properties for auto polishes, plastics. Used as a reinforcement for plastic systems, coating, caulks, sealants, and mastics. Kaopolite.Aluminum phosphate7784-30-7Aluminum silicate1207I0A104P Aluminum orthophosphate. Aluminium orthophosphate, natural; Aluminium-phosphat; Aluminophosphoric acid; Aluminum acid phosphate; Aluminum monophosphate; Aluminum phosphate; Aluminum phosphate (1:l); Aluphos; Angelite; Coeruleoactite; EINECS 232-056-9; Evansite; FFB 32; Lucinite; Metavariscite; Monoaluminurn phosphate;121Aluminum sodium sulfate10102-71-323362DG 42. (cancelled). Solid; mp = 770'; d = 1.61; soluble in H20 (100 gll00 ml), insoluble in EtOH; LD50 (mus orl) = 6207 mglkg. AIcan Chern.; Am. Cyanamid; Asada Chern. hd. Ltd.; Ashland; 8A Chem. Lfd.; thy/ Corp.; General Chern; Herbert; Rasa; Rhbne-Poulenc; SigrnaAldrich Fine Chern.0Io=s-0II 0Na'0-A13'Io=s-0-124I 1I C24H49 xo,125Aluminum n-tetradecoxideo/c14H29 IC14H29C4zHgoA103 1-Tetradecanol, aluminum salt. Aluminum n-tetradecoxide; EINECS 267-651-2; 1-Tetradecanol, aluminum salt; Tetradecanolate aluminium.0126C36H71A105 Aluminum hydroxide distearate. Aluminum distearate; Aluminum hydroxide distearate; Aluminum, hydroxybis(octadecanoato-0); Aluminum, hydroxybis(stearato)-; Aluminum hydroxydistearate; EINECS 206-101-8; HSDB 5487; Hydroxyaluminum distearate; NSC 522176; Special M. Process aid, lubricant for PVC, polyolefins, PS, ABS. Syn Prods.123H67905-32-2C17H35K0 0?C72Hi47A103 1-Tetracosanol, aluminum salt. Aluminium tetracosanolate; Aluminum n-tetracosoride; EINECS 267-648-6; 1-Tetracosanol, aluminum salt.GHKAl C24H49Aluminum stearate300-92-5C17H35H O/C24H49AINa08S2 Sodium aluminum sulfate. Aluminum sodium sulfate; Aluminum sodium sulfate, NaAI(S04)z; Aluminum sodium sulfate (AINa(S04)z); EINECS 233-277-3; HSDB 571; Kasal; Soda alum; Sodium alum; Sodium aluminum sulfate; Sodium aluminum sulfate (NaAI(S04)z); Sulfuric acid, aluminum sodium salt (2:1:1], Sodium alum [as dodecahydrate]; Soda alum [as dodecahydrate]. Food additive for baking, cereals, dairy and cheese. Used in textiles as a mordant and for waterproofing, dry colors, ceramics, tanning, paper size precipitant, sugar refining, water purification. An astringent. [dodecahydrate]: mp E 60'; d = 1.61; soluble in Hz0 (100 gll00 ml), insoluble in EtOH. Rhbne-Poulenc Food Ingredients.122Aluminum n-tetracosoxide67905-29-70Aluminum tri(octano1ate)14624-13-6HAluminum sulfate10043-01-3365DGPCz4H5iA103 1-Octanol, aluminum salt. Aluminium tri(octano1ate); Aluminum n-octoxide; EINECS 238-6661; 1-Octanol, aluminum salt; Octyl alcohol, aluminum salt.127Aluminum tridodecanolate14624-15-8 AIzOizS3 Aluminum(lll) sulfate. Alum; Aluminium sulfate; Aluminium sulphate; Aluminum alum; Aluminum sesquisulfate; Aluminum sulfate; Aluminum sulfate (AIz(S04)3); Aluminum sulfate anhydrous; Aluminum sulphate; Aluminum trisulfate; Aluminum(lll) sulfate; Cake alum; Caswell No. 031A; Dialuminum sulfate; Dialuminum sulphate; Dialuminum trisulfate; EINECS 233-1350; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 013906; Filter Alum; Hi Soft C 2; HSDB 5067; Nalco 7530; NSC 54563; Papermaker's Alum; Pearl Alum; Pickle Alum; Sulfatodialuminum disulfate (A172(S04)3); Sulfuric acid, aluminum salt 0 2 ) ; Sulfuric acid, aluminum(3+) salt 13:2); Tai-Ace S 150; TaiAce's i00. Used