How to Create a Playlist for Your Online Video



Learn how to create a playlist for your online video without any coding or web design using the simple drag & drop tools by Vitomy – the lowest priced online video platform for small businesses. Vitomy allows you to build totally custom video player designs to embed on your website, email to friends or customers, and share on social networks. Vitomy makes it easy for you and anyone to get started using video on your website. Most importantly, it’s about conversions! Simply add a “call to action” such as a logo and/or banner ad, insert a URL to a desired webpage so you can capture a lead and get customers. Create your free account at and try the YouTube Only option for only $9.99 per month to build custom YouTube players.

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How to create a playlist for your

online video

In step 3 of “Create a Player”, add videos to your channel player and ‘save this channel as a playlist’

In the player detail view, you can see all of the videos associated with this channel player

In the Playlist Detail, you can add, remove and drag & drop to reorder all videos in your playlist

View all your playlists below when you build a player from a template or design your own

View your sample embedded player

Create your free account or login at