in pulp and papeimills,'waier purification plants, leather, textile, gypsum treatment, in fire retardants; deodorizer, decoiorizer, food additive. Used in packing and preserving and to color hydrangeas, also to lower phosphate levels in water Antiseptic Registered by EPA as an antimicrobial and herbicideH-0--0-AI~+-0-C36H75A103 I-Dodecanol, aluminum salt. Aluminum n-dodecoxide; Aluminium tridodecanolate; I-Dodecanol, aluminum salt; Dodecyl alcohol, aluminum salt; EINECS 238-667-7.,28Aluminum trisodium hexafluoride 13775-53-6 AIF6Na324G 43. Aluminate(3-), hexafluoro-, trisodium, (OC-6-11)-. Aluminate(3-), hexafluoro-, trisodium; Aluminum sodium fluoride (Na3AIF6); Aluminum sodium hexafluoride (AINa3F6); EINECS 237410-6; Sodium aluminum hexatluoride; Sodium fluoroaluminate (Na3AIF6); Sodium fluoroaluminate(3-); Sodium hexafluoroaluminate; Synkrolith; Synthetic Cryolite; Trisodium aluminum hexafluoride; Trisodium hexafluoroaluminate. Filler for synthetic resin-bonded grinding wheels and brake linings. Metallgesellschaft GmbH.129Syngenfa Crop Protection.131394GVAluminum tristearate637-12-7363C17H35C17H35C17H35A, 8 0 8,.GH C15H16N60 3,J-(Carbonyldiimino)bisbenzenecarboximidamide. Amicarbalida; Amicarbalide; Amicarbalidum; 1,3-Bis(3amidinopheny1)urea; 3,J-Diamidinocarbanilide; EINECS 222-402-7; 3,3'-Ureylendibenzamidin. Babesiacide (treatment for piroplasmosis) in cattle. Diampron, the isethionate of amicarbalide, is an antiprotozoanfor veterinary use.AP+132391400G0 , HO>0CIOH9N06SZ 7-Amino-1,3-naphthalenedisulfonic acid. 4-1 4-00-02811 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); 2-Amino-6,8disulfonaphthalene; 2-Aminonaphthalene-6,8-disulfonic acid; 7Amino-l,3-naphthalenedisulfonic acid; 7-Aminonaphthalene-1,3disulphonic acid; A13-28530; Amido-G-acid; Amino-G-Acid; BRN 2669649; EINECS 201-689-2; 1.3-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 7amino-; P-Naphthylamine-6,&disulfonic acid; 2-NaphthyIamine-6,B disulfonic acid; NSC 4013. Used as an intermediate in manufacture of chemicals, particularly dyestuffs. mp = 274'; soluble in Hz0 (92 gil), EtOH, less soluble in non-polar organic solvents. Zen Brasal Pvi. Ltd.Ametlyn834-12-8Amido-G acid86-657C54H105A106 Aluminurn n-octadecanoate, A13-01515; Alugel 34TN; Aluminium stearate; Aluminum octadecanoate; Aluminum(lll) stearate; Aluminum tristearate; Aluminium tristearate, pure; EINECS 21 1-279-5; HSDB 5733; Metasap XX; Monoaluminum stearate; Novogelm ST;Octadecanoic acid, aluminum salt; Rofob 3; SA 1500; Stearic acid, aluminum salt; Synpro@ 404; Tribasic aluminum stearate. Solid; mp = 118"; d = 1.01; insoluble in H20, soluble in EtOH, petroleum ether; LD50 (rat oil) >5 glkg. Elf Afccbem N. Am.; FendGranf; Magnesia GmbH; Norac; Rh8ne-Pouienc; Syn Prods.; WitcdHumko.130Amicarbalide3459-96-9GPS '133Amilperoxy pivalate29240-17-3G0 CgHi7N5S N-Ethyl-N-isopropyl-6-methylYnio-I,3,5-triazine-2,4-di-amine. BOW; A 1093; A13-60365; Amephyt; Ametrex; Ametrine; Ametryn; Ametryne; BRN 0613099; Caswell No. 431; Cemerin; Crisatrine; Doruplant; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 080801. Selective systemic herbicide used for control of most annual grasses and broad-leavedweeds in pineapples, sugar cane, bananas; citrus fruit, maize, cassava: coffee tea, cocoa; oil palmsand on non-crop land. An unrestricted, general use pesticide. Registered by EPA as a herbicide. Colorless crystals; mp = 86-88'; d20 = 1.19; soluble in Hz0 (0.0185 gil00 mi), more soluble in CHzCIz (60 giIO0 ml), Me2CO (50 gil00 ml), MeOH (45 giIO0 ml), C7Ha (40 gil00 ml), C6H14 (1.4gllOO ml); LD5o (rat orl) = 1110 mgikg, (mus orl) = 965 mgikg, (rbt der) > 8160 mgikg, (rat der) > 3100 mglkg; LCso (bobwhite quail 8 day dietary) = 30000 mgikg diet, (mallard duck 8 day dietary) = 23000 rngikg diet, (rainbow trout 96 hr.) = 8.8 mgil, (bluegill sunfish 96 hr.) = 4.1 mgll, (goldfish 96 hr.) = 14.1 mgll; low toxicity to bees. Agan Chemical Manufacturers; Micro-Flo Co. LLC;C10H2003 t-Amy1 peroxypivalate. tert-Amy1 peroxypivalate; Aztec@ t-Amy1 peroxypivalate-75 OMS: EINECS 249-530-6 Esperox@ 551M; Lupersol 554-M50, 554-M75; tert-Pentyl peroxypivalate; Propaneperoxoicacid, 2,2-dimethyl-, 1,ldimethylpropyl ester; Trigonox@ 125-C75, Initiator used in polymerization of monomers; initiator for bulk, solution, and suspension polymerization. Catalyst Resources lnc.; Elf Afochem N . Am.134Amines, tris(hydrogenated tallow alkyl)61790-42-9 Tris(hydr0genatedtallow alky1)amines.25H 44. Amines, tns(hydr0genated tallow alkyl); EINECS 263-1356?HAminitrazole135140-40-9409DGC7H7NOz 3-Aminobenzoic acid. 4-14-00-01092 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); A13-04707; 3Aminobenzoic acid; m-Aminobenzoic acid; Aniline-3-carboxylic acid; Benzoic acid, 3-amino-; Benzoic acid, m-amino-: BRN 0471603; 3Carboxyaniline; m-Carboxyaniline; EINECS 202-7244; MABA; NSC 15012. Used in chemical synthesis and manufacturing. Crystals; mp = 173'; dZ5 = 1.151; hm = 219, 317 nm (E = 25800, 1930, MeOH); slightly soluble in H20 (0.59 gll00 mi), EtOH, CHCI,; soluble in EtzO, TFA, very soluble in MezCO, MeOH; LD5o (mus orl) = 6300 mglkg. Lancaster Synthesis Co.; Penta Mfg.CsHsN303S N-(5-Nitro-2-thiazolyl)acelamide. 4-27-00-04676 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); 2-Acetamido-5nitrothiazole; 4-27-00-04676 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); 5Nitro-2-acetilaminoti~olo; 5-Nitro-2-acetamidothiazole; Acetarnide, N-(5-nitro-2-lhiazolyl)-; Acetyl enheptin; Acinitrazol; Acinitrazole; Ametoterina; Aminitrazol; Aminitrozol; Aminitrozole; Aminitrozolum; Amminitrozol: ERN 0167361; CL 5,279; CL 5279; Cyzine premix: EINECS 205-414-7; Enheptin A; Gynofon; Lavoflagin; Nitasol; Nitazol; Nitazole; Nithiamide; N-(5-Nitro-2-thiazolyl)acet-amide;NSC 31539; Pleocide; RP 8243; Thiazole, 2-acetamido-5-nitro-; Torion; Trichlorad; Trichloral: Trichocid; Trichoman; Trichorad; Trichoral; Tricogen; Tricolaval; Tricoral: Tricosil; Tricosteril; Trikolaval; Tritheon. Antiprotozoal (Trichomonas) and an antihistomonad used with turkeys. Crystals; mp = 264.5'; k m = 236, 340 nm (MeOH); soluble in aqueous alkaline media. Am. Cyanamid.1361393-Aminobenzotrifluoride H98-16-8qCF33'-Amino-p-acetanisidide H6375-47-9C7H6F3N Benzenamine, 3-(trifluoromethyl)-. 4-12-00-01843 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); m-Abtf A13-07422; l-Arnino-3-(trifluoromethyl)benzene; 3-Aminobenzotrifluoride; Benzenamine, 3-(trifluoromethyl)-; BRN 0387672; CCRlS 2812; EINECS 202-643-4; HSDB 4249; NSC 4540; Toluene, 3-aminoa,a,a-trifluoro-; m-Toluidine, a,a,a-trifluoro-; a,a,a-Trifluoro-mtoluidine; 3-(Trifluoromethyl)benzenamine;3-Trifluoromethyl-aniline; UN2948; USAF MA-4. Liquid; mp = 5.5"; bp = 187', bpi0 = 74-75'; d12 1.3047; hm 238, 295 nm (cyclohexane); slightly soluble in Hz0, soluble in EtOH, Et20.UCgHizNz02 3-Amino-4-methoxyacetanilide. Acetamide, N-(3-amino-4-methoxyphenyl)-; p-Acet-anisidide. 3'amino-; 3-Amino-4-methoxyacetanilide; 3'-Amino-p-acetanisidide; EINECS 228-938-8.1402-Aminobutane13952-84-61371543Po-Aminoaniline95-54-57368TGHN H2C4HiiN 2-Butanamine. 2-AB: A13-35093; 2-Aminobutane; Butafume; 2-Butanamine; Butylamine; (RS)-sec-Butylamine; 2-Butylamine; Caswell No. 125; CCRlS 4757; Deccotane; EINECS 237-732-7; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 004214; Frucote; HSDB 6312; NSC 8030; Propylamine, I-methyl; Tutane. Used agriculturally as a fungistat. Liquid; mp = -104'; bp = 63O; dZo = 0.724; soluble in Hz0, EtOH, LDso (rat orl) = 380 mglkg. DowElanco Ltd.; Pennwalt Corp.CGH8NZ 1,2-Benzenediamine. 4-13-00-00038 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); A13-24343; oBenzenediamine: BRN 0606074; CCRlS 508: CI 76010; CI Oxidation Base 16; o-Diaminobenzene; EINECS 202-430-6; EK 1700; o-Fenylendiamin; HSDB 2893; IK 3; NSC 5354 oPhenylenediamine; OPDA; Orthamine; Phenylenediamine, ortho-; PODA; SQ 15500; UN1673. Used in dyestuffs manufacture. mp = 102.5'; bp = 257"; h m = 237, 293 nm (E = 7943, 3981, MeOH); soluble in Hz0 (1 gll00 ml), more soluble in EIOH, Etz0, C6H6: LD50 (rat orl) = 1070 mglkg.138 99-05-8141 96-20-82-Aminobutanol 426Gm-Aminobenzoicacid 420GC4HiiNO 2-Amino-I -butanol. 4-04-00-01705 (Beilstein Handbook Reference): AB; A13-03357; 22-Amino-I-hydroxybutane; Amino-I-butanol; 2-Amino-n-butyl26 45. alcohol; 2-Aminobutan-1-01; 2-Aminobutyl alcohol; BRN 1098274; Butanol-2-amine; I-Butanol, 2-amino-; EINECS 202-488-2; EINECS 235-940-2; I-(Hydroxymethy1)propylamine; I-Hydroxy-2-butylamine; NSC 1068. Pigment dispersant, neut-ralizingiemulsifying amine; corrosion inhibitor; acid salt catalyst; pH buffer; chemical, pharmaceutical intermediate, solubilizer Liquid; mp = 2"; bp = 176178"; d = 0.944. Whittaker Clark & Daniels.CCRlS 2283; EINECS 201-839-7; HSDB 5259; Lake Red C Amine; Red Lake C amine; p-Toluenesulfonicacid, 2-amino-5-chloro-145Arninodirnethylacetonitrile19355-69-2HH,$ Z, N142 4-Arnino-6-tert-butyl-3-rnercapto-l,2,4-triazin5(4H)-one 33509-43-2HNYC~HSNZ 2-Amino-2-methylpropiononitrile. Aminodimethylacetonitrile; a-Aminoisobutyronitrile; 2-Amino-2methylpropanenitrile; 2-Amino-2-methyl-propiononitrile; 2Aminoisobutyronitrile; 2-Cyano-isopropylamine; EINECS 242-989-3; Propanenitrile, 2-amino-2-methyl-; Propionitrile, 2-amino-2-methyl-; Vazo 64AN.N NH213893-53-3C7HizN40S as-Triazin-5(4H)-one, Camino-6-tert-butyl-3-mercapto-. 4-Amino-6-tert-butyl-3-mercapto-l,2,4-triazine-5(4H)-one;CAmino6-tert-butyl-3-mercapto-l,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one; 1,2,4-Triah-5(2H)one, 4-amin0-6-(1,l-dimethylethyl)-3,4-dihydro-3-thioxo-; as-Triazin5(4H)-one, 4-amino-6-tert-butyl-3-mercapto-;EINECS 251-548-4.143HC6Hi2N2 Butanenitrile, 2-amino-2,3-dimethyl-. 2-Amino-2,3-dimethylbutanenitrile; Butanenitrile, dimethyl-.acid 2-Arnino4-chloro.5-methyl-benzenesulfonic88-51-72-Arnino-2,3-dimethylbutanenitille146SHH1474-Arninodiphenylamine GH101-54-2C7HeCIN03S Benzenesulfonic acid, 2-amino-4-chloro-5-methyl-. 28 acid; 3-14-00-02216 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); 4Amino2-chlorotoluene-5-sulfonic acid: 4-Amino-6-chlorotoluene-3sulphonic acid; 2-Amino-4-chloro-5-methylbenzenesulfonicacid; 6Amino-4-chloro-m-toluenesulfonic acid; Benzenesulfonic acid, 2amino-4-chloro-5-methyl-; Brilliant Toning Red Amine; BRN 2727161; CCRIS 3406; 2-Chloro-4-aminotoluene-5-sulfonicacid; 4Chloro-6-amino-m-toluenesulfonic acid; 3-Chloro-4-methylaniline-6sulfonic acid; 2-Chloro-4-toluidine-5-sulfonic acid; EINECS 201-8376; HSDB 5258; Kyselina 2-chlor-4-toluidin-5-sulfonova; Permanent Red 28 Amine; Red 2B acid; mdoluenesulfonic acid, 6-amino-4chloro-.144 acidCizHizNz 1,bBenzenediamine, N-phenyl-. Acna Black DF Base; A13-15983; N-(4-Aminophenyl)aniline;Azosalt R; N, 4-Bianiline; Black Base P; CCRlS 513; CI 37240; CI 76085; CI Azoic Diazo Component 22; Cl Developer 15; CI Oxidation Base 2; Diphenyl Black: Diphenylamine, &amino-; Diphenylamine, p-amino-; EINECS 202-951-9; Fast Blue R Salt; HSDB 2178; Luxan Black R; N-4-Bianiline; Naphthoelan Navy Blue; NCK02233; NSC 3401; Oxy Acid Black Base; Peltol BR; Peltol BR /I; p-Phenylenediamine, N-phenyl-: Rodol Gray B base; Semidin: Semidine; p-Semidine; UBOB@; Variamine Blue RT; Variamine Blue Salt RT. Used in chemical manufacturing. Needles; mp = 66O; bp = 354"; hm = 286 nm (MeOH); slightly soluble in Hz0, CHC13, soluble in Etz0, ligroin, very soluble in EtOH. Uniroyal.2-Amino-5-chloro4-rnethyl-benzenesulf-onic88-53-92-amino-2,3-H148Arninoethyl ethanolarnine111-41-1CIGH .--/H ,N 2 .N//OH HC4HizNz0 2-((2-Aminoethyl)amino)ethanol. 4-04-00-01558 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); Al3-15368; Aminoethyl ethanolamine; N-Aminoethyl-ethanolamine; 2-((2Aminoethy1)amino)ethanol; BRN 0506012; CCRIS 4825; EINECS 203-867-5; Ethanol, 2-((2-aminoethyl)amino)-; Ethanolethylene diamine; HSDB 2067: Hydroxyethyl ethylenediamine; NHydroxyethyl-l,2-ethanediamine: Monoethanolethylenediamine;C7H8CIN03S Benzenesulfonic acid, 2-amino-5-chloro4-methyl-. A13-28529; 2-Amino-5-chloro-4-methylbenzenesulfonic acid; 3Amino-6-chlorotoluene-4-sulfonic acid; 5-Amino-2-chlorotoluene-4sulphonic acid; Benzene-sulfonic acid, 2-amino-5-chloro-4-methyl-;27 46. NSC 461. Used in textile finishing compounds (antifuming agents, dyestuffs, cationic surfactants), resins, rubber, insecticides, medicinals. Liquid; bp = 2390 bplo = 105"; dZo = 1.0286; slightly soluble in C6H6, ligroin, soluble in MezCO, freely soluble in EtOH, Hz0; LDso (rat oil) = 3 gmlkg. BASF Corp.; Dow Chem. U.S.A.: lancaster Synthesis Co.; Nippon Nyukazai; Union Carbide Corp.1490OH1-(2-Aminoethyl)imidazolidin-2-one6282-42-1CioH9N04S 2-Naphthalenesulfonicacid, 6-amino-4-hydroxy-. 4-1400-02823 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); A13-19502; Aminonaphthol sulfonic acid y; BRN 1821283; C.I. Developer 3; EINECS 202-000-8;y Acid; NSC 31508; Y acid.G153Aminomercury chloride10124-48-8 C5HiiN30 1-(2-Aminoethyl)-2-imidazole. A13-24564; l-(p-Aminoethyl)-2-imidazolidone; 1-(2-Aminoethyl)-2l-(2-Aminoethyl)-imidazolidinone; 1-(2imidazolidinone; Aminoethyl)imidazolidin-2-one; DV-2301; EINECS 228-491-9; 2Imidazolidinone,1-(2-aminoethyl)-;NSC 5776. Used as a surfactant. Rhbne Poulenc Surfactants.150GHHNdC6H15N3 N-(2-Aminoethy1)piperazine. 5-23-01-00257 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); A13-52274; N-(PN-Aminoethylpiper-azine; Aminoethylpiperazine; Aminoethy1)piperazine; N-(2-Aminoethy1)-piperazine;BRN 0104363; CCRIS 6678: EINECS 205-411-0; HSDB 5630; NSC 38968; Piperazine, l-(2-aminoethyl)-; I-Piperazineethanamine; UN2815; USAF DO-46. Epoxy curing agent, intermediatefor pharmaceuticals, anthelmintics, surface-active agents, synthetic fibers. Solid; mp = 19"; bp = 220"; dZ5 = 0.985; soluble in H20; LD50 (rat orl) = 2140 mg/kg. Akzo Nobel Chemicals Inc; Dow Chem. U.S.A.; Fabrichem; Jexaco; Tosoh; Union Carbide Corp.151154I+KH NH2 0438GC7HgN03S Benzenesulfonic acid, 2-amino-5-methyl-. 3-14-00-02213 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); A13-52551; Benzenesulfonic acid, 2-amino-5-methyL: BRN 221 1509; CCRlS 2772; EINECS 201-831-3; Kyselina 4-toluidin-3-sulfonova; NSC 7544; m-Toiuenesullonic acid, &amino-; p-Toluidine-m-sulfonic acid; PTMS; PTMSA; Ptmsptmsa: Red 48 acid.C5H13N0z 1.3-Propanedio1, 2-amino-2-ethyl-. A E P W A E P m 85; A13-03358; Aminoethyl propanediol; 2-Amino2-ethylpropanediol; 2-Amino-2-ethyl-l,3-propanediol; EINECS 204101-2; 2-Ethyl-2-amino-propanediol; NSC 8803; 1,3-Propanediol,2amino-2-ethylb; AEPE8-85; AEPW. Pigment dispersant, neutralizing amine, corrosion inhibitor, acid-salt catalyst, pH buffer, chemical and pharmaceutical intermediate and solubilizer. Chemical intermediate, formaldehyde scavenger, acid-salt catalyst for permanent-press resins, corrosion inhibitor. Crystals; mp = 3 7 3 ; bpi0 = 152-153'; dZo = 1.0990; freely soluble in H20; soluble in alcohols; pH 0.1, 1M aqueous solution. Whitfaker Clark & Daniels.1522-Amino-5-methyl-benzenesulfonic acid88-44-82-Amino-2-ethyl-l,3-propanediol115-70-8GClHzHgN Ammoniated mercuric chloride. Aminomercuric chloride; Aminomercury chloride; Ammoniated mercuric chloride; Ammoniated mercury; EINECS 233-3358; HSDB 1175; Hydrargyrum ammoniatum; Hydrargyrum praecipitatum album; Hydrargyrum precipitatum album; Lemery's white precipitate; Mercuric amidochloride; Mercuric ammonium chloride; Mercuric chloride, ammoniated; Mercury amide chloride (Hg(NH2)CI); Mercury amide chloride; Mercury amine chloride; Mercury, ammoniated; Mercury ammonium chloride; Mercury, ammonobasic (HgNHzCI); Mercury(l1) chloride ammonobasic: Quecksilber(l1)-amid-chlorid; UN1630; White mercuric precipitate; White mercury precipitated; White precipitate. Mercury ammonium chloride, used for the preparation of cinnabar and in medicine as a topical anti-infective. Powder; d = 5.38; insoluble in Hz0, EtOH, soluble in mineral acidAminoethylpiperazine140-31-859021552-Amino-2-methyl-lf-propanediol115-69-5447G$H O '"C4HiiNO2 1,l-Di(hydroxymethy1)ethylamine. 4-04-00-01881 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); A13-03949; Aminoglycol; Aminomethyl propanediol; Z-Amin&methyl-l,32-Amino-22-Amino-2-methyl-propanediol; propandiol; methylpropane-l,3-diol; AMPD; BRN 0635708; 1,lDi(hydroxymethy1)ethyl-amine; EINECS 204-100-7; Gentirnon;6-Amino-4-hydroxy-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid90-51-728 47. lsobutandiol-2-amine; NSC 6364; Pentaerythritoldichlorohydrin; 1,3Propanediol, 2-amino-2-methyL. Pigment dispersant, neutralizing amine, corrosion inhibitor, acid-salt catalyst, pH buffer, chemical and pharmaceutical intermediate; solubilizer or emulsifier system component in personal care products. Crystals; mp = l l O o ; bpi0 = 151-152"; soluble in EtGH, very soluble in Hz0, LDSO(rat orl) = 17 gmikg.156159448GHNH7 %OHC4Hi 1NO 2-Methyl-2-aminopropanol. 4-04-00-01740 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); A13-03947; Aminomethyl propanol; Aminomethylprop-anol; AMP; AMP 75; AMP 95; AMP Regular; BRN 0505979; Caswell No. 037; Corrguard 75; EINECS 204-709-8; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 005801; HSDB V 5606; Hydroxy-tert-butylamine; Isobutanol-2-amine; K 5088; NSC 441. Boiler water treatment chemical, corrosion inhibitor, carbon dioxide absorber. Widely used as a buffer and phosphate acceptor in assay of phosphatases. Suitable as buffer for manual and automated determination of alkaline phosphatase using 4nitrophenyl phosphate as substrate. Solid; mp = 25.5"; bp = 165.5"; dZo = 0.934; soluble in CC14, freely soluble in Hz0; LD50 (rat orl) = 2900 mglkg. Lancaster Synthesis Co.; Lancaster Synthesis Ltd.157456GVC3H3N302S 5Nitro-2-thiazol-amine. 4-27-00-04675 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); A13-50030; 2Amino-5-nitrothiazole; Amnizol soluble; BRN 0126797; CCRIS 37; EINECS 204-490-9; Enheptin; Enheptin premix; Enheptin-T; Entramin; HSDB 4022; NCI-C03065; Nitramin DO; 5-Nitro-2aminothiazole; 5-Nitro-2-thiazolamine; 5-Nitro-2-thiazolylamine; 5Nitrothiazol-2-ylamine;NSC 4; 2-Thiazolamine, 5-nitro-; Thiazole, 2amino-5-nitro-; U 7458; USAF EK-6561. Used as an antihistomonad in turkeys, chickens: for trichomonasis in pigeons Orange-yellow m . powder; mp = 202" (dec); 2 = 238, 278 nm (E = 4250, 15100, MeGH), 224, 263, 446 nm (E = 6460, 4800, 16000, MeGH-KOH), 236, 378 nm (E = 4350, 11300, MeOH-HCI); sparingly soluble in HzG; almost insoluble in CHC13; soluble in dilute mineral acids. May & Baker Ltd.Aminomethyl propanol 124-68-52-Amino-5-nitrothiazole121-66-4160odminophenol95-55-6460HaNH2 OHAminonaphthol sulfonic acid J87-02-5GHC6H7NO Phenol, 2-aminoA13-09065; c-Aminophenol; BASF ursol 3GA; Benzofur GG; CCRIS 4144; CI 76520; CI Oxidation Base 17; EINECS 202-431-1: HSDB 4246; o-Hydroxyaniline; oFouramine OP; Hydroxyphenylamine; Nako Yellow 3GA; Nako Yellow ga; NSC 1534; Paradone Olive Green B; Pelagol 3GA; Pelagol Grey GG; Phenol, 2-amino-: Phenol, o-amino-; Puestiomycin B; UN2512; Zoba 3GA. Crystls; mp = 1740 sublimes at 153"; dZ5 = 1.328; hm 233, 285 nm (MeOH); poorly soluble in C6H6, TFA, soluble in Hz0, Etz0, very soluble in EtGH. BASF Corp.OHCioHgN04S acid. 7-Amino-4-hydroxy-2-naphthalenesulfonic 4-14-00-02823 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); 7-Amino-4hydroxy-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid; Amino-naphthol sulfonic acid J; BRN 2217192; EINECS 201-718-9; I acid; lsogamma acid; J acid; Kyselina 2-amino-5-na~ol-7-suIfonova;Kyselina 6-amino-l-naflol-3sulfo-nova; Kyselina I; NSC 31510.161p-Aminophenol123-30-846 1GH7-((2-Amino-l-naphthyl)azo)-3-phenyl-2158 benzopyrone 67906-30-3H C6H7NO 4-Aminophenol. Activol; A13-14872; p-Aminofenol; p-Aminophenol; Aminophenol, p-; Azol; BASF Ursol P Base; Benzofur P; CCRIS 4146; Certinal; Cl 76550; CI Oxidation Base 6; Citol; Durafur Brown RB; EINECS 204616-2; Fouramine P; Fourrine 84; Fourrine P Base; Furro P Base; HSDB 2640; Nako Brown R: NSC 1545; PAP; Paranol; Pelagol Grey P Base; Pelagol P Base; Phenol, Camino-; Phenol, p-amino-; Renal AC; Rodinal; Takatol; Tertral P base; UN2512; Unal; Ursol P; Ursol P base; Zoba Brown P Base. White platelets; mp = 187.5"; bp0.3 = 110"; 2.m = 234, 301 nm (E = 7770, 2290, MeGH); insoluble in C6H6, CHC13, slightly soluble in Hz0, TFA, soluble in alkali, very soluble in EtOH; LDso (rat orl) = 375 mgikg.Cz5Hi7N3Gz 2H-l-Benzopyran-2-one, 7-((2-amino-l-naphthyl)azo)-3-phenyl-. 7-((2-Amino-l-naphthyl)azo)-3-phenyl-2-benzopyrone; 2H-1Benzopyran-2-one, 7-((2-amino-l-naphthyl)azo)-3-phenyl-; 2H-l7-((2-amino-l-naphth-alenyl)azo)-3-phenyl-; Benzopyran-2-one, EINECS 267-699-4.162 2-((p-Aminophenyl)suIphonyl)ethyl sulfate29hydrogen 48. methylphenyl)-N-(((2,4-di-methylphenyl)imino)methyl)-N-methyl-;2Methyl-l,3-di(2,4-xylylimino)-2-azapropane: Z,CXyiidine, N,N(methyliminodimethylidyne)bis-; Mitaban; Mitaban (Veterinary); Mitac; Mitac 20; N-Methyl-bis(2,4-xylyl-iminomethyl)amin;N-MethylN-2,4-xylyl-N-(N,2,4-xylylformimidoyl)formamidine;N-Methyl-bis(2,C xylyl-iminomethy1)amine; N-(2,4-Dimethyl-phenyl)-N-(((2,4dimethylpheny1)imino)methyl)-N-; N,N-Bis(2,4xylyliminomethyl)methylamine; N,N'-((Methyl-imino). dimethylidyne)di-2,4-xylidine; N,N-Di-2,4-xylid-ine; NSC 324552; Ovasyn; R.D. 27419; Taktic; Triatox; Triatrix; Triazid; U-36059; Upjohn U-36059, An acaricide and insecticide. Used to control mites, bugs, insects and larvae in fruit crops. Used primarily with animals as a non-systemic acaricide and insecticide with contact and respiratory action. Thought to interact with octopamine receptors in the nervous system, causing an increase in nervous activity. Used for control at all stages of mites, pear suckers,scale insects, mealy bugs, whitefly, aphids and lepidoptera. Registered by EPA as an insecticide and acaricide. Colorless, monoclinic needles: mp = 86 87"; sgZ5 = 1.128; soluble in Hz0 (0.0001 gl100 ml), more soluble in MezCO, C7H8, xylene (all > 30 gll00 ml) and in other organic solvents; LD50 (rat orl) = 800 mglkg, (mus orl) > 1600 mglkg, (rbt der) > 200 mglkg, (rat der) > 1600 mglkg, (bee orl) 0,012 mglbee, (bee contact) = 3600 mgll; LC5o (rat ihl 6 hr.) = 65 mgll air, (mallard duck 8 day dietary) = 7000 mglkg diet, (Japanese quail 8 day dietary) = 1800 mglkg diet, (bluegill sunfish 96 hr.) = 1.3 mgll, (harlequin fish 96 hr.) = 3.2 - 4.2 mgll, (rainbow trout 96 hr.) = 2.7 4.0 mg/l. AgrEvo; Atabay; Aventis Crop Science; lntervet Inc.; NorAm; Quimica Estrela; Schering AG; Schering Agrcchemicals Ltd.; Virbac AH lnc.H2494-89-5C8H1iN06S2 Ethanol, 2-((4-aminophenyl)sulfonyl)-,hydrogen sulfate (ester) 2-((p-Aminophenyl)sulphonyl)ethyl hydrogensulphate, EINECS 219669-7, Ethanol, 2-((4-aminophenyl)suIf-onyl)-, hydrogen sulfate (ester), Ethanol, 2-sulfanilyl-, hydrogen sulfate (ester). 4-((2Sulfatoethyl)sulfonyI)-aniline163Arninopropyltrimethoxysilane13822-56-5GC6Hi1N03Si 3-Aminopropyltrimethoxysilane. (3-Aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane; 3-Aminopropyltri-methoxysilane; (y-Aminopropy1)trimethoxysilane; CA 0880; Dynasylan@ AMMO; EINECS 237-511-5; KBE 903; NSC 83845; 1-Propanamine, 3(trimethoxysilyl)-; 3-(Trimethoxysilyl)-l-propanamine; N-(Trimethoxysilylpropy1)amine; 3-(Trimethoxysilyl)propylamine; Propylam